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Would any of you pay for a Zbrush plugin?

There are alot of great Max/Maya scripts/plugins for purchase out there. I am curious if anyone would buy a good Zbrush plugin and if so, how much would you spend?

I don't really have plans to sell mine or anything... I am just curious if a niche market would develop.


  • ScudzAlmighty
    If that QRemesher plugin ever comes out and is actually good I'd probably pay for that. So... yes?

    It really depends on the quality/value of the plugin though.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Way to vague of a question, if it saved artists an hour or two of work a week, I'm sure people would easily spend upwards of $40, if it was just a small cool script, donation based. There is a lot of artists the use Zbrush, I'm not sure how saturated the plug in market is though, and you'd have to hit the right features.
  • nyx702
    ZacD wrote: »
    Way to vague of a question, if it saved artists an hour or two of work a week, I'm sure people would easily spend upwards of $40, if it was just a small cool script, donation based. There is a lot of artists the use Zbrush, I'm not sure how saturated the plug in market is though, and you'd have to hit the right features.

    Yes it's vague but I don't think there is a way to make it specific because I don't something in mind to sell.

    I sorta feel like... since the community gives 99.9% of the tools/brushes/alphas away for free. Being that 0.01% person that makes something for sale is sorta a dick move? I don't know.
  • ericdigital
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    ericdigital polycounter lvl 13
    well not necessarily. For example there is plenty of free scripts and shaders for maya/max but there is also more complex scripts and plugins that add a ton of value that are not free. Like Zac and Scudz said just asking would you pay for a plugin is pretty vague, it all depends on the value.

    edit: Pixologic has spoiled us with plugins so much I'm having a hard time thinking up something I would really like that I would pay for. I'm sure people have some great ideas.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    You wouldn't really be a dick at all, but you would be a dick if the price for what a plugin does is outrageous.

    For example, if you created a plugin that is an Uber-Autosave kind deal, charging money for it would be really out there.

    A plugin which auto-created organic unwraps? 10-15 bucks would be a good place to aim.

    I'm not sure what kind of plugin one needs to create to warrant the 40$ price tag, but it better be more awesome then Polyboost during the pre-Max-2010 release.

    In the case of ZB, it's a little more complicated since there aren't too many plugins I can think of. Most of them are created by Pixo, others are mostly import based stuff for free, and the ones that cost, are pretty cheap since they're simple stuff like Maya Navigation.
  • nyx702
    edit: Pixologic has spoiled us with plugins so much I'm having a hard time thinking up something I would really like that I would pay for. I'm sure people have some great ideas.

    Sure Sure. This is sorta what I am getting at. There is sorta a precedence with Pixo AND the community giving away their stuff.
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    Nothing "Dick"ish about being payed for your work. I'd keep it low though around $10 or even go donation based.
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