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Character Remake Thread

polycounter lvl 11
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Maio polycounter lvl 11
I dont know what peoples opinions are on going over old ground, but I know i've made things in the past that i often consider remaking.

I recently decided to give one such character a bash, try and remake him with both better technically knowledge but also push the design.

Im going to remake an old Character from way back at uni, i'd like to invite anyone to join me for some remake fun, if not then feel free to give me any feedback.


  • Maio
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    Maio polycounter lvl 11
    Old character (dont giggle at the back)


    early sketches (after some iterations)


    Early Wip


    Appreciate thats a very early wip but i figured if anyone wants to join me ill post the thread nice and early :)

    and ive already got some cracking crit from Del, ta :)
  • parodice29
    Looks a lot better how long ago did you do the first one??

    it has a lot more character

    my only crit would be that he has little distinguishing features how are you going to make him stand out?
  • Maio
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    Maio polycounter lvl 11
    thanks paro

    not sure how ill go about making him stand out more, I think his proportions are pretty wild and hopefully ill finish it with enough polish to make it memorable.

    I guess I could add accessories, hes gonna have a hat if it helps ;)

    haven't had much time for a huge update but I have worked on the proportions following feedback :)

  • Maio
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    Maio polycounter lvl 11
    update before bed, tweaking proportions still, getting hands in roughly, putting in start of clothing. made the face a bit meaner

  • Maio
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    Maio polycounter lvl 11
    made some big proportion changes yesterday

    today after work ive procastinated a little by just colouring him in but hey its fun ;)

    i will tackle getting the arm/wrist and hands right next i think, consider accessories then begin to retop it. right now the arms/hands/body are all separte dynameshes so ill bring it into one mesh.


    any thought? does the face camo/paint make him look less solider more bandit?

    can i add a star or will people think it captain america? :P
  • Impala88
    Hey man, damn this is looking nice :)

    to your questions, i think the face camo looks fine, gives him a sort of vietnam US soldier style.
    The star belt, although my first thoughts were indeed of capt America, i believe no it doesn't really give it that overall vibe. The blue pants and bare chest help to draw that away.

    Are you planning on adding any more accessories to him? As a soldier this stylised character would look good in any form of militar uniform tbh :) rambo, GI, para-trooper, it'll all look epic :) keep it up!
  • Maio
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    Maio polycounter lvl 11
    been thinking about what to do with him today, i had always thought just to arm him to the teeth rambo style (i think ill be keeping him topless)

    however ive been considering making him less typical, maybe make him a cook (spoon where a bayonet should be, and a frying pan where a shovel might hang) or maybe making him part of a marching band

    not too sure yet :)
  • Maio
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    Maio polycounter lvl 11
    updates to face, arms hands (Still not 100% happy) and worked on the boots

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