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Rigging problem Maya 2012

polycounter lvl 6
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specsowl polycounter lvl 6
Ok so I wanted to do a simple rig for a project I'm doing and this is technically the first rig I've ever done. I've bound the skin, painted the weights (each piece is painted solid white to the corresponding joint and the others black). However, whenever I rotate joints I notice that the shrink and deform and even detach from the actual mesh like so:

Please help me to understand what exactly I'm doing wrong or missing.



  • gray
    if your working on non deforming geometry like a robot you can use the rigid bind instead of the smooth bind. you don't have to do weight painting that way and it has a faster computation.

    as for your geometry moving it could be a few things.

    1. if you have your geometry in grouped hierarchy's then there could be double transformation issues.

    2. your points get influence from more then one joint. it can be really trick to prune joint influence down to one joint if you have bound your skin with max influence of 4,5 etc. you can check the influence of your points in the

    window->general editor->component editor, smooth skins tab.
  • specsowl
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    specsowl polycounter lvl 6
    Ok I went to the smooth skins tab but

    1. it doesn't list all of the bones
    2. I can't type anything into the spaces

    Also my meshes aren't grouped in hierarchy. Just the bones.

    With the rigid bind would I have to bind each mesh individually to the corresponding joint or what?
  • gray
    you are working with joints not bones. joint is the correct term to use.

    when you select point on your mesh it lists the joints that have influence on the point.

    you should be able to edit the values of the joints that influence selected points. it is the best way to "see" if there is some stray joint with influence on any given part of you mesh. if you set the value to 0 on a joint the joint is removed from the editor and point.

    the quick way to use rigid bind is to select the joint you want to influence and then shift+select all the parts of your robot you want to move with that joint and bind. you can do that for each joint. you can bind and unbind the pieces and adjust. read the docs for details.

    you have to set bind to selected joints in the rigid bind options.
  • battlecow
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    battlecow polycounter lvl 13
    I would use constraints and set driven keys with proper parenting to rig a robot like that
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