So I'm a long time lurker around these parts and I felt like now would be a good a time as any to start posting things. I've been working on a high poly version of this gun I'd say its about 80% done I did some renders to show off and hopefully get some critiques. Anyways here are the goods your looking for:

The biggest Issue I'm having is that the concept lacks detail on some of the finer bits, leaving me to make things up in those areas. This and not having front and back views has made this a challenge. Also I'm not confident in this guns functionality as far as the trigger slide and lack of a hammer etc, maybe you gun nuts could give me some Ideas on that.
Looks nice though!
@brygelsmack: Yeah I started having lots of questions about the concept as I dug deeper in the modelling, the grip should probably be thinner for sure, but I thought about where the heck does the clip go lol
And a side view for comparision
(not so large of course, but you get the idea..)
Low Poly is sitting at just above 4000 polys right now. Now its on to the part where my skill lack the most normal map baking. If I can pull this off there will definately be more guns in my future though.