Hey guys!
First post here.. I've been a lurker. I've got a hand painted texture assignment from school that I'm trying to finish up this weekend and I wanted to get some opinions. Hand painted textures are not my thing, so any help would be greatly appreciated! Here are the assignment details with a few pics of my progress so far:
...There must be a minimum of 3 of the following surfaces on the prop:
I need to tell a story with this fella as well. I'm thinking an old western barrel. I'm going to put more bullet holes and maybe hang a wanted sign on it, thoughts? The prop was provided for the assignment.
*edit* oops.

If I can get a 100% on this assignment I will pass this class with an A+!
I suppose I should also state that we are only allowed to use brushes and blending modes. No filters and no images. Everything has to be hand painted.
Here is a quick update:
Thanks again!
I will definitely need help with the colors when I get to that point.. hopefully by tomorrow I will be posting pics in color!
Thanks for all the feedback so far.
Is the cork working? My teacher said it looks too noisy, any suggestions on how to make it look better?
Any crits would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
The beauty of hand-painting textures is all the tiny mistakes and imperfections you get from painting; the interesting colors that come from just trying things.
it looks like you used some soft of filter to get a woodgrain effect. This is killing it.
you've put highlights on the top of the bullet-holes, which makes them look like they're extruding out. cork is perfectly round and way too noisy. add some slight shadowing at the top and bottom for some depth.
S_ource - thanks! I looked up reference for the bullet holes and you are completely right. The wood would chip and break around the holes, not just be punched straight through. Thanks for the help. And the cork does look a bit metallic, so I'll change that as well.
Sectaurs - I didn't use a filter on the wood, but I know what you are talking about. I created small streaks in black and white and set that layer to overlay (like creating noise and adding a motion blur). I will remove that layer and see if that helps. The bullet holes do look like their popping out (oops) and I'm planning on using this tut to help paint on top of this grayscale version:
Should be the exact effect you are talking about with color changes and imperfections, but I don't have to worry about the value changes because I've already taken care of that.
I'm new to hand painting textures and using the color picker was killing me, so I'm testing out this method. I guess everyone will see if it works out or if I fail completely! Either way, it should be entertaining for others.. hah.
Thanks again for all the crits guys! I'm going to go make changes now.
People also paint over Ambient Occlusion maps from a high poly mesh as a guide to help get the values right as well.
I'm sure that tutorial will help.
Another update here:
I finally picked a theme (or story) for the barrel and I'm going with pirate booty! I guess I'm also feeling adventurous, because I added cloth into the mix (HELP!) which will have a pirate skull on it.
Thanks again to everyone for all the help so far!
Liking your material treatment so far (but it might be a good idea to experiment with some colors already) but your volumes need work. Add some AO on and around the ropes, on the inside of the barrel and on the overlapping coins.
It might also be an idea to have a closed barrel with one or two broken planks on top to show the coins (like having a hole in the top), yet have a sensible explanation for the flat silhouette, and because transporting coins in an open barrel doesn't seem like an intelligent idea =P.
Lastly, I don't quite understand why you have ropes on the bottom and a metal ring around the top. It would make more sense to have a hoop on top and bottom, and then have the rope tied around the middle (perhaps a plank is cracking and the rope holds everything together?).
Idk that rope is odd.
I'm going to pick my pallet tonight and get some color going. Is the cloth working? I think the text is all jacked up on it..
The top and bottom of the barrel could also be the same, but if you want the coins peaking out, you could have that section be its own UV island. That way you could get the best resolution for all the work you put into the textures.
Add3r - thanks for the encouragement. I definitely appreciated your input and made the appropriate changes. I took the scene from the Shining 'here's Johnny!' as reference for my new smashed up wood. What do you think? I might add a few more axe cuts like someone 'really' wanted to get in there! And you nailed it - I'm a perfectionist and I need to let that go.. you guys would probably get upset with me if you saw my ps file.. I've got layers and masks galore! <- Don't hate.
Moosebish - and I thought I was being creative by repeating 4 or 6 planks.. I never even thought of that! dang it! This is due Monday, so it's a bit late to redo, but thanks for the tip. I will put that into practice next go-around.
We had to create our own UV layout for this.
This is just a first pass of color. So far I've heard add reds, yellows and blues into the wood. What about the cloth and rope?
Thanks everyone for the support! I'm actually enjoying hand painting when I didn't think I would.
Otherwise very cool stuff. Looking forward to where you'll take it with the colours!
I used to have large ps files with large amount of layers but i got so confussed sometime when not finding layers and not knowing what all layers where so i try working on as few layers as i can now.:)
S_ource - My teacher said the same thing.. more saturation! I tweaked the gold coloring, but coots7 and my teacher both mentioned that the style doesn't fit.. so I will be redoing them completely. What do you think of the new base color though.. closeer?
coots7 - I agree. They didn't turn out the way I wanted so I'll be redoing them. I'm going to keep them a bit more simple and the coloring should explain what they are pretty easily.
Here is an update:
Mainly updated the wood coloring. I'm trying to add the reds, yellows and blues in subtly. Not really sure what else to do with it at this point. I'm moving on to the tops of the wood planks, metal and gold coins now. After that, I will tweak the cloth.
Thanks again for the help everyone!
Digging the progress, though. It reminds me of the Hanna-Barbera cartoons, slightly.
Here is an update:
Major saturation push. I finished the wood and tweaked the gold a reasonable amount. I don't think I have time to redo it and with the 'bloom' style effect hopefully I wont need to.
Any more last minute crits would be superb! I still need to mirror some wood to the bottom and figure out colors for the rope.
Here is my level progress:
Thanks to everyone that helped me out on this. My texturing skills went from here:
To here:
In a week. - Thanks Polycounters!