The last couple of weeks I've been on
track with
rolling out this model.

Currently about 80% done on the highpoly, still have a lot of details to do around the engine bay/ front entrance doors (damn hinges to hell, thankfully I should be able to reuse a lot of them).
Tanks in advance for any feedback,
Fair enough, as the title says, it's a Renault FT tank, from WW1.
for reference:
(I have about 150 other images of it saved that I'm actually using for reference - this is probably just a good stereotypical example of the tank itself
Looks good, proportions look correct. You have made some details a bit small, as well as some edges that too tight, might consider scaling those up.
Thanks guys for the comments, I've loosened a heap of the edges, I may need to go further yet though, but it's not hard to do, and I'll see how it goes when I bake.
Anywho, I think I'm finished with the highpoly!
Beautiful work, but surely you're going to have a bad time baking that!
Hah, someone noticed the puns!
I don't think the bake will be too bad, the worst bit will be the little bits in the suspension I think.
On that note, here's my first bit of the lowpoly, the turret
Thankyou ser!
I think I'm done with the main lowpoly hull, going to start work on the wheels and tracks tomorrow, and then the tail.
Going to start texturing tonight
Started on the texture, I'm pretty happy with it so far, a few things I want to tweak, but it's getting there:
Had a quick play around with colours - which do you prefer?
Decided to stick with the second version, this is what I've ended up with:
Overall an great piece so far! post wires and flats!
Glad you changed the color scheme, the first one looked a little funky to me.
Look forward to the scene if you decide to do one
@Geledonutt: Cheers! The plan is to wear it up a bit, which should be fun
@TrampledUnderFoot: What! you don't like this amazing color scheme?
I'm not really sure what I want to do with the scene, I have some nice low res references of one of these cruising down a street in a town that might e fun to replicate.
Thanks random spambot!
I gave that bitch some mud, wear and oil, bitches love mud, wear and oil
-Textures still look clean. World War 1 was a muddy, dirty, drawn out war. You've got a chance to represent that here.
-Material definition needs some work. Push the spec in some places, use gloss to full effect so that materials are distinctly different. I feel like your rust (exhaust) doesn't read that well yet (probably just diffuse though), metal chipping isn't too obvious, some sheen to the paint to contrast more with the dirt, etc...
-I suggest you get some complementary color in there, it's quite green now, and I feel there aren't enough warm tones. Some more of this in the rust/dirt would be good, same for the logo.
-Actually logo could be improved: make the Spade red instead of black(screw accuracy to the ref, just make it look awesome). Also perhaps add some markings here and there; I've seen "Le Tigre" (the tiger) inscribed on some, just invent your own.
Aye, I've fixed a couple of areas that were noticeably clean, I really don't want to go too overboard with it though, I'm planning to eventually put it in a town scene (have a nice ref of one on a bridge). It also travels at an incredible slow rate (4miles an hour woo!), so you wouldn't get as much of a splatter effect from the tracks on everything. The most dirt buildup I have in my refs is on the sideboard thing, and if I'm going to replicate that, I'll probably do it in geometry, could possibly try and do animate something procedurally where it builds up depending on the material it's driven on, but I'm not sure yet
I've tried to fix most of this too, fixed a heap of stuff the spec and gloss maps. The Red spades was a great idea (and red was one of the marking schemes, so it is accurate-ish).
I was thinking of doing the tail art (the le tigre) thing, but I'm not really sure how to work it in with the mirrored uvs, I thought of using an overlaid plane with an alpha, but all my tests of that looked rather shoddy where it sat with the tank's wear, almost like it was a sticker over the surface.
Anyway, enough rambling, more pics:
Anyway, here is what I came up with, which ones do you like best?
Personally I'm quite fond of 1, 3 and 6
It could really use some grease at any point where there are moving parts. Rust at any point where two parts come together, and rivets/bolts. build up of soot from the exhaust from the engine, and its run off from rain dripping it down the surface.
It's been a while but I decided to come back to this and polish the textures a bit, I ended up going with a blue colour scheme (as it came out of the factory) after a quick poll on twitter