Hi, while working on a house for an iPhone game, Ive been wondering one thing... is it possible to take only part of a texture map for a tiling?
See this picture of my map:
What if I wanted to put a tileable ground texture in the yellow square to use on my floor? Is it even possible?
Thank you in advance :P
Hopefully, your game has support for vertex colors so you can add some variation into the tiling area.
PS- You could make that tiling area larger by combining a lot of your wooden pieces into the same texture portion.
I should"ve thought of that, hahaha.
Thanks a lot!
I dont really understand the benefit here. It just seems to be adding geometry at the seems. How is this better than just having things stretch outside the 0 to 1 space.
I wouldn't recommend that since you can get all kinds of ugly artifacts from it;
using this:
Oh you mean the blocky artifacts. Thats weird, how are you remapping the uvs?
you can obviously get around it by not using mipmaps, but that's a pretty bad solution. ...come to think of it, i guess you could solve it by just using tex2Dlod() functions and compute miplevels manually.
It's not that obvious as it seems. It really depends on which engine you are going to use, and how often object will be repeated over single frame.
From experience I can tell that for CryEngine3 it's almost irrevelant how many sub-materials you will have, unless you will be using highly repeatable objects like grass, or ground stones.
What's matter in this case is to keep objects within single geometry object, and not overuse molecularity.