Fire Ferret from the Pro Bending Episodes of Legend of Korra. Not an actual member though. Green belt doesn't mean it's Bolin.
I decided to make a character model to practice using programs such as Zbrush and Xnormal, as well as learn how to rig a character proplerly.
Modelled Basemesh in 3dsmax
Both created head and retopo'ed in Zbrush
Modelled Clothing and made helmet in 3dsmax
Hi poly detailing in Zbrush
Drastically failed Hi to Lo poly Baking or ambienat occlusion in Xnormal. (Forgo this till my next model.)
Started Textures (Unfinished)
Rigging (is a bastard, in process as well)
Really what I need are some crits on the model I'm still doing the textures so nothing is permanent or finished.