I have Kismet set up with a Matinee with all my camera Q's set up and I am ready to export for editing in Premier.
Problem is, when i play in editor it stalls at my player start point.
Only problem is when I follow Marcus Whites, which is the third in the links above, it just freezes. I think this might be due to the fact that I have a player spawn point in kismet as his tut said, but I also have a "player start" actor in my level which I have always had prior to following these tuts.
I have tried taking both out of the equation one at a time with no luck. I feel maybe I need to feed the player spawn a trigger or something but am not sure.
Can you post your kismet setup? There may be something wrong in there that would cause it to hang. Also did you change any settings in the matinee node?
In Matinee when I added the Director group then added the single keyFrame at the beginning. When the dropdown menu appears I accidentally left it at the default which is "DirGroup" I needed to change that drop down to my "camera group" that contains all my camera moves. This would instruct the Director group to which camera to look through.
I had missed a step that I was unaware of.
the step I missed:
From the second video....
In Matinee when I added the Director group then added the single keyFrame at the beginning. When the dropdown menu appears I accidentally left it at the default which is "DirGroup" I needed to change that drop down to my "camera group" that contains all my camera moves. This would instruct the Director group to which camera to look through.
Thanks PC