Ok, so random thing in the general discussion, im sure someone here will go into this conversation with me lol. So I've been thinking about time "travel" and went over some information and well without going into crazy technical details and as odd as this sounds, i have to share this with someone. Right know it's is actually "unknown" whether our laws and theories of physics allow us to "travel" backwards in time, to see something from the past. Technically it's possible to travel into the future but it's not possible to see things from OUR OWN PERSONAL future because we would have to duplicate ourselves. If you were to go to the future, you would be the only YOU in the future because there wasnt a duplication of yourself. So the ONLY POSSIBLE WAY to see your own personal future would require to travel backwards in time first, causing yourself to be "duplicated". Because if you went backwards there would be two yous but if you went forward there would only be one you. Everyone else in the world would continue to live their lives but you wouldnt be there so therefore you have no future until you get to the future. But if you go backwards you're duplicated, you'll go back so that there are two yous in the past that way you leave one YOU to continue through regular timeflow so that you can go into the future and see ONE of an almost infinite number of possibilities of how your future life will turn out...........crazy stuff, i could go on for hours about this, my brain is broken.........any thoughts from anyone? lol
I predict this thread will contain pictures of cats very soon.......
what would happen then? you obviously wouldn't have been born, but then there wouldn't be any you to travel back in time and interrupt the act. so would it just go along like usual, or what?
or would the time-travelling you continue to exist- living along with the universe now free from the original you?? (think back to the future 2)
But as Hawking says it: "a time machine will be built someday, but has not yet been built, so the tourists from the future cannot reach this far back in time."
@ kevlar
that's a scenario which causes a problem that's why it's said that the "fabric of the universe could unravel" and cause unknown affects, it's vastly unfathomable what could happen! ITS SO INTERESTING! (except for the fact that you use a horrible horrible scenario LOL!)
Probably the same issue as with space aliens, if they existed, wouldn't they have visited us already?
Humans existence in the universal lifetime is so silly tiny that we become irrelevant in the time sense.
Well, thats the thing, you have no idea if you have already travelling in time and space 100's of times, because it might have cancelled out and at some point, it cancelled out the point where you got the ability to time travel.
There is the theory that there isn't just one timeline, but several, some temporary, depending on how big 'waves' events make. One place he cut the red wire, the other place he cut the green, both might change a lot in the future, big ripples. So it will create seperate timelines, with you in it, but a different you.
I can imagine you might not be able to travel physically to another timeline, but maybe swap consious with the other you, in the other timeline.
EDIT: I did think that I would like to go back to change my past, but now, if I do it, I will most likely lose my nephews and nieces, and that I don't want.
the earth moves around the sun at 30km a second, our solar system is moving at 250km/s second, our galaxy is humming along at 300km/s. So make sure your machine is based on s² and not just ΔT
OP should watch:
Go back too far goodbye modern medicine (and communication) hello diseases. Don't go back far enough... Hello 3rd class citizen.
Traveling to the future would involve super high speeds and yes it would be just you as you...in the future. So yea, you're right you're only able to be the one you. And since travel to the past is impossible, duplicate you's would be impossible.
I think what you might find more interesting is the idea of string theory, which introduces scientific reasons for parallel universes and thus parallel you's. I think that's where the infinite possibilities exist.
fffffffffff hahaaha!!!
Or maybe changes happen in side-dimensions, not our current ones?
Either way, it sucks if you're not the one controlling the balls.
But you have forgotten that you and the time machine are in motion as well, you are not static in relation to space. You move just the same as your surroundings do. The question then is, "Does that inertia carry over into time travel?" and "Will you accelerate through space as you accelerate through time?" I believe it depends on the nature of the time machine. If you're thinking of a time machine that travels with you, then there's a lot of unknown variables. However, physicists have said that a time machine can be a static object that warps time, thus, wherever the time machine goes, you will go with it so long as you are traveling through time.
Singularities have been long thought of as such device. Fly around it along its rotation, you go forward, go against it and you go back. It has to do with the warping of spacetime where it folds or compresses points in spacetime together. The only limitation in terms of where you can go is whether or not it still exists in the future and when it came to be in the past. If you go to the past, it won't be the same timeline that you came from. Your mere presence will split the timeline into a new timeline, which is probably why Hawking's party experiment didn't work. No one in our timeline that received the invitation would be able to come to his party because as soon as people from our timeline traveled back, the time line would split and they would no longer be in our timeline. Thus, we will never meet time travelers from our own timeline. Perhaps, we will never meet any time travelers from the future because this is an established timeline. Time travelers can only go to the past when it creates a new timeline. This is all theory and speculation of course, but they're the best ideas I've heard anybody come up with.
What if the time machine goes but you stay?
What if the ending of this video happens to you?
This is indeed interesting.
i was kidding
he explained time so thoroughly and matter-of-factly that there is no more need to discuss it. [/sarcasm]
Maybe Hawking is a complete Dick and no one want to go to his parties.
Nah... it's a good movie. I watched several times when I was a kid.
The former has been used in many very good sci-fi books as well, such as Robert Heinlein's "The number of the Beast". It's basically about a group of people travelling the multiverse. Since it is about these people, it would matter if one of them died, since these specific individuals would be dead, even though plenty of similar others are still around in other dimensions. (read it, it's good!)
Nice points. Bill & Ted's excellent adventure is a good example of the latter, even though it parodies it. The former one however is being misused a lot, just look at Terminator Salvation. They make up all sorts of crap and continuity errors and then blame it all on different timelines.
No why would you close the thread, i wasnt looking for an answer that has been found, i was wanting a discussion
The answer is neither, because you never vacated the space you occupy. You just move through time faster than everyone else. Your position relative to your surroundings remains the same.
That reminds me an episode from twilight zone that tells story about jew from future tried to travel back in time and kill hitler when he still a baby.
basically this. most logical explanation imo. except that it's not necessarily happens only once/only one person can travel.
I love time travel stories, but hate it when it turns to alternate dimesion route.
Sci-fi are meant to boogle your logic. Alternate dimension are just porr explanation of time travel theory. lame really..
Well that just makes too much sense. Thanks, I feel like an idiot now lol
its even creepier! the earth rotates around the sun with 29.8 km/s, the solar system the galaxy we are in have their own speed - you could land right in the middle of nowhere, woukdn't do that without a spaceship! XD
The anime makes pretty good 8.5/10 adaptation of it, which is still very pleasant to watch.
For anyone planning to watch it, be warned though, well.. it's an anime. Except overly cutesy potrayed female character etc etc