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ArenaNet Art Test [WIP] Male

polycounter lvl 7
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dwgagner polycounter lvl 7
***Updated July 12***

Here are my submitted renders I sent along with my file this morning. Really enjoyed this project.





I'm new to this community and haven't really posted my work here before. Figured I'd post my progress and see what kind of feedback ya guys have.

Finished blocking in my major details and proportions, will update as I go.


  • Darkleopard
    Im not really a character person but from comparing the two images i would say that your models shoulder to waist area is to V shaped, he needs to be wider at the bottom.

    Pretty good start though, look forward to seeing the progress
  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks Dark, I'll adjust that.
  • dwgagner
  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7

    Update, Stylized Fur after referenced in game screenshots, medallion designs, facial proportion adjustment, etc. Going to redo the hair for a better result, a lot still left to do.
  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7

    New update, few more things left to sculpt then will begin building my low poly.
  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7

    Refined hairstyle and beard. Feedback on anything would be appreciated o.O.
  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7

    Refined fur, leather, medallion, added wolf head
  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7

    Boots! and Braids! or B&B :O
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    You're getting a lot of work done, but I do suggest changing your material from time to time to get a different perspective on how the surface is looking.

    Keep going.:)
  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks Katana, I actually do do that quite a bit while sculpting, just usually revert back to a framer material for screen caps since it helps outline detail.
  • kfunk
    Consider putting some effort into the anatomy of the right forearm...really trick that out and do a deep dive on the brachioradialis and all the tendons that would be visible. I think that will lend a bit of realism and quality to a moderately toony style.
  • kfunk
    Also, look at the concept art and the height of the head. Your model's head is too short...too cropped off the top. Make a bit more forehead and make his hair taller. Get those horns in there like you see in the concept and make those more tall as well. I know one of your goals is to match this as close as possible to the concept...that will help.
  • Stoop_Kid
    It's going well! I like the amount of work you're doing on this, it's really inspiring.

    The only thing that's bothering me at the moment is the face/head and how it seems different from the concept art. I think your guy's face feels like it was done in a different style. I think you can do some simple stuff like chisel (for lack of better words, haha, maybe harden)up the guys face and maybe shrink the eyes.

    Keep it up, it's going very welll! :)
  • sofabound
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    sofabound polycounter lvl 9
    Great job so far- I'm loving the detailing and the hair and braids look fantastic!
    I would say to look out for the scale- his feet look pretty small in comparison to the rest of his body. A couple other things is the snout on the wolf seems to be placed a bit too low, and next to the concept art, there isn't enough going on with his skirt/kilt. I think you haven't quite got the look of the fur, and if his kilt is going to be anti-gravity floaty like the concept, you should push it a bit further and sculpt more drastic folds into it.
    I'm really digging the work so far and looking forward to seeing more progress shots!
  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7
    Great feedback thanks guys.
  • chellyn
    Nice job on your boots, the details are nice, although I'm not sure the low-res textures will end up doing them justice (haha). I'm curious to see the progress you've made after you tackle suggested changes...
  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7


    K so I think I'm done with my High Poly, going to start building my low poly, here's my latest HP sculpt. Also will be breaking apart pieces that are duplicates and baking them separately for efficient use of texture space and topology.
  • Marchwarden
    I like the details, they are quite good. There are some things about the character/proportions that could change to make it more visually appealing.

    Right now his pose is extremely stiff, like he has a stick up his butt. Spread his legs a bit, raise his arms a bit, give his forearm a slight bend and turn inward. Spread his fingers more naturally -- they don't have to be perfectly aligned. Try doing this pose yourself, but relax as much as you can and I think you'll see what I mean.

    I think his eyes feel unnaturally slanted in the side and 3/4 view. His shoulders also feel weird -- I don't know if they're too broad or if it's the fact that the shoulder pads are making an almost square shape.

    Keep going!
  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the feedback mark, I actually plan to pose him so not particularly concerned with the pose atm.
  • woogity
    i would consider taking the round detail on the boot straps out, or simplifying it. given the budgets for the low poly unless your boot is huge in your texture it will probably not be very bake friendly.
  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks Woogity, my plan was to bake the strap ends to cards but in the event that it doesn't work out the way I'm intending I'll likely do that.
  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7

    Rough texture planning pass, lots of missing objects that are duplicates will be assembled after they are baked and textured.
  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7

    Texturing progress, laying in colors on a hue level only. Will help lay my foundation for the diffuse when I bake down my AO / Normals. Basically step 2 of about a 6 step process so expect a lot of change.
  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7
    My next update will be the final render.
  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7
    Here's my final render, 6499 Tri's, diffuse, spec, alpha, rendered in marmoset.

    Will be making a turn around vid shortly.

  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7
    And here's a turnaround gif.

  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7
    Reworking his pose a little bit to get more of a twist then will be submitting later today unless I get some final critiques / feedback I can apply.
  • Alemja
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    Alemja hero character
    You've got this motion going on with the background that makes it seem like there is wind, I think it would help your pose a bit more if the lose hanging parts like the wolf-links and skirt could be affected by that motion as well. I think you could also tone down the lens flare, it just seems really out of place.
  • ericdigital
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    ericdigital polycounter lvl 13
    Yea it's actually difficult to focus on the model because its like I have a laser pointer in the corner of my eye :(
  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks guys I'll definitely tone that down and great idea on the cloth being effected I'll mess with that as well.
  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7
    Made suggested changes and submitted this morning, updated my original post with my submitted renders.
  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7
    Any final critiques welcome.
  • ablaine
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    ablaine polycounter lvl 14
    It's looking great man. I only have a couple of minor critiques...

    First, in the pose you have him in, he looks a little off-balance. Maybe put him in more of a steady stance.. more of a hero pose? And if you want to make him look a little more imposing, maybe bring the camera down just a little further towards the ground? Right now he looks a little hunched over from that angle.

    Also.. it seems like you might have too many different types of fur going on, color- and brightness-wise. Some dark (around the neck), some lighter (the hanging wolfhead portions). The alpha'd bits above the collar are lighter too and don't really mesh well with the dark fur around the collar.

    I would maybe try to bring the brightness levels a little closer and try to make the fur look more uniform... or if not uniform, maybe have some darker more saturated fur with more sheen to it, and some lighter more faded fur.. and any areas where the two types are close or touching, try to make them blend more naturally into one another.

    For an example of what I mean.. look at the female concept art. Look at the fur around the belt.. the fur there is slightly darker, more saturated and has a lot of sheen to it.. and then if you look further down you'll see the fur just below it is less saturated (faded), a little brighter, and dull (with little to no sheen), but both types of fur blend well when next to each other. I would shoot for something like that.

    And finally, I would try some different lighting set ups to see if you can bring out your normals and specular a little more. Right now he almost looks fully lit... you painted a lot of lighting information into the diffuse (and your texture looks great), but I think it's making your normals and spec look a bit flat.

    Anyways.. I'm still learning myself, so take everything I said with a grain of salt. Really great work! And I'm having a blast working on this art test too! So great to work off of such fantastic concept art. :)
  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the feedback ablaine.
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