I have a gtx 560 ti, this is my exact card

I've never cleaned a graphics card before, but I've had it for 6 months now and I know it's long overdue. Any tips? Is there any risk involved using compressed air?
I've seen people on YouTube with MSI 560s just take the entire case of and clean the heat sink and then put it back on, but I don't think I can do that with this.
I wouldn't disassemble it though.
If there's too much dust, think of putting your PC somewhere else. Maybe on the desk and not directly on a carpet, for example.
I would say that even this is too gentle. a small paint brush (new, you don't want clumps of dry paint getting in there) and an air compressor make short work of all the crap that builds up in PC fans.
Anyway, my boss took one of the prototypes home to show to some friends and his cat pissed all over the motherboard. So the computer got kinda stinky. His solution was to take it apart and stick it in the dishwasher. After it had thoroughly dried, he plugged it in and, Voila! It worked perfectly.
I was originally hired as a temp to come in and scan every floppy in the building for viruses, since this guy had infected the company.
same reason for using a very fine brush. Don't use any brush that requires scrubbing the dust off and putting pressure on the fan. It can fuck up the bearings, and replacing GFX card fans is annoying. (GFX card noise is annoying too)
My computer for tha past month is now about 3ft off the ground. But before this it was on the floor. But the graphics card hasn't been cleaned during any of that while the case filters have
Thanks guys, im just always afraid that I don't have a good brand of compressed air or something and ill ruin it :S
Depends on where you live, my area gets dusty very quick.
Step 2) canned air every once in while.
If you ever have a crappy case and wait until something is wrong before cleaning it, throw it all out as soon as possible and do it right.
2 intake fans and both have filters, and I clean them about once every month to 5 weeks.
But I had the card before I swapped cases (about 2 months before) I don't think the dust is severe but I can see it on the edge of the fan blades and a little inside on the rim.
[ame="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Cuprinol-Manual-Pump-Fence-Sprayer/dp/B004R2166Y"]Cuprinol Manual Pump Fence Sprayer: Amazon.co.uk: Garden & Outdoors[/ame]