Hi all, i'm neroangelo . it's been a while since I try to learn the 3D (since about 2 years),The schools are so expensive in France that I have to learn everything by myself, so I practice 3D , when i have holiday or when I have free time,so I published my work on some site before and i have a little blog on ModDB:
And for some time I started to create a Senior Portfolio on CGhub , so all my work next work will be publish on CgHub:
(I do not know why but I can no longer CGSociety to publish my images).
I use several software ,i try to learn and know how use some :
=>Cryengine 3 SDK
=>Vue 10.5 PLE
=> 3Dsmax (student version)
=>motion builder (student version)(no start to use)
=>Maya (student version)
=>Mudbox (student version)
=>Gimp and Photoshop CS6 evaluation (hope soon a student version)
=> messiah studio 5
=>Mach Studio Pro
=> Soon Cinema 4D student version
I can modeling some basic props for the moment, i can work on texture map (Normal, Specular...).
I start my work published here because I need real return, suggestions, criticism and advice from professional and beginner. I hope the polycount community will can help me ^^.
Instead of putting all the pictures in this topic, WIP and final render.
I'll just post some pictures from my last scene , It was my first scene what i created with Cryengine 3 SDK, only with SDK asset for the moment.
Final render :

And actually i do some testing for have a survival horror , WIP result (SIREN and silent hill inspiration) :

Hope i will have lot's of suggestion from the polycount members

(sorry for my bad english i will try to correct that.) .