Ahoy, my friend suggested I try this a while back, and after seeing so many new threads start with this topic I reckon it would help me to start one of my own.
I feel a bit overwhelmed with all the amazing progress shots I've seen so far. Hopefully I'm up to the challenge.
Here's the last screenshot I took; I'm a fair bit further now, blocking in the armour, and the beard/hair is mostly all done. (Also fixed a few anatomy issues with the pec flowing into the shoulder correctly etc)
Will hopefully post more pics soon.

Since you're taking the anatomy pretty far with this sculpt there's a few things that you may want to touch up.
Spacemonkey's nicely stylized anatomy is an excellent reference.
-The trapezius needs to extend down the center of the back more. That should push the rest of the muscles into place.
-Watch the volumes on his torso - the serratus muscles should slope from the ribcage up to the lats. Currently they're a bit too wide.
-It could help to differentiate the upper abs from the lower sets to define the volume of the ribcage a bit more.
-The obliques could come up a bit higher.
-The kneecap could use some volume to it.
but really most of it will be covered up by the armor so... if you nail the bigger volumes you should be all good.
I've played the GW 2 beta a lot and seen quite a few norn bodies, so I'm hoping my current state, while relatively close to the concept, wouldn't be out of place as a norn in-game (closer to the smaller/skinnier norn body type, as the armour of the concept is in fact norn elementalist armour)
Blocked in the hair/beard, and started on the armour - never had much time at all to work over the weekend, hopefully I can dedicate more time to it now ^^
Everyone's entries are looking pretty amazing so far.
Smallish update, started detailing some items.
And just blocked in some of the fur, since I'm not quite sure yet how I'll be doing that.
The wolf sculpting was fun, first time I've done anything even remotely animal related in 3D.
I'm also still deciding if I should push the proportions even more to fit with the norn ingame (though I do not wish to go for the biggest norn body)
Also, none of this is beneficial to you for this character because that is all hidden in this one, except that silly belly button.
I could move it up a tad more though, it does still seem low. thanks ^^
Thanks! I live in South Africa though, so this will most likely just be a cool challenge/portfolio piece.
I also love guild wars and arena net's art style for GW 2.
And fixed the belly button.
Trying to get the fur looking decent before moving to higher SubD levels...
Any crit/suggestions are gladly welcomed.
but it's worth a try of course.
Can't wait to see some normal maps on a 6.5k poly model, and some textures
I'm teaching myself Maya and Zbrush, and I'm keeping this challenge for later to do some testing of myself
(just not going to do it for this test for time-restraints)
PS: Very inspiring.
PPS: Also, are you sure the concept if for an elementalist? The whole fur/leathery look of it together with the left arm wrist protection suggests a ranger (specially the wrist thing).
@ Zamite: thank you, I'm glad it's inspiring - I'm also still learning quite a bit, and I'm actually rather scared for the retopo haha, taking it all down to 6500 xD.
Regarding the armour type: it does say on the concept medium armour, but ingame character creation has the armour on the norn elementalists, so I guess they decided it worked better as light armour.
@Stoop_Kid: Thanks, im hoping to get there soonish. I still feel rather slow with the whole pipeline.
Some more progress, hopefully very close to finished - just the hand and skirt plates left to do, with some minor touchups (I'm hoping the fur looks good enough to be finished, any crits on that specifically would be great). Either way I plan to finish the sculpt this weekend.
The render is looking a little pixelated, but the forms are great/ Good luck.
@katana: Thank you, I've actually been playing around with zbrush's render tools recently - hopefully it won't be pixelated much anymore.
@Zamite: Yeah, especially due to the low polycount - I hope it ends up looking good hehe.
Haven't updated this in a while, I actually finished the sculpt on monday. Been messing around with some ideas for the mixamo contest, if I do enter.
Also mostly finished the lowpoly, at about 6600 polys now.
One thing I'd change would be the sleeves (the shorter ones), perhaps exagerate the silhouette to make it more evident that he has that right shorter sleeve.
You can probably save some polys on the head.
Can you give us a side view? I want to see that "door knocker looking thing"'s silhouette
Again, great work
Finished the low poly on friday - final count is 6494
Been busy doing some normal and AO test bakes (and messing around with a little colour on the head, even though It isnt using the final bakes)
Also, do you want a side view of the high res or the low? (though the silhouette isnt all that different)
Got it baked and started texturing (just base colours so far)
Only thing I'd change is the belly and make part of the leather armor (but darker leather). At least that's the feeling I get from the concept art. Though the design you show is quite coherent with ingame looks and even GW1 norns (always liking to show a lot of skin).
Just about done with the textures. Crits/suggestions on how to spice it up a bit are gladly welcomed.
Base colors look pretty cool, and lighting is definitely getting there.
Only crit at the momment, is that it maybe looks a bit too "tidy". He looks adventure-ish so maybe "staining" the leather a bit, nothing too evident but showing a bit of wear might help improve it.
Also giving the skin some flaws "spots, marks, whatnot" might make it interesting. Again nothing too evident.
Looking awesome so far, as always. You clearly know what you're doing
@ praetus - Thanks for that, after seeing the attached I realised my error - the lighting setup I used was Night in marmoset with the brightness cranked up a bit, but I had forgotten to place lights of my own as well (I'm still rather new to Marmoset). In addition I did crank up the overall saturation of the diffuse by about 15-20 units. Thanks for the crit ^^
So I'm finally finished and would like to thank everyone who gave me crit and helped clear up questions throughout this project, and Polycount for being super awesome.
I shall be sending it in soon.