Hi all so i came across this NEW issue, may be its not new but new for me
Ok lightmaps are all clean no overlaps no flips.
Exported as ASCII and FBX
Light builds fine no error messages and warning
So whats wrong with UDK showing me messed up Lightmaps UVWs, while all UDK defualt assets have no such criss cross going over.
I imported one mesh earlier with all separate lightmap UV clusters and was fine i see perfect result in editor view and not like above. So why is it doing with meshes that have stitched UVs?
Its bugging me please if anyone know respond.
But now is the question that how in the world one will avoid light map seam as many say that fill 0 1 space entirely so shadows dont fall on wrong face.
I know off topic but just tooo many questions and problems with using UDK
I've never heard this before... you'll lose a tiny bit of the effective area by adding some padding but I don't think it should be an active detriment and I wouldn't be surprised if UDK stretches the bounds back out to 0, 0, 1, 1 when packing the lightmass tiles.
I was refering to this tip section on this site.
to keep light from bleeding you need to keep them a good distance from other UV islands, but this all depends on what lightmap resolution, as the higher the resolution, the closer you can bring these islands without bleeding.
here's a very good video explaining the whole lightmap bleeding:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntx10JMl9f4"]Fixing Lighting Seams in UDK - YouTube[/ame]