So the last time I made a female bust, it was awful. However, I am forcing myself to improve. With that said, I made another female bust, this time I used better ref photos.
Here is the perspective view.

And the orthos.

I'd like some C&C before I get going with the detailing. I've never done any detailing before, so if you have any pointers/tips feel free to post them (like how to make realistic lips, pores etc..)
In my opinion (which isn't all that professional XD) the proportions seem OK. Again, Please Please give me your opinion/C&C.
Thanks Guys!
-mouth needs to be wider, the ends of the mouth line up with the pupil
-give her a narrower chin, it will help make her look more feminine
-her jaw shape is off, the mandible needs to line up with her mouth
-the chin and mouth area could come down a little, the length from the brow to the bottom of the nose is the same length as the bottom of the nose to the bottom of the chin
-the neck looks off from the side, it should come out of the head a bit further back
thats all I can see right now but post up your ref photos too
Just a paintover. Going to apply this to the sculpt. Tell me what you think. I will thicken up the lips a tad, they seem thin right now.
The brow ridge needs that down plane between the eyes. The flesh underneath the eyes is actually flatter than you are sculpting. Look at the side view of your reference. The nose bridge also looks narrow. It should have more roundness to it. I can tell by the narrow specular on the material.
the lower lips look tacked on. It subtlety blends with the obicularis oris, particularly with somewhat of a donut shape around the corner of the lips. Also check out the slight diagonal line on the ends of the mouth. That flesh just slightly overlaps the corners of the mouth.
You need to push out that zygomatic out a little bit more. And the temples...theyre all just rounded forms right now.
Once you study the underlying forms of the face, everything becomes really easy. I suggest to do more studies of the head, especially bone structure. Good luck!
PS. Look up Ryan Kingslien on youtube, if you have an hour or 5 to kill.
lol these bots are assholes
The face is very flat at the moment. Just sculpt and draw 1000 more faces and you will be there
Anyway I've been working on it. Will give an update soon.