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GDI Tank

Sup Polycount!

Recently made a tank from a C&C concept. Except rather than model with an RTS polycount in mind I modelled as if this were a first person shooter and you could get up close.



Any crits? I personally think the modelling could be pretty muddy in places. And I was told I should have modelled in tire threads and not have relied on the normals. But to be honest I thought the polycount was too high already to add more tris. Around 45K. There are some components behind the wheels that are't very visible. If I were to remov them it would drop down to 39K but I kept them in in the occasion the player would crouch down and see em. I figure I can ax those and add tire threads.

Would anyone really know how big an asset like this would be in a modern game? I'd really love to know. I've seen some cars hit 25K, but how bout a tank like this with 6 wheels?

Comment please guys@

PS: WHy does marmoset always do weird shading errors like these?:
^^^These are the world space normals, which as you can see are jacked up. They look fine is 3dsmax renders, which is weird. So anywho, how do I fix this? Anybody?


  • Butthair
    Offline / Send Message
    Butthair polycounter lvl 11
    I'm not sure, it might be flipped faces? Why is it world normals? Shouldn't the bake be tangent space? Are you doing something special with shaders?

    The mud looks soft or smooth on the tank, it's even smooth a bit around where there isn't mud. Mud which turns to dry dirt is going to be more harsh, instead of smooth. You have the spray looking good though, try sharpening the normals somehow.
  • Se
    I don't understand the specifics but Marmoset takes into account both world space or tangent. I can disable worldspace normals but then there is a loss of shader quality. the shader becomes flat and casts less shadows.

    In engine it works great, looks like the max model. No shading issues. This is purely a Marmoset issue I have which each model. I always check the faces and the normals always seem fine and there are no flipped faces.

    It just irks me because I think Marmoset is a great renderer but it always jacks up pieces of models when I try getting it ready for a good presentation.
  • Ex-Ray
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    Ex-Ray polycounter lvl 14
    Did you bake the normal map as object space or world space?

    Put a floor in there to 'ground it' which will give the tank some weight. Work on the material definitions, it all seems very uniform, the blue lights are too plain and clean.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    Whenever I run into shading errors in marmoset, it's usually borked UV's. Check your UV layout for any stray vertices or flipped faces :)

    I like the model, but I do agree that there needs to be more contrast in the textures.. darker tires maybe, more pronounced metals, etc. Keep it up!
  • Se
    I baked an object space normal. cpt I think you're on to something. Might be overlapping UVS? I thought I weeded them out but I'll doublecheck next time I'm at work.

    And I agree with the metals needing more contrast. I was a bit scared to create a texture too noisy on account there's all that dirt. But I'll be sure to adress it. AS for the tires I can probably add anotehr level of detail and variation, and make the darkers darker by adding dirt to it. I'm such a dunce I added mud splatter and no mud underneath the treads lol.
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    Looks good but as for FPP model I think it would need more smaller details, as well as you cloud push poly count further. It look like for RTS.
    Look at conecept, it have plenty of small details, jus try to model add them to you HP.
    Diffuse looks flat, it look for me almost like concrete. If you add scratches and better specular it will improve look, and less mud. Mud on top should look like it's smuged, yours look like dots, which make it look very artificial.
    It's also very obvious that mud on wheel part is repeating. Again it's for FPP, you should use more unique space here.

    You almost never use object space normal maps for game. Use Tangent Space instead.
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