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Seattle: Rentals/Shares Need or One to Start ?

polycounter lvl 18
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oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
I would rather share with people in same area of interest.

I'm moving out of current place. Going to make a wall of text just so you can get a feel what I don't work well with.

Had a room mate who said they were going to move out but when it came time, they didn't have any place to go, so we let them use the open space under the stairs as a temp holdover for a cheap price. A year later and after checking various local laws, we can't get rid of him. He may be a nice guy, but he is selfish with his actions.

-Having loud sex behind a curtain when I'm literally about 12 feet away working in my cubby hole/office.
-Coming home drunk late at night and me having to let him know there are cops outside with a Taxi driver he didn't pay enough. Getting a dose of full frontal nudity for my troubles.
-Sometimes paying bills late.
-Not respecting quiet hours and doing laundry or watching a movie without headphones.
-Turning the basement area basically into his space with clothes everywhere.
-Complaining about me having my Computer Desk in basement, when before he moved in, that's where I had it.

We let him know six months ago we would appreciate him finding a new place. After many excuses, our six month lease is coming up and he wants to resign. So my roommate and I are leaving.. Let him try to pay the full house rental on his own....


I need quieter respectful and clean roommates. The other guy I lived with here, we would clean up after ourselves and didn't need a schedule or assignments as we would do it on our own.

If wanted to start a shared rent of condo or house.
-3 People most
-3 Mile Radius from downtown North or South. Best places would be Capital Hill, Freemont, Queen Anne, or North Beacon Hill.
-Separate Office area we can work on our computers versus in rooms.
-2 Story at the most with 1 story being in a half or full basement. Trust me, you'll appreciate it later in the summer.
-On site laundry.

I am looking at August. Preferably no more than $650 a person. So if you are interested we need to talk now. PM me. Otherwise if you live or know someone with such again, PM me.


  • Inhert
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    Inhert polycounter lvl 9
    Man I wish you would have posted about this 2 or 3 months ago I would have actually stayed in Seattle if it wasn't for the high rent near the downtown area. I use to lived right around Belltown on Battery and 3rd Street. With $650 a month for each person that would've made it manageable to live in Seattle without breaking the bank.

    Unfortunately I had to leave Seattle because of high cost of living and school was coming to an end :(. I was hoping that I could get into internship from game studios around the Seattle area since Seattle is surround by many game studios but it did not go as planned. I would have tried to apply for regular jobs but my luck with applying regular jobs has not been so good. Now I am back home trying to work on my portfolio as much as I can and apply what I have learned in school.
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