When I lost my job a few years back it actually turned out to be a great thing for me. I was kind of stuck in a rut working at the same place for over 4 years. I was too comfy and not progressing my career. I was stagnating. So that company going under gave me the final ending that I didn't get round to doing myself. I'm sure you will move on to better things!
sorry get drunk. take 2 or 3 days off. make a plan: where next? what artwork have you got? update folio, update resume. Think of it as a chance (sounds cheesy, but it can be - maybe the new place is better?)
Urgh, why is everyone encouraging you to turn to alcohol to deal with a difficult time. 'Woo I just got laid off, let's use drink to blank out the feeling (delay the inevitable)'. Stupid advice in my opinion, so I'm going to contradict;
Don't get drunk, maintain a clear head, you'll be fine.
Take a break, see friends, then figure out a plan of action, get down to work.
Sucks to hear you got laid off, but here's to a brighter future man.
Urgh, why is everyone encouraging you to turn to alcohol to deal with a difficult time. 'Woo I just got laid off, let's use drink to blank out the feeling (delay the inevitable)'.
Yeah I know what you're saying. Having a get together with friends would be a good thing, alcohol involved or not, but although everyone suggests getting drunk, don't take it too seriously. If you can limit it to a one time thing then okay, but I'd say you'd want to avoid it at all costs. I'm sure a lot of people know someone who turns to it everyday, and it'll quickly become a serious problem.
I will make sure he doesn't turn into an alcoholic guys, don't you worry. I give my assurance as his number 1 drinking buddy.
Good advice in here though Luka. And as I said before, it seems like they let go some of the better people. Just get your portfolio together and I am sure you will find another job easy. Gameloft just have some weird ideas on how to run a company in this economy.
Will always be around to help if or when you need it!
Really sorry to hear that man. I got laid off three years ago just after I bought a house and had a wife that was six months pregnant at the time. It was one of the worse times of my life, but it also turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to my career.
Honestly, take a few days to clear your mind. This stuff with mess with your emotions. I don't recommend alchohol, but you can do whatever. Use that time to figure out exactly where you want to go in your career, and what you need to do to get there. The wonderful thing about art is that it's all up to you. Take time in-between the job hunt to really work on any weaknesses you have in your skillset. Polish everything and make as much high quality new stuff as possible.
In April I was laid off 3 days into full time (I was on a 5 month contract prior to that). My first day 'off' it hadn't really sunk in that I had lost what seemed like a secure job. Then as the days went on I started to get pretty upset as I was just trying to force myself to update my folio and getting shit results. I emailed some contacts I met at Siggraph, connected with people on linkedin and applied to as many places as possible (with essentially a 6+ month old website). After the first week or two when all this was said and done I decided to take some time off, enjoy the out doors, go to the gym, spend a lot of time with my girlfriend, etc. After a while of not hearing back I started to get pretty discouraged, but then out of nowhere I received an art test from a studio, and on monday accepted the job. So I guess what I am saying is if you are in a creative rut, don't force yourself to update your portfolio. Network and apply as much as you can (which really just takes time and a bit of effort) and do stuff you would be too busy to do otherwise. Enjoy the time off, hope to hear back from companies you applied to, and get back to working on your portfolio when you are feeling inspired and rejuvenated. Best of luck
Man that sucks! Not much more to say These guys have already given some good advice
Wish you the best of luck man! Be sure to post a link to your portfolio asap, I'm anxious to see it!
Also... Almost all the work I've gotten in this industry has been through polycount and friends pointing me to other 3D related forums. So head over to the paid jobs forum and check out those open positions!! You never know where it may lead ya.
Hey, don't forget to catch up with everyone tonight. Or if you can't do that, come down to the pub sometime after work. I'm sure I can shout you a few.
And after seeing your lunchtime speed sculpts. If you can keep that up and have one or two solid completed works you should be able to well.
I think in general the second job is a little easier to get. Many companies will see that you have some experience and automatically take the application more serious. If you shipped any games be sure to promote that.
I think in general the second job is a little easier to get. Many companies will see that you have some experience and automatically take the application more serious. If you shipped any games be sure to promote that.
( At least this was my experience. )
I agree. After releasing my first game, our studio went under within weeks. I was really bummed and scared to death that I wouldn't find anything. Surprisingly I still got offers shortly after.
But as others have said: take a break, plan, update your portfolio, and apply. I landed my 2nd job in 3 months and it was through connections. Having shipped something didn't hurt either.
That really sucks grotesque balls, TehSplatt.
As others have said though, you're a decent guy and having a previous job in the industry will only improve your chances
Think of all the free time you'll have to kick some portfolio ass!
Get drunk,
get your portfolio ready,
start looking for work..
...i got laid off awhile back and i got my lay off notice pushed in my mailbox while i was at home and terribly sick with a fever...
sucks to hear it and good luck on your job search..
When I lost my job a few years back it actually turned out to be a great thing for me. I was kind of stuck in a rut working at the same place for over 4 years. I was too comfy and not progressing my career. I was stagnating. So that company going under gave me the final ending that I didn't get round to doing myself. I'm sure you will move on to better things!
Don't get drunk, maintain a clear head, you'll be fine.
Take a break, see friends, then figure out a plan of action, get down to work.
Sucks to hear you got laid off, but here's to a brighter future man.
Yeah I know what you're saying. Having a get together with friends would be a good thing, alcohol involved or not, but although everyone suggests getting drunk, don't take it too seriously. If you can limit it to a one time thing then okay, but I'd say you'd want to avoid it at all costs. I'm sure a lot of people know someone who turns to it everyday, and it'll quickly become a serious problem.
Good advice in here though Luka. And as I said before, it seems like they let go some of the better people. Just get your portfolio together and I am sure you will find another job easy. Gameloft just have some weird ideas on how to run a company in this economy.
Will always be around to help if or when you need it!
Honestly, take a few days to clear your mind. This stuff with mess with your emotions. I don't recommend alchohol, but you can do whatever. Use that time to figure out exactly where you want to go in your career, and what you need to do to get there. The wonderful thing about art is that it's all up to you. Take time in-between the job hunt to really work on any weaknesses you have in your skillset. Polish everything and make as much high quality new stuff as possible.
Good luck man! And hang in there.
partly just because I like looking at other peoples stuff
Anyways; Jokes aside, create a portfolio and apply moar jerbs.
Wish you the best of luck man! Be sure to post a link to your portfolio asap, I'm anxious to see it!
Also... Almost all the work I've gotten in this industry has been through polycount and friends pointing me to other 3D related forums. So head over to the paid jobs forum and check out those open positions!! You never know where it may lead ya.
because thats what i do
And after seeing your lunchtime speed sculpts. If you can keep that up and have one or two solid completed works you should be able to well.
( At least this was my experience. )
I agree. After releasing my first game, our studio went under within weeks. I was really bummed and scared to death that I wouldn't find anything. Surprisingly I still got offers shortly after.
But as others have said: take a break, plan, update your portfolio, and apply. I landed my 2nd job in 3 months and it was through connections. Having shipped something didn't hurt either.
Hang in there and good luck!
As others have said though, you're a decent guy and having a previous job in the industry will only improve your chances
Think of all the free time you'll have to kick some portfolio ass!
3d rendering/architectural rendering