Hey people,
after a long timere here in tokyo i found time get my ass back to Zbrush. And the navigation is driving me INSANE. i know the right mouse button together with Shift, Alt, STRG, does zoom, move, or put you straight on top of an axis. The problem iam having is, that the right mouse button in move mode actually moves the Zsphere AS WELL, isn't that the left mouse button (or pen stroke), so do i have to go back draw mode to move the camera, go back to move to move a zsphere. While in draw i often open the preferences of my brush with the right button as well (eventhough the middle mouse button got no function whatsoever...but yeah why use it when you can stack function ontop of one button).
And a little but of Info on Zsphere of what color when moving them actually means what? this driving me nuts, one color means you move the whole hierarchy, one means just a bit, one just the actual sphere but i somehow i can't really figure out which (it would be so awesome to be able to switch the hirarchy movement off to just quickly select one, move it and go on to the next instead of diving around for the right color). This is really trouble some.
Both points together really give me a headache when trying to just zsphereing a character. The hand for example needs a lot of small Zspheres to be moved around and a lot of camera paning around...it takes ages this way and a heck load of STR-Z just due to problems with the controls and not because i did an actual mistake.
So does any one have an any ressource, video, text based that describe the effective every day usage of Navigation and Zspheres without timelapse? So describing what they are looking for.
Thanks in advance.
that dude has a bunch of tutorials for zspheres. And other general Zbrush stuff.