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Kart Demo - Unity Engine Online Streaming

polycounter lvl 15
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Polynurb polycounter lvl 15

I've been working on a free to play web streaming Go Kart racing game. I want to stream it right off of my own site and monetize it with some small side ads. I will probably implement it into Facebook as well. Anyways here is an in-progress scene for me using some of past car physics stuff I've worked on.

Here's a link: http://www.jamesarndt3d.com/

This is where I will host the game (so I will test it this way as well)....hit the little button at the bottom called "Kart Race Experiment".

I've implemented the working speedometer based on Rigidbody velocity and some math. Also you'll notice I got the wheel and steering linkage working with the turning of the vehicle. This was accomplished by triggering a hold animation for left and right turning when you hit the "A" key or the "D" key. I created set driven keys in Maya, set up a NURBS control for turning the linkage/steering wheel and baked out 8 frame animations for both turn angles. The animations are scripted to crossfade back to a center position when no input is given.

Integrated new speed-based vehicle handling (not sure how accurate it is yet)..but basically your steering becomes less sensitive the faster you go. I've also got a new sound manager working. You have engine sounds based on RPMs, you have a wind passing by you sound based on velocity. The sounds are not fully looped yet in Audacity, so you will hear some pops. I've also implemented a camera shake animation on the cameras based on velocity as well. The camera shake animation will need revisiting for polish and more of a "random" feel.

As of today I finally gotten a small LCD tach and speedo on the steering wheel working. As of right now it's not reading out RMPs and the MPHs are not rounding off properly so they jitter a bit. The track is standing in for the final path, it's textures and UVs are not complete either so you'll see some parts of the track where the grass/dirt blend is not broken up.

I've gotten feedback about implementing a handbrake for sliding through turns and feedback about adjusting the slip when taking turns and such. I'm working on, the physics calculation stuff is a little more complex so I usually tackle easier things first.

Next task is to get some raycast AI working on the scene.


Finished the concepts/layouts for outdoor Track 2 (A-F configs) for Super Kart Racing. These are concepts for the first outdoor track featured in the game. Want to learn more about the game? Visit www.superkartracing.com



  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15


    Decided to start doing a daily video log (2-3 minute videos max) describing what I accomplished in the build that given day. Also a good spot to share info, scripts and any implementation specifics with other folks.
  • nicafornica
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    nicafornica polycounter lvl 7
    nice, very nice.
  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15

    Worked on the HTML for the web page interface for the game. Also I've worked more on the main menu interface, trying to get it closer to representing something useful. Today was mostly HTML and main menu work for the buttons, etc. I've also got a splash page working (with the fatbox logo) as the game menu loads.

    As usual here's the link, go check it out! http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16956434/Kart_Race_Demo/Kart_Race.html
  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15
    I've migrated all of the HTML code to run embedded on a new web site now. It's a site purely dedicated to my Unity development work.


    You can find the current builds of the Kart Demo at this link (got a proper URL and all now):


    This is where I'll be updating the build each night with updates as I progress.
  • Rhoutermans
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    Rhoutermans polycounter lvl 12
    hmm wanted to try it out but it just keeps stuck on the keyboard controls screen

    edit; tho the dropbox links still works

    It looks great, can't wait to see what you are gonna do with it :)
  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15
    I'll try to reproduce that bug on my end...I can't right now. I'm suspicious that it's some kind of loss of focus in the specific browser. The very strange thing is...the Dropbox link and the file that plays on my new site link to the exact same unity.3d file on DropBox. All that's different is a little frontend HTML code.
  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15

    Build has been updated today with actual updating GUI elements for lap counting and lap timing. It's rough right now, and not the final look of the text in the UI, but the functionality is working (only slightly buggy :). I've also implemented some nice UI graphics that slide in quick when you hit a checkpoint in the road. They ease in/fade in and ease/fade out when triggered onto the screen.

    Check the latest build at www.fatboxsoftware.com
  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15

    Nightly build. I've tweaked the vehicle physics quite a bit (still not there yet)...speed based tire grip and steering sensitivity scripting today. I've also ditched the realtime shadows for now...until the AI are in and functioning under stress tests tomorrow. Also you will notice at the moment there are invisible barriers on the sides of the roads...it's only temporary.

    You can can test and play at: www.fatboxsoftware.com
  • Hang10
    Wicked stuff, Keep it up. :)
  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15
    Tonight will see updates with the physics and environment art. It's a lot for one person to do :). Thanks for the kudos.
  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15

    Visually you'll see some changes in tonight's build. You'll notice I've started to work on the environment and got some stuff in there. Maybe one more week and the entire environment will be complete. On the scripting side I've implemented some more blocks of code to handle slippage at higher speeds...this physics scripting is intense stuff. I'm starting to learn to wear the scripting hat. I spend all day coding/testing stuff and then I'm thinking "man I wish I had an artist to handle all of that silly environment art lol". I love it...it's why I do it.

    So bullet point 1.) environment art update 2.) physics for higher speed slippage, etc. accomplished today. Oh and if you find you are interpenetrating art geometry it's because I haven't gotten around to opening up the collision file and updating it to match the new art. All in good time.

    As usual you can test the updated build at: www.fatboxsoftware.com
  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15

    I have AI vehicles working in the build now! There are a few things to note. They both share the same Waypoint spline, so they follow the exact same path. That will be fixed later on as they all get unique paths. Their art wheels are not turning with the wheelcolliders, so no wheel movement (will be fixed as well in the future). Turning is not as mathematically smoothed out as it could be yet, so they will jerk the steering wheel each time they seek that next waypoint. Also I do have the variables scripted in to rubber band them..basically adjust their speed and aggression at specific points. These attributes are not honed in yet in this build, so you won't notice huge drops in speed (it's there though). Finally you'll noticed I implemented a neat little standard startup countdown. A script simply disables player and AI control, hides GUI textures and sound, until a yield WaitForSeconds function says they are enabled. Practical and simple.

    The build can be tested at: www.fatboxsoftware.com
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    just played it, coming along really well!!
  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15
    Thanks! I'm busting my butt on it to make progress. Also I finally resolved that bug where some folks were getting stuck at a loading screen.
  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15
    So I created the Kart Driver model, and today am in the process of rigging him in Maya. You’ll notice some odd deformations around the legs. That’s because I’m right smack in the middle of adjusting the default weighting on the model. Looking forward to animating this guy to ride around in the Karts!

  • Strkl
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    Strkl polycounter lvl 7
    Love it :)

    I had a little bug on the demo :

    One the kart touched me, and my kart flipped and got upside-down
  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15
    Yeah I'm working on a respawn button in case that happens. I've tweaked the rigidbody mass as a workaround.
  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15

    Okay so I've been busy working on another iPad project for myself, so the Kart Demo got neglected for a few days. I came back with a vengeance and smoothed out the physics on the player vehicle and the AI now path smoother (they also have turning wheels now!). Still need a new set of Waypoints for the blue AI. I've also implemented a new driver model (completed modeling, normal mapping, rigging and animations, etc.)...the same model has been applied to the AI. It was a bit tricky getting the AI models to play their animations without having any keyboard control input to trigger them.

    I ended up hooking into the existing script for Waypoints that controls turning of the AI wheels/car ( I used it's wheelAngle variable to to set an "if-else"). This would readout a numeric degree of that variable, which I could read from and say, well if the degree number is +15 or greater play the "TurnRight" animation... else if the degree number is -15 or less play the "TurnRight" animation, else play the "Idle" animation (which is a static animation right now.)

    I've also got the mini-map working in the build too. It's actually pretty solid right now. I may polish the little blip texture a bit, but it's pretty much completed. I used a second GUI camera in scene, set its viewport clipping so it only appears in a section of my game window. I set the camera depth for the mini-map to always render on top of the game camera, placed in a GUITexture for the map of the track, placed (3) 16x16 blip textures for AI and the player and created simple code that makes them follow their assigned transforms (i.e. player or AI vehicles).

    I feel it's really coming along now, starting to look like something finally!

    Check the latest build out at : http://www.fatboxsoftware.com/#/kart-demo/4565740225
  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15
    My GoKart project is not dead. I actually just finished optimizing the Kart model, the driver model and the environment for mobile purposes. Want to be able to port this to the Android and iOS devices, tablets, etc. I just got a hold of NGUI some time back and am in process of converting existing GUI code, and assets to an NGUI based GUI. I am nearly ready to implement AI into this track. The visual elements on the wall (signage, banners) are all stand-in, will replace with some realistic looking signage/banners. Also the UI will be redone and is stand-in as well.


    Link to a temporary webplayer:

  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15

    Web playable update: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16956434/Kart_Race_Demo/1-18-13_Webplayer/WebPlayer.html

    Converted all in-game HUD elements to NGUI. Now they're rocking 2 draw calls of the entire UI (1 is for the font and other for UI elements.) I am aware of the position indicator doing it's bugginess. What is occurring, is that when the player and AI are equal in Laps Completed, Waypoints Passed and are relying on Distance to Next Waypoint to calculate who's in front..well that value is jumping back to 0 at each way point being passed (resets value). So I think because the data is relying on the rapidly changing value to determine race position in these circumstances, it's glitching a bit. Once you determine a lead by passing more waypoints in general or more laps, the position indicator is fine. It's a bug and I'll fix it.

    I've also added in driver camera functionality if you click the camera icon in the top of the game window. Helps with the sense of speed a bit, but I'll do more with the far camera's sense of speed when I get to that. For now I'm working on getting the second functional AI vehicle in...I intend to have a race between (3) Karts.
  • Chunkey
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    Chunkey polycounter lvl 20
    Just had a play around on this, it's a really good base to work from- average lap seemed to be late 29s per lap- looking forward to seeing how this progresses! :) The cart feels good, was getting some opposite lock going on when drifting the cart which is what I remember from the last time I did it in RL (going back a few years but hard to forget the experience :) )- The only thing I did notice was that you can't spin out if you over drive the cart but that's more for if you are aiming for a sim based game :)

    If possible, could you make the pc version controls re-mappable or is this a major ask? Only I play on an xbox 360 pad and I reckon it would be ace if the throttle and brake were on the shoulder triggers just to make it more easier to feather the accelerator/brake :)

    Good Luck dude, will be keeping an eye out for this! :)
  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15
    The kart driving physics are still being fine tuned. I can increase the slippage when hard turning at higher velocities. The joy of Unity is control setups for input are a breeze to implement.
  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15
    Started up an official Facebook page for this game. Trying to get a social media base built up for it, to show off more stuff and to help aid the Kickstarter that I'm setting up. Help support a fellow Unity developer :)

  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15
    Got the official web page up and running for the game!

  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15
    Updates: No work on visual art this week. Implemented a sound controlling system. Integrated sounds when smacking walls, other AI karts. Will play from (3) random sounds in an array. I've also included an engine sound that changes pitch based on engine RPM. Lastly I've implemented the skidding sound when sliding in turns, I've also put the trail renderer in there to leave visual marks on the track behind you. The audio is definitely placeholder (and it's not high quality stuff). It's only there at this juncture, as proof of concept that the scripts are working to produce sounds. Follow the link to the updated web player.

  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15
    Everyone I know on here, you've all been amazing supporters of my site and Unity work. I've launched my funding campaign for Super Kart Racing. If you can contribute, please do. If you cannot, please share the link with your networks and pass the word. Thank you all so much for the support!

    Super Kart Racing Funding Campaign

  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15
    I've got an exciting incentive for contributors! I have a group of assets for sale on the Unity asset store at full price. I'm offering your choice of any asset from the group, for the low contribution of $8. Normally these mobile optimized assets are $15.00. That's a savings of nearly 50% off the original price!

    You can follow this link to see the listing of available assets: http://u3d.as/publisher/fat-box-software/1K2

    Once you've contributed the $8.oo to Super Kart Racing, I'll send your purchased asset directly to you.

    Here is the link to the funding campaign (where you would put in the contribution):


    Please make sure you plug in your email address at checkout. That's where I will be sending your asset. Thank you again for all of your support.
  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15

    Same incentive for contributors with this new character (420 polygon US Marine)! He's so new, he's not even live on the Asset Store yet! I'm offering your choice of any asset from the group, for the low contribution of $8. Normally these mobile optimized assets are $15.00. That's a savings of nearly 50% off the original price!

    You can follow this link to see the listing of available assets:


    Once you've contributed the $8.oo to Super Kart Racing, I'll send your purchased asset directly to you.

    Here is the link to the funding campaign (where you would put in the contribution):


    Please make sure you plug in your email address at checkout. That's where I will be sending your asset. Thank you again for all of your support, this is all funding my Go Kart development project 100%.
  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15
  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15

    Finished the concepts/layouts for outdoor Track 2 (A-F configs) for Super Kart Racing. These are concepts for the first outdoor track featured in the game. Want to learn more about the game? Visit www.superkartracing.com

  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15
    I'm in the Number #2 slot this morning under US Gaming campaigns! They base it on the amount of hits your page gets and the pace at which you receive contributions. If you haven't checked it out yet or supported me in it, please consider it this morning!

    Super Kart Racing Development Campaign on Indiegogo

  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15
    Hit that $1,000 mark this morning! Help me take this campaign all the way! Reaching out to my fellow Unity developers.


  • Bonkahe
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    Bonkahe polycounter lvl 12
    I would have done it on kickstarter, as it has more activity, however I would back it but atm I do not have an ios or android. I would if it was on PC however. On the game itself, I would make it cleaner, atm it seems you know quite allot about the engine and such, but considering its meant for a casual crowd just playing it when on the bus or at work (you know who you are) so I would make it read more cleanly, alot those details are going to be lost when it's on a small screen anyways. Thats not to say make it cartoony, just cleaner.
    Also a comment on your video, it was very helpful for me, but I'm a 3d modeler, I know what all these things are, in all honesty your not going to be selling this thing to programmers and artists as much as just the random joe, the entire video should be in laymens terms. Also I would keep it short, most attention spans are about like 3-4 minutes, win them in the first minute and give them some info about what the're going to buy in the second and third, then wrap it up, I don't think it really matters to most people about the programs used.
    Finally, Do not give up, you have a good idea of bringing realistic physics and cart play to phones, if this Indiegogo doesn't work, don't give up, maybe make one of the tracks in finish, polish up your character and kart artwork, through in some variants and put it up again, maybe on kickstarter, live and learn man.

    PS: If you do get it sold and all works out well... PC port man! I would love to play that thing!

    Good luck, and God speed.
  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15
    There is a PC standalone that is delivered with one of the perks in the campaign. I will be authoring discs and providing digital download for PC and Mac. So it is most definitely coming to PC and Mac, I just didn't want to put that focus on that, as it's a limited run as a perk for now. Post campaign I'm going to shop it around for a possible web streaming service or offer direct download. One thing is certain, the PC and Mac build is there and coming. Unity doesn't even require porting, it's just a change in build settings and some adjusting scripts to use keyboard/mouse input vs. mobile touch input. I've actually already got the code for it to run on PC, thus the web playable demo on the Super Kart Racing web site right now. It uses keyboard and mouse controls. It's a simple case switch in the scripts for which platform the game is running on. So go check it out and get yourself hooked up with the PC version!


    BTW thank you for the input on the campaign video and such. You're right on the money. I'm working on a re-edit of the video to have an alternative. You're right that I should play up the casual crowd more. Right now the online build and stuff is really just a proof of concept that the build works and runs. It doesn't have any snaz or fun factor to it yet.
  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15
    Still two days away from halfway in the campaign, but really need the help with this one.
    It's very close to my heart and I need your help seeing it get there. I don't need to
    meet the entire end goal to be able to make this game (using Flexible Funding Option on
    Indiegogo) so I'm in a good position! I just need every bit I can muster to pay for the
    plugins/software needed and audio/artwork services.

    If you've contributed, please disregard this or help pass it on elsewhere on the web if
    you can. Some of you have done more than I could have ever expected and for that I'm very thankful!


  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15
    Super Kart Racing is gaining traction! I need kind souls to assist a fellow indie developer fund the development of this game. I'm not asking for something for nothing though, check out some of the perks. I think the coolest one is your ability to brand the levels with your own logo, web URL, image or whatever you can think of that isn't offensive or vulgar.

    If you've contributed, please disregard this or help pass it on elsewhere on the web if
    you can. Some of you have done more than I could have ever expected and for that I'm very thankful!


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