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[Stylized] Commander Video!

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Popolo polycounter lvl 5
Good day to you all!

First time poster (not really, first post that I didn't post in the wrong thread and got so embarresed that I never updated it) long time lurker. Finally time to take that giant leap into the forum and hopefully make some progress.

Anyhow, started this sideproject to make Commander Video (!) from the bit-trip runner series


I'm trying to take in the style of Bobo the seal and Josh Singh, two favorite artists that have a way of creating fantastic stylized characters.
I'm still in quite an early stage right now, but with some help im hoping that I will be able to finish this character poly120.gif


If anyone could find the time to give me some C&C that would be really helpful.

P.s. Of course the rainbow will be added D.s


  • Popolo
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    Popolo polycounter lvl 5
    Oops, I forgot to add a picture. At least a working one for the sculpt.

  • theslingshot
    Niice. I'm staying on this thread for sure ^^
  • Popolo
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    Popolo polycounter lvl 5
    Now it has been quite some time since my last update, finding it hard to get some sparetime during the summer. Quite painful enough that I need to get a summerjob instead on focusing on my studies. But finally here it is!


    and a detail shot:


    Still have a couple of things to add, but I'll try to be done with the HP this week.

    C & C would be more then welcome :)
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    It's an interesting idea and well executed. Conceptually I wonder whether if you made him a bit more heavy set, you could carry the boxiness through the body a little you could carry the boxiness through the torso some more. Alternately a more stylised route where he has a bigger lower body and smaller upper torso could work, although it'd make him look like less of a tough guy. Might make him look more like a runner though, I guess.
  • Popolo
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    Popolo polycounter lvl 5
    I understand what you mean, maybe I lost the feeling of a runner in the physique. Might be that I got to caught up in trying to mimic the feeling of Darksiders too much, I'm hoping that the pose will give him more the feeling of a runner.

    Oh, and thanks for the critique! :)
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    for a runner.. upper body is wayyyyyy too beefed up. its making the legs look pretty skinny. and I'd give him some meaty running shoes, not some chuck taylors.
  • Popolo
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    Popolo polycounter lvl 5
    Okay, I'll try to fix his body to give him more of a slender look. Though I'm starting to feel quite stuck with this character. Would be REALLY helpful if anyone could do a paintover.. uhm, preatty please :)
  • Popolo
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    Popolo polycounter lvl 5
    Did a quick transformation of the body after work. Went away from the "superhero" look towards a more marathon runner physique.
    This update is really nothing much (Almost more a shameful bump) merely that I wanted to hear if I'm heading in the right direction.


    Good? bad? right direction! (hopefully)
  • Popolo
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    Popolo polycounter lvl 5
    Started looking at some reference material and realised that I had tried to give him the body of a sprinter and that it would be more fitting if I tried to give him more of a marathon runner body. Tried doing a paintover where I tried to give a more slender look.

  • Popolo
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    Popolo polycounter lvl 5
    Would also be great to hear any C&C I'm starting to feel more and more stuck on this character :(
  • Wex
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    Wex polycounter lvl 12
    I like the change from the belt to draw string, like he's wearing sweatpants! I would continue to push the "runner" angle in a literal direction. Maybe the addition of an athletic wrist band? Maybe some gold medals around his neck?

    I'm digging it so far - keep it up! :)
  • Lucas Annunziata
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    Lucas Annunziata polycounter lvl 14
    As Wex said, I think really pushing the athletic nature of the character here is pretty key. Get some running shoes on there rather than the light boots you have now. I don't know this character really, but the thing on his hand seems pretty heavy to run with. Maybe bring it the full length of his forearm and make it more ergonomic/aerodynamic.
  • Popolo
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    Popolo polycounter lvl 5
    Finally an update!
    Haven't been able to work on it for some time now because of work, but finally I got some progress. I think this is going to be my final, except that I'm gonna add a rainbow stripe on his sweatpants, and hopefully I'll be able to build the lowpoly tomorrow :D

    darbeenbo: Thanks alot for the critique! Been working quite alot on making his physique more slim. Though I'm keeping the converse and the gauntlet. The converse is because at the new redesign (They're actually working on making bit.trip runner in 3d now) he's actually wearing a pair. For the gauntlet I went deliberately towards a heavier feeling because it's supposed to work like a shield in the game.

    Wex: Added the wristband and thanks for the tip, added alot more towards the runner-esque of the image :)

  • Mike Yevin
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    Mike Yevin polycounter lvl 11
    soooo awesome, love the take on this character. keep it up
  • DMacDraws
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    DMacDraws polycounter lvl 7
    Really digging the stylized anatomy and the detailed kicks! If you don't mind me saying so I think the hands are still a bit unresolved, a touch clawish? They haven't reached the confidence of the torso yet.

    Perhaps quite rectangular digits like http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs38/i/2008/364/6/3/Piece_of_ass_by_Devilpig.jpg or http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-YbjEXk1EYNM/Th119lRnvHI/AAAAAAAAB6k/tShMk-zZOHU/s1600/black_ghost_color.jpg would come up neat? Sorry I don't have better examples!
  • lluc
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    lluc polycounter lvl 14
  • Popolo
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    Popolo polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks for all the nice comments :)

    Had the hopes that I would be working on the texturing now, but had the unfortune to be in a car crash yesterday. But I'll try to get to work on it as soon as possible :)
    But on lighter notes, posted my image on Gaijin games board on facebook and got a comment from them :D


    bakedbeing: Worked over the hands as you suggested. I also added a bellybutton and some stripes for the pants.


    But I'm calling this one done and before the next weely recap I have hopefully textured and rigged it :)
  • Popolo
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    Popolo polycounter lvl 5
    Started building on the low-poly and a question popped in to my head:
    What is the standard tricount for a character in a next-gen game?
    How many would you say this character could have?
  • DMacDraws
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    DMacDraws polycounter lvl 7
    Killer result!
  • Popolo
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    Popolo polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks alot :D

    So back from a week filled with hospitals and painkillers, some actual progress!
    Done with the lowpoly and I'll start the baking and Uv-mapping tomorrow.
    Final result landed roughly around 7000 tris.

  • Popolo
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    Popolo polycounter lvl 5
    Got down to baking and fixing some basic colors, alot more details and polish will be added during the week :)


    Would be really nice with some feedback not sure about all of the colors, especially the gauntlet. The skin is also giving me some nuisance when I'm trying to figure out if the highlights should be blue or red. The image is quite small and it's quite hard to read the colors. But blue one on the left and red on the right.
    Added a image down below to get some feedback :)


    C&C is more then welcome!
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    I like where this is going! Maybe lighten the skin up a tad, its hard to see the awesome normals. Maybe a deeper blue. Though I think the spec map will definitely help!
  • Popolo
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    Popolo polycounter lvl 5
    Worked some more on the diffuse and gotten to a level where i think I'll soon start working on the specular. Still need some polishing and fixing up but I'll get there :)

    Right now theres quite a lot of weird texture-seams, but I figured I'll fix them in the last stage. But behold:

    Diffuse, no lighting


    Edit: Noticed that the hand is bit more less blue and a bit more dark then the rest of the body. Will be fixed in the next update
  • Popolo
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    Popolo polycounter lvl 5
    Super-done with the diffuse now. Going to start working on the specular directly after this post. Feeling really happy with the end-result, first portfolio-piece done :)


    Something I'm not really sure about is the gauntlet, would be really nice if someone could say which one of these you prefer.

  • Demomode
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    Demomode polycounter lvl 12
    I prefer number 2.
    Great work.
    Your low poly mesh looks good. is it hand made?
  • chrisundrum
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    chrisundrum polycounter lvl 9
    Now I know you said you are super done with diffuse but I think it would be better if the hottest point (the focal point) wasn't his clavicle. maybe not so bright?
  • Popolo
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    Popolo polycounter lvl 5

    : Changed the gauntlet to number 2 as you wanted and thanks :)
    Dont really know what you mean with handmade but I think so. I used retopo in zbrush to get a good base from the high-poly and tweaked it quite a bit in maya using transfer geometry.

    Chrisundrum: tried to lower the focal point around the clavicle and I think it looks much better now, thanks for the help.

    Quick update with specular, don't know how much more I'm going to work on it (maybe lowering the spec on the body?)


    Ran in to a problem, quite a big one as well... recently purchased marmoset (love it!) but as soon as I turn on "use specularity" I lose all lights in the scene except the "sky" lighting. Tried playing around with all the different channel modes, but everything seems to give the same result.
    I can still use all the post-effects..

    Added a image that would hopefully give the idea where the problem lies.

    I really have no idea how to fix this and it would be really helpful if someone could give me a hand here.

  • AdamRodgers
    Not familiar with the character but looks nice, good work.

    Marmoset issues - Lets have a quick look at your material tab settings - you havent left the Spec slider down low maybe have you?
  • Popolo
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    Popolo polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks :)

    For the spec slider in the material tab, that one is left at the default value of 1.
  • J0NNYquid
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    J0NNYquid polycounter lvl 5
    This is so cool on so many different levels. Really impressive.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    Primary color schemes for the win!!!

    Maybe try making the skin less purple, and more flat black and desaturated. I think it could help unify the bright yellow, blues, and reds.
  • jaydon
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    jaydon polycounter lvl 6
    ooooh looking good!
    i think i like... 2 first.
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    This is looking real good!
  • Popolo
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    Popolo polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks for all the kind words! Really encourages me to finish this :)

    konstruct: I'll try to tone down the body, it sounds like a great idea to make the colors stand out.

    This will be my first portfolio character and I wanted to hear if I should create a base for him or just have him standing in midair?
    With the base, does anyone have any ideas and/or requests?

    Also, bumping this to hear if anyone know what the problem with marmoset is... really need some help there :(
  • Facepalm Ranger
  • AdamRodgers
    Ill help but need more info still chap - Material Tab and as many settings as possible. Shutdown everything except Spec map and Light in question and set channel to something predictable and lets see what you get. Well get it sorted with more info.

    Base wise Id say yes a base will ground him and frame him better for folio - maybe something using the Rainbow Swirl, and or standing ontop of the Game title or character name in suitably blocky yet cool 8 bit txt? If you could pull of a transition from 8bit to 32/64 bit in the base that would speak volumes imo.
  • Popolo
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    Popolo polycounter lvl 5
    Well this is really going to be necro-threading...

    With the release of runner 2, I wanted to celebrate it's release by finalizing this piece. Plus It's gonna be great contrast to all the tanks and rubble I got going on in my portfolio :poly136:


    Thanks for all the kind words I've got while working on this piece :)
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