for some time time now I've been looking for the name of the following game, unfortunately I only have a description.
It was a game from the mid eighties ( I think)
It had already some 3D ( or something )
As a Hero you could Hire other people, from a bar, or other.
I think the limit was 4 character that you could have.
I don't believe it was a "Japanese" like game.
You could roam freely around (or what that meant at the time)
I don't remember what the name of this game is??
Can anyone help/have any idea...?
It did sound familiar, and I know Times of Lore, but... no
Thnx anyway, any other ideas?
been looking at the abandon site, old dos games etc... nothing
Was it top down, 3rd person, fps, action game, rpg, realistic, cartoony, etc.
if you mean 3D - top down isometric 3D or FPS - hiring people sounds like RPG. Could be bard's tale, Eye of the Beholder or a similar game.
the world was 3D but I think the models where sprites...
nope, not the Bard's Tale,
I believe it was around the same time that Silver came out
I don't remember the HUD either.. but it was not a "Dungeon" game like Eye of the Beholder
Thnx guys
It was surely 256 colors and 3D-ish
@Kwramm, nope none of these
@James006 ?
I need to investigate !
Thnx ( for now
Darklands, just checked, but no...
I'll throw out my guess of Drakkhen
d&d, eternal sun?
you're giving suuuper vague descriptions dude, at least describe what the gameplay was like or why you liked the game.
but the gameplay was very basic, a little like Drakkhen, I remember the first level being in a forest, with some hidden treasures behind the trees, unfortunatly I don't have any screenshot
I think you could hire up to 3 other characters, and dismiss them and hire other, same class or different, also, some of the wizards where cloth in yellow, unfortunately, these are the two main colors I remember...
Whoops, Times of Lore i meant..
really a tough nut to crack.
Might and Magic series had a similar look to Drakkhen.
The weirdest thing is that i read your post but i was so eager to win this thing i forgot about it, started googling and posted about it :poly136:
Heroes of M&M is the strategy game, right?
But there used to be a RPG series just called Might and Magic, which was before that in the old DOS / Amiga times.
Lol, unfortunately, I don't know the name of the game, else I would not be posting this thread.
But yeah, if anyone else has a similar question, go ahead. Maybe this time, I can help
Maybe one of them
but I don't recall it having such a heavy interface, also when walking around, I believe you could actually see your character(s)
The characters where more "drawn" not so "real"
btw I loved Cadaver and Silver, but thats not the one I'm looking for
Silver was one of the reasons I never gave up 3D Studio
I mesn just check pages like home of the underdog for RPG they list a LOT of games i never heared of in that style maybe you find something.
Nope non of the Ultima Underworld series
It surely had something of Realms of Arkania III, but I looked at the link, and I'm 100% sure the first part was in a forest, and this one is in a city, so it is not Realms of Arkania III
It was not in a dungeon actually, at least of what I can remember
Thanks for putting your thoughts to this guys
It is called Hexplore
Gratz on finding the name of the game, now do you have the game?
I found it in on of my old boxes that I didn't open when we moved.
And I found a "fix" to be able to play it on Windows 7!
Thnx for helping out guys!