Hello Polycount! This is my first post here, pretty exciting. I must admit I've been a stalker on here for a while, so I decided to actually join

This is a hand painted sword prop I've been workin on recently, and I am in need of some critique. I feel like my metal particularly just doesn't quite look enough like metal, any tips?
The current applied texture is 512x1024, but will be reduced to a 256x512 when I'm done. Please critique the crap out of it!

Those cuts on the guard are too uniform in spacing and size. Those leather bands are floating off the edge a little bit and the gold rings on the blade seem very monotone, it could just be the render. Also you have a lot of questionable UV islands, but the marked ones are particularly strange to me. This thing is going to look good.
I made the leather bands stick off a bit to try and get more silhouette out of them, since I used geometry for them I wanted them to be really visible. However, they might be alittle too far out there haha. Rings definitely need work fo sho, I havent really touched them yet honestly. There's some parts on the handle that I havent really done anything with also, they are those tiny parts I never feel like doing :poly136:
UVs I TOTES agree with, those islands are actually the tops and bottoms of the leather bands. I had one of those moments recently in regards to my UV layout where I was like, what the heck was I doing? But since I have so much painted I decided I would just finish this one and learn for the next one haha.
Really appreciate it!
Here are some changes I've made. Still working on it.
The blade looks really nice though, Id personally push for some orange tints of rust at the base of the blade and tint the lighter parts a teeny bit blue.
interesting idea, i'll play around with that. I definitely need to work on my use of color.
Btw, what are these symbols you are using for the runes? I'm in desperate need of things like this.
@FullSynch: honestly I just made them up haha
@switz: thanks for the input!