Hi all, I would like to know about DECALS use in environments. My goal is to use lots of grunge, rust, oil, snow decals on my environment. The reason why i want to do it like this is I am limited to adding rust and grunge to my main texture as it will be used alot for making several meshes and i dont want to run into a problem where UVW share an area on texture with rust in middle of floor or roof etc. I hope you understand what i mean here
So what you all think and how much will it affect performance in general.
Maybe not in the 100 region, but in many cases, you can easily be pushing around 40 decals per stage/scene/level with clever placing behind occludes and such.
Also keep in mind that you can blend materials together in various ways using the material editor. 3DMotive.com has some great tutorials on using the material editor and blending materials.