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Steampunky Spaceship

polycounter lvl 8
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Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
Hey guys, not sure if this thread has the best title but I'm making this scene (concept by Edwin Rhemrev):

I'm working on some modular pieces so that I can have hallways and stuff for a FPS map.

I'm getting a lot of reference from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

This scene is something I'd like to have on my demo reel and on my website, so aiming for good quality work.

Here are some assets I've done so far. I think the polycount might be too high...
Do you think I'm heading in the right direction with this? Critiques would be great (:




  • salacious_Crumb
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    salacious_Crumb polycounter lvl 11
    Looks good to me. I don't think the polycount is that high for a portfolio piece.
    Early days, you go lots to make! Now show us the block out...
  • Turret
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    Turret polycounter lvl 11
    I love this concept, and the pieces you have so far and looking really good. Keep it up
  • Alex Pointer
    Wow, this concept will be very friendly to you when it comes to building modular pieces. Looking forward to see more. I am picturing an orangy/red mixed with blue composition when all is said and done. Final render in udk?
  • achillesian
  • Neuropozyne
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Well, it's been awhile since my last update because I was working on my Ork scene. However a couple days ago I started back on this scene so here's a shot of some new modular pieces I finished (udk screenshot)


    In Maya, my spec and normals give much more of a punch, so I guess Im going to need to find a way to make them better in UDK
  • SuperFranky
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    SuperFranky polycounter lvl 10
    interesting, looking forward to see this finished
  • Ravanna
    you had me at "steampunk". Great work so far :D
  • AzzaMat
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    AzzaMat polycounter lvl 9
    This looks sooooo sexy. More please =D
  • Mask_Salesman
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    Mask_Salesman polycounter lvl 15
    Hey that's looking great! But your right, it really do looks like its purely flat diffuse, no normals or spec at all.
    But speaking of which those black lines could do with some hilights & wear to define them as insets rather than just lines.

    But its looking really good so far, can't wait for more :)
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    nice designs, i'm digging them textures.

    but like you wrote, normal and specular maps need some tweaking.
  • AmbiguousPackage
    Real easy way in udk to get that brass look, would be setting a shader up with lets say a vector param. This way you can control the over all color of your brass. Then I would mix in you're spec map from photoshop or where ever you made it from, multiply that by another vector param so you can get a tad bit more tweaking if needed. Then create another multiply plug the first multiply into the one you just created. Create a scalar param plug that into the b of that new multiply that way you can get some control over the spec if you want to darken or brighten it up more.

    Create another scalar param and drop that into spec power so you can control how sharp the spec is on the metal.

    Now the only issue you may have and I did not take this into account when I first started typing. If you're brass parts share the same uv space the vector param in the diffuse will not work so well cause its going to tint everything. Now if you set your brass to be on another texture call out it could work that way. If this makes no sense PM me or say so in thread and ill cook something up really fast.
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks guys
    Mask Salesman: I'll be sure to get right on that. Somehow I keep forgetting wear and tear on metal in this scene, even though my ork scene has a metric shit ton of it...

    Ambiguous Package: Thanks! Yup, that makes around 75% sense right now, but we have a UDK teacher that's a genius when it comes to setting up shaders. I'll get him to have a look at your comment and then he can help me out with that

    I've been taking a lot of reference from Fallout 3. I've been playing with my girlfriend at her place and I've been stealing ideas for "filler" objects (fans, grills, grates etc).

    Anywho, here's an update. This is the first time I've baked a hi-res to a low res object, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. While I'd rather handpaint my normal maps (like everything else in the scene), hipoly modeling gives me so much more control of the shapes of bevels and such. need to practice this more...

    And I made a rug (256x512 texture tiled 4 times)

    And these floor window things
  • letronrael
  • sybrix
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    sybrix polycounter lvl 13
    Making some great progress. Really digging your texture work here and you have the right idea with working so modularly. Not sure if the floor window tiles are still WIP but it'd really be nice to see something on the other side of them or maybe make them reflective. They're looking more like some sort of floor lights than windows at the moment.

    Looking forward to more!
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Yeah, I still need to add grunge and dirt to the windows. Once I get my teacher to help me with an ocean shader it should look better also

    Update time
    (probably wont end up using this...)sdqwf_by_julionicoletti-d58m2vw.png

    And a door that Im not happy with at all. So blurry, even though a lot of the UVs are mirrored.
  • Notes
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    Notes polycounter lvl 4
    one of my classmates is working off of this concept as well but he's using the colored version...wasn't quite sure if he laid in the colors himself though...looking forward to the finish product to see which choices you'll decide on :)
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Notes wrote: »
    one of my classmates is working off of this concept as well but he's using the colored version...wasn't quite sure if he laid in the colors himself though...looking forward to the finish product to see which choices you'll decide on :)

    He must have did a paintover by himself...I've been struggling with the colour scheme so if there is a coloured version that would make things much easier
  • punchface
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    punchface polycounter lvl 6
    It all depends of course, on how closely you're following the concept art but if you're trying for a straight-up or near straight-up exact rendition, then what you're dealing with there is obvious a submarine, not a spaceship.

    The diffuse textures look good. :)

  • punchface
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    punchface polycounter lvl 6
    It seems impossible to me that you don't already realize that you're dealing with an underwater environment. :)
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Oh, yeah I knew it was a submarine, but I was going to alter it so it's actually in space. However I decided to keep the underwater backdrop. And not following the concept exactly; my nain goal is modularity so some parts of the concept are being changed for that, and other changes are more to set the tone of the scene
  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 16
    Lookin' dope! I would personally incorporate more wood into this, as I see a hint of that in the drawing around the map. Would help bring some warms colors in, and allow you to do something maybe cooler with the metals? Rather than using the same rusty looking color and tone all over. It's probably worth doing a quickie paintover to see what direction you want to head overall.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    awesome progress, really love

    but how could you think this is a spaceship? :O
  • RogerP
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    RogerP polycounter
    looking sweet so far, keep it up
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks JMYoung, that's a good idea. I'll get on that wood thing (for the railing and curved stairs I'm thinking, as well as trim on lights and speakers).
    @Neox, forgot to put in my first post that I would be changing my backdrop to space rather than underwater, but I decided I'm going to stick with underwater after all

    Alright, so yesterday I got to work on the globe. I had this fallout 3 screenshot open on my other monitor and tried to match it best I could:

    and here's the globe

    So the idea behind it is it's a computerized globe on a semi-spherical screen, and there will be a console at the front so Mr President or whoever is there can swivel the digital globe. Then there is a lens with measurements and stuff on it and that can slide accross the surface of the dome. I haven't attached it yet, but basically I'll have maybe 5 or 6 hydraulic arms that stick out around it's circumference and attach to the rim around the dome. Deviates quite a bit from the concept, but I think it could be a neat feature :P

    And in less exciting news, I re-textured the carpet.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    oooh this is getting REALLY cool. cant wait to see where this goes!
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks konstruct!

    Here's a woodtest...let me know what you guys think...
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Beautiful work so far! Well done Selaznog!
  • Notes
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    Notes polycounter lvl 4
    really diggin the choices of materials in your scene...couldn't tell by the concept that it was steampunk but your material and color choices work nicely.
    When I did a steam punk piece the mistake I made was picking materials as I went along instead of picking them all at once to see if they all matched together. Also with alot of different metals in the scene I'd also had to redo the spec/gloss on them to differentiate them from one another.
    side note: honestly I thought it was a spaceship as well unitl I saw the dolphin...I wonder if my classmate knows this??? :P
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    you have a few copper-like materials there, which is good since copper screams steampunk.
    however to get a proper copper feel it's crucial to use a colored specular map.
    same goes for brass, if you're using it somewhere.
  • Marchwarden
    Loving this, steampunk is awesome. Only suggestion right now is to give the curves on either side of the stairs some more polies so they're less blocky.
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for the comments and suggestions guys. Blaisoid, I do have some colours in my spec map for all the metal textures however they aren't really showing too well, so I'll probably boost them. Here's a shot at an angle:

    Today I worked on some rails, I like them better than what I had before. Just need to get the handle on them now.

    Think this'll fit the scene okay?

    Here's a shot of everything so far
  • Fnitrox
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    Fnitrox polycounter lvl 6
    i've been watching this since it started and i've got to say it's really coming along nicely, especially in the latest updates... however as a big fun of the steampunk genere i must say that to me this doesn't look much steampunk-ish

    (take all what's below as a personal opinion xD)

    I mean the style is there but i'd really like to see more wood and absolutely it need brass which imho would contrast better better with the warm tones.
    I know it's still a wip but it might also benefit from more "artistic" detailing, the wood rails you did really looks steampunk to me and i'd like to see more detail like their on other parts of the ship itself (eg the carvings on the metal panels really don't fit. Steampunk is derived by victorian age art, even art deco style could fit.

    also please no computers : |, definition of steampunk is a modern age in which electricity was never really discovered and we'd still use steam powered machinery for everything... some lights might be acceptable but really not computers...
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks Fnitrox for the advice! I'll probably keep the computers just because they are a huge part of the concept though

    Not much of an update, but I made a crate. I'm sorry...the world doesn't need anymore...just needed a filler object.
    Also, I think that will be my style for website and future screenshots and stuff (just so everything is more consistent)



    also made this light. 3 x 64x256 maps

    EDIT 3: Im curious about how long I take to do things. That crate took me around 10 work hours total (from concept to low poly to hi poly to baking and texturing). I heard that normally you need to do two props like this a day...Should I be doing stuff like that a lot quicker? How long are you given usually for a prop like that? What about a prop of more difficult design (like an ornate wooden chair for instance) ?

    EDIT 4: Alright rather than bumping this thread I'll just attach this here as it isnt much of an update. Behold, boring wooden table
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