Ok, it's been an absolute nightmare trying to learn about how to use gradient maps for toon shading, as I keep on seeing examples of people using it but never any explanation to how they've done it. I was lucky enough to come across polyphobia's TF2 shading tutorial (
http://www.moddb.com/games/unreal-tournament-3/tutorials/tf2-shading-in-ut3 ), which i'm currently following, but i'm running into problems.
At this stage (
http://media.moddb.com/images/articles/1/29/28341/auto/003.jpg ), polyphobia already has a working ramp shader. Mine however, seems to be broken. Not only is there still a dark shadow on the sphere, but the ramp seems to repeat itself. I have no idea what i'm doing wrong.
How it looks in the material editor:
How it looks when applied to a mesh:
And the gradient map itself:
I'm using UDK version 9375 with DirectX 11 enabled. Oh, and if you're wondering why the blending mode is set to dithered, that's because when I have it set to Opaque the shading becomes solid black with glitchy transitions.
Help? Please?
Honestly, it's weird, it should be working if you're following the tut.
Oh my god it worked! The ramp now works fine!
And as for the dark shadows, turns out that's the half lambert. Removing it gives me the look i'm after!
Thank you so much you are lovely! I'll post screenshots once i've had a good play with this.
Here's a screenshot of my little toon setup. Managed to get the basic toon shading as well as a toon outline down. Of course it'd look better on a model that was actually intended for this kind of shader (an anime styled character preferably).
Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/JxR0Y.jpg
Btw, is it possible to apply ambient occlusion on a single surface (without using a post processing shader), or would I have to bake some ambient occlusion into the texture?