Hey guys and gals! This is my first post here, and as stated above I'm looking for feedback. Anything critical is welcomed, positive or negative. Thank you for your time and input!
theres nothing in your video that couldnt be shown as well or even better using pictures. Pictures are also a lot faster to view, which is very important.
if you really must have a video, at least make the player larger.
also you might want to put low poly or mobile somewhere, because i found your current title pretty misleading thinking you'd have some next-gen type PC/console material
First thing that I noticed was you only had a demo reel. You need to have high res images of your models and texture flats to look at. Someone going though tons of portfolios might not have the time to watch a video.
As for the content, the first guns high poly seem to have some pulling around the trigger area. The environment I feel should be taken out. It is very empty and what is there does not scream current gen to me.
I hope this is not too rough, just keep on working stuff and post for crits.
I 100% agree with what has been said above. I would also add you need MORE quality objects. You need to produce current or next-gen asset that show off your strengths.
Try using a website temple site like http://carbonmade.com/ Its super easy to make and for people to view, and you don't have to waste time dealing with code.. unless your into that kind of thing (FREAK!) haha jk
Keep at it... its gonna be a long road until you get a job.
Anyway. I would echo what everyones said here. And add that i have no idea what the environment is supposed to me. I think its a helipad of sorts but im not sure. People need to know what your environment is or there isnt much point to it.
Im looking forward to seeing you add more stuff to it though.
Agreeing with what everyone else said, I dont know how everyone else here would feel about this but i definitely was a bit thrown off at the big bold underlined "HIRE ME!" at the bottom lol, hope to see that environment filled out a lot more man, good luck and keep going
Sure fix the site and make your environment is more identifiable. Still, first things first, if you're going to have "hard surface" in your header, make sure you have more than two guns to show. I would personally start with some real world guns, something like http://world.guns.ru/userfiles/images/machine/mg62/mg13_3.jpg it has a few shapes that would be good for some hard surface exercise as well as a strap. Then I would move to more complex objects, engines, vehicles, and when you have a firm understanding of how mechanics work; move on to sci-fi stuff.
I wont comment on the video, i just think its a horrible idea. It dosnt show off your models properly. Just looks weird. Anyhow one thing i reacted to is that you use Lightwave 3d, i would suggest learning max or maya. since they are most commonly used.
Edit: woop im stupid l2read, but seriously post Max and Maya experience before lightwave. And dont use words like "compitent" its another word for you suck at it.
Okay, HUGE overhaul on the site, with my own domain: ChrisWren3D.com Please, please, please take a look and let me know what you think. Thank you for all the input guys/gals!
Flash is awful, get rid of it. It is to slow, and you cannot right click save images from your portfolio. Also every piece of work on your portfolio should have your name, email, and website so people can easily comeback to the source.
Is everything broke now? I'm only getting 1 picture and a lot of offset, resume type text below it. I clicked on this earlier, and there were more images just a pain in the ass to get to them.
if you really must have a video, at least make the player larger.
also you might want to put low poly or mobile somewhere, because i found your current title pretty misleading thinking you'd have some next-gen type PC/console material
As for the content, the first guns high poly seem to have some pulling around the trigger area. The environment I feel should be taken out. It is very empty and what is there does not scream current gen to me.
I hope this is not too rough, just keep on working stuff and post for crits.
First thing I thought was "where are the images".
And secondly,
I'm getting one of those huge "click here to receive your price" type of banner.
It's completely diverting the attention from your actual site.
And then coupled with that the "create a free website" button at the button.
If you are gonna spend this much time on your models/reel/site etc you might as well drop a few dollar/euro's for some basic hosting with no ads.
Biofrost: rough can be a good thing when backed up with advice on how to fix it. Thank you for your input!
Try using a website temple site like http://carbonmade.com/ Its super easy to make and for people to view, and you don't have to waste time dealing with code.. unless your into that kind of thing (FREAK!) haha jk
Keep at it... its gonna be a long road until you get a job.
Anyway. I would echo what everyones said here. And add that i have no idea what the environment is supposed to me. I think its a helipad of sorts but im not sure. People need to know what your environment is or there isnt much point to it.
Im looking forward to seeing you add more stuff to it though.
Edit: woop im stupid l2read, but seriously post Max and Maya experience before lightwave. And dont use words like "compitent" its another word for you suck at it.
edit: oh, having the 2 threads confused me.