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New Macbook Pro.

polycounter lvl 11
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Andreas polycounter lvl 11

$2200? That has to be the 13 incher right?


A marvel of engineering for sure. Christ on a bike it's pretty. And Apple's screens are very nice, typing this on a now obsolete mac air :P

Great processor, RAM, graphics...the worst thing about this new Macbook Pro is how much a Windows 8 licence is going to cost :P And convincing yourself that you want to develop apps for iOS and OSX is a great excuse to splurge out too hah. :thumbup:

Very impressed with this machine. Teejay must be having a stroke.


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I like what apple does with hardware, not a fan of the price or OS, but I'd be happy working with windows on that beast.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    there is no 13 incher of the fancy one. its just called macbook pro with retina display. you can configure one in the shop. it also looks like they ditched the 17 inch model. pretty huge leap for size/performance. i am wondering about battery.

    also you cant talk about macs on polycount, they throw rocks at you and call you names.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Haha I'm aware of that... I think this machine might be the one to change things though. Still unsure on the specific pricing models, gonna have a rummage now (apple store is down).
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    that retina display - i assume running that high of a resolution will not be the best thing for performance?
    nice to see them getting rid of the DVD drive, not so nice not having a proper ethernet port.
  • System
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    System admin
    I'm on the fence.

    It's pretty, sure, and I won't miss the optical drive, but I'm not sure whether that display will be a blessing or a curse.

    As ThomasP says, if you plan to run games at native res, that's gonna take some serious processing power. Also, notice how they say there are third parties 'working to update their apps to support the native res'. I bought a new iPad a couple months ago and whilst the retina display is lovely, it highlights the lower resolution on apps that haven't been updated and there's still a LOT of those around.

    So, for this new display to even be worthwhile, it needs a lot of third party love which I can't see it getting any time soon.

    I just sold my top end MacBook Pro last week and was planning to buy one of these new retina MacBooks, but I'm just gonna go get an iMac/MacBook Air now for less money.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Macs (maybe just airs) produce a crazy amount of heat STREAMING ONLINE VIDEO AND PLAYING GAMES, never mind running another whole OS! :D An amount of heat that I would describe as slightly burning, especially with games. I think that's why laptops are now called notebooks. A big fan sits under my mac air .

    Surely we won't have to run games at those crazy high-res'? Won't 1080p be enough? Also I think that $3750 model is a bit much. Who needs a 768GB SSD. Get an external for files. The 60GB SSD in my mac air is super snappy, I love it.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    I wonder how it handles bootcamp (or parallels). Windows isn't retina ready so it might get annoying. Scaling to a non native res sucks. Running half resolution would be a step back from the current 15" hi-res displays. Also, no matte retina display option :( It's cool it's finally out - a machine with retina display. This might get send some waves over to the PC camp and eventually move us beyond the HD resolution roadblock. But somehow it doesn't feel like a big step yet. Gotta wait till they finally merge the MBA and MBP lines.

    Lovely machine though. But not enough to drop my current 15'er MBP.
    Going to stick with my plan for the summer - replace DVD with SSD, bump up ram. And I can stick with Snow Leopard! Lion: still sucks. Mountain Lion: gotta wait what the deal is with all this Twitter / FB integration and if it's any better than Lion.

    edit: urgh...price...
    2200 USD - USA
    2600 USD - China
    2800 USD - Europe
    probably just sales tax...or the apple tax? :/
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    arshlevon wrote: »
    there is no 13 incher of the fancy one. its just called macbook pro with retina display. you can configure one in the shop. it also looks like they ditched the 17 inch model. pretty huge leap for size/performance. i am wondering about battery.

    also you cant talk about macs on polycount, they throw rocks at you and call you names.

    They claimed 7 hours of battery life for the new mac book pro. Did you see the shots of the inside of the thing? Half the damn computer is a giant battery haha.

    I'm not crazy about macs..my gf has a macbook pro..its solidly built for the most part, definitely one of the best laptops in terms of quality. I honestly thought apple would gouge the price more than they did. Pretty cool stuff.
  • TelekineticFrog
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    TelekineticFrog polycounter lvl 18
    how is the macbook air obsolete? lol. :) I love my macbook air. I run Unity 3D, Zbrush and Photoshop with no issues. It's mainly a dev unit for Unity 3D for iOS. This new macbook pro is pretty sweet though. Not sure I'd ditch my air for it though.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    Wow is it thin...

    The highest spec Macbook appears to be slightly cheaper than that of previous generation. No doubt a lot of savings in ditching 17" display option and optical drive.

    Looking like this is the new ultrabook benchmark.

    Hating Apple is like hating Ferrari. You are hating the brand and the brand association.. But at the end of the day the quality of engineering that goes into the products must be admired.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    well, there's the genius of apple - the entire alu case = heatsink ;)

    Ever since they switched to alu enclosures those laptops were running damn hot! Fortunately the intel card doesn't run too hot. My MBP stays much cooler than my old G4 powerbook. If you want to control which gfx card your MBP uses, there's a software called "gfxCardStatus" and you can force it to use integrated or discrete only. The intel card holds up quite well for unity, programming and pretty much everything else, except heavy gaming and mid / heavy 3D.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, with that resolution even full-hd movies will look like shit :/ Not a fan of the retina display, I don't think the GPU's will be powerful enough to handle that much resolution.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    I wonder if they will have it so you can turn off hidpi mode and just have tons of desktop realestate.......
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    2.7 GHz processor, 16 GB of RAM, and the 768 GB SSD, it'll hit you $3750

    $3750? I could buy four or five same-specced PC desktops for that. Apparently the display causes odd issues that leave much to be desired:
  • WarrenM
    ambershee wrote: »
    $3750? I could buy four or five same-specced PC desktops for that.
    Then do that. I don't know why people feel the need to harp on Apple's pricing. Apple makes luxury/fashion products. Deal with it. :)

    The good thing is that Apple isn't selling crap. The engineering that goes into their stuff is exceptional so you're not just paying for components like you do with PCs. You're paying for someone to give a damn about how the computer is put together and how it works. It's not a race to the bottom like it is for many PC manufacturers.

    And with that, I'm sure we've sparked off yet another Mac vs PC thread. Let the rage begin!
  • ikken
    is there any benefit for an artist to get a retina display?
    I haven't used The New iPad™, so have no idea how painting apps utilize the screen estate.
    curious too see photoshop cs6 and painter 12's UI with os-independent small fonts on that screen too.
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    Then do that. I don't know why people feel the need to harp on Apple's pricing.

    It's expensive even for Apple. If I wanted to harp on their pricing, I'd rage about how their products are 75% more expensive in the UK for no discernable reason.
  • WarrenM
    Actually, can someone give the layman's version of why the retina display would make existing images look bad? Isn't it just double the pixels packed into the same visual space? That should just look ... the same, shouldn't it?
  • JostVice
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    JostVice polycounter lvl 12
    I wonder, is so many ppi useful at all? (Just curious) :)

    It is sad that Apple is the one pushing the hardware, I wonder why asus/samsung/sony haven't done this before? Seems like they're sleeping (and i'm a windows fanboy!)
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    ambershee wrote: »
    $3750? I could buy four or five same-specced PC desktops for that. Apparently the display causes odd issues that leave much to be desired:

    It's an ultrabook. Thin, Performance, luxury laptops are all similarly priced.

    The display is not the issue. Applications need to be updated to take advantage of the high resolution.
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    My 2Ghz quad, 6Gb memory, 6000 series Radeon ultrabook cost around £500 :p
    Actually, can someone give the layman's version of why the retina display would make existing images look bad? Isn't it just double the pixels packed into the same visual space? That should just look ... the same, shouldn't it?

    That's what I would have expected. I've noticed differences between different GPUs before (even between the same model but different manufacturers), but this one is a bit out there.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    ambershee wrote: »
    My 2Ghz quad, 6Gb memory, 6000 series Radeon ultrabook cost around £500 :p

    Which laptop is that ?
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    I'm not aware of the model number, but it's one of the HP ones. I couldn't find it on their website (actually their website seems to be pretty broken).
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    That's quite cheap, Apple, Asus and Dell ultrabooks all sell for a grand. Hows the heat on it?

    TelekineticFrog, you even have ZBrush on your air? You nuts? :D How hot does it get? What kind of polycounts can you get up to?
  • tupwick
    Actually, can someone give the layman's version of why the retina display would make existing images look bad? Isn't it just double the pixels packed into the same visual space? That should just look ... the same, shouldn't it?

    The reason they look bad on the ipad is because the ipad scales the apps to the full screen size, and then you notice the aliasing etc. But with a laptop like this I can't imagine you'd suffer the same problem, instead you'd as you've said be experiencing double the pixels across the same screenspace. So some 3rd party apps would feature tiny tiny icons and they'll need to adjust the size of their UI to make things still usable.
    Peoples photography websites would suddenly be lacking in resolution too as their high res 35mp photo thats been scaled for normal web use is suddenly only using 20% of the screen space heh.
    It's a problem thats always been present with high resolutions and I for one am very grateful that apples stepped up to try and move things on a bit.
    Unfortunately I work as a software developer where some of our customers are still using 1024*768 screens lol.
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    Andreas wrote: »
    That's quite cheap, Apple, Asus and Dell ultrabooks all sell for a grand. Hows the heat on it?

    Funnily enough I have no idea. I bought it as it was the only available machine I could get my hands on to go travelling with. I do all my intensive work on a desktop. The screen is only about 13", so I'd never do any work or gaming on it anyway.
  • WarrenM
    So some 3rd party apps would feature tiny tiny icons and they'll need to adjust the size of their UI to make things still usable.
    Peoples photography websites would suddenly be lacking in resolution too as their high res 35mp photo thats been scaled for normal web use is suddenly only using 20% of the screen space heh.
    It's a problem thats always been present with high resolutions and I for one am very grateful that apples stepped up to try and move things on a bit.
    OK, I mean, I can understand the "you now have a larger screen and things will be smaller on it" problem. That's, as you said, always the case when you get a large monitor.

    But people were saying it would make everything look bad - not simply smaller.

    Anyway, I guess it's not that important. Thanks for the reply!
  • tupwick
    Yeah I figured that part didn't need explaining, so was just waffling.
    Images only look bad in retina on iPad because it scales up low res content to fit. Browsing photos can be upsetting cause you just WISH you had better quality images saved.
    I don't believe this will be a massive problem on the desktop os
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Retina display is not gonna make sweet looking HD content look crap. Some apps are like that on the ipad because they werent even made for the ipad, but the iphone. Games like Ghost Trick (which is excellent BTW) are like this until they receive special made editions for the ipad.
  • ZacD
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    And the SSD is non-replaceable too I believe.

    I have only ever owned laptops, and the thought to open them up and fuck with the internals has not once crossed my mind. If it bothers people that much, they'll have to spend the extra 200.

    Seriously, unless you are doing some high-end game stuff, like baking lightmaps high-end, or editing some seriously big video, I cannot see the need for 16GB. Take ZBrush for example. It isn't a 64bit application, so it couldn't even use the whole eight, right? If you were doing some crazy particle or rendering work in Max, Maya, Blender, I could understand a little more. But I would never want 16GB in a mac of my own.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    the need for more ram on a PC workstation is not for a single app but for running multiple memory hungry programs at the same time - e.g zbrush + mari + PS. If you use your macbook as a stationary PC attached for an external display having a lot of ram can make sense for some folks.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Good luck running Mari effectively on most notebooks never mind Macs! :P But yeah, I see your point.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    sucks tho it's soldered in. Seems apple finally found the solution to the problem that some people wouldn't accept to be overcharged by apple when buying ram.

    And some folks with open wallets will just get more ram for "just in case".
  • ikken
    ^ idk, it's $ 200 for 16 gb upgrade (in the US), apple used to go really batshit on ram pricing before.
    given the overall price of this monster, two hundred is reasonable.
    (and having 16 gb is really sweet I'd imagine. I'm running out of my 8 quite often even, need to upgrade it sometime.)
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    lol. well that's one way to rationalize it. The ferrari costs 5 million, it's okay to charge 5k for the cigarette lighter ;)

    but yeah, it's a tad cheaper than the plain-boring-dirt-cheap-OEM-ram-which-you-can-buy-over-the-counter-for-a-quarter-of-the-price which apple usually sells you for crazy amount. Which is kinda insulting if you every bought ram from apple. You'd assume custom soldered in ram would cost them more. But then again we'd be back to the super high prices they had in the late 90's ($3500 for a G3 powerbook lol)

    Anyway, in a year or so they'll update everything again and the current models will be old and forgotten and people will drool over the next stuff, forgetting they just dropped 2k+ for a notebook.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah for 8 extra GB of superfast 1600Mhz RAM, you could do worse. I think I'd be happy with 8 though.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    VPrime wrote: »
    I wonder if they will have it so you can turn off hidpi mode and just have tons of desktop realestate.......

    Retina Display MBP owners now get a slider under OS X's Display Preferences that allow you to specify desktop resolutions other than 1440 x 900. At 1440 x 900 you don't get any increase in usable desktop resolution compared to a standard 15-inch MacBook Pro, but everything is ridiculously crisp. If you're like me however and opted for the 1680 x 1050 "high-res" upgrade last generation, this won't do. Thankfully Apple offers 1680 x 1050 and 1920 x 1200 scaling options that trade a bit of image quality and performance for added real estate.

    more on Anandtech http://www.anandtech.com/show/5998/macbook-pro-retina-display-analysis

    I love the hi res display on my MBP but going up to 1920 x 1200 sounds neat. Display stats for colors and contrast are great too. I wonder how the scaling affects this - let's hope they have some of those macbooks in he stores soon. I'm curious.

    Also what's up with this? I can get a 512 SSD for a 11'er macbook air but only 256 for the "little" retina pro???
  • ikken
    Kwramm wrote: »
    but yeah, it's a tad cheaper than the plain-boring-dirt-cheap-OEM-ram-which-you-can-buy-over-the-counter-for-a-quarter-of-the-price which apple usually sells you for crazy amount.
    I really fail to get the irony here. my mbpro had 4 gb on board, which I replaced with 8 GB of kingston (I believe) ram at the same hong kong reseller store, for like a half of apple store price.
    now this $ 200 deal seems really...nice to me. if it was 2008, apple would be selling 16 gigs for eight hundred something, no?

    oh, and thanks for the display link btw
    now I'm really really curious (would still probably prefer a 27" external screen until my current model dies, tho)
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    Just saying I would have understood it (for the first time) that Apple charges a lot for RAM, because now it's their own custom format.

    You would think it's more difficult to produce, less in demand, therefore more expensive than the cheap OEM DIMMs they sold in the past. But it isn't. The price is almost reasonable. Good thing I guess - but now the Apple world isn't making sense any more ;)
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    ikken wrote: »
    is there any benefit for an artist to get a retina display?
    I haven't used The New iPad™, so have no idea how painting apps utilize the screen estate.
    curious too see photoshop cs6 and painter 12's UI with os-independent small fonts on that screen too.

    Yeah if you are making apps for ipad3 maybe you can actually fit the designs on your macbook monitor at 100% pixel zoom in photoshop whereas right now you can only ever see a portion at 100% cause your screen rez is way too low for those massive files. I really dislike the ipad3 retina display.
  • System
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    System admin
    Went shopping at the Apple Store yesterday. They didn't have the new MacBook Pro's in yet (here in the UK at least), but to be honest, I'm not buying into this retina display thing yet until I see how well it performs and how quickly it gets third party support.

    I did pick up a new MacBook Air though, and man this thing is awesome. I just got the base 13" model with the 1.8Ghz i5/Intel HD4000 and 128GB SSD. I'm blown away! All my apps run at a perfectly comfortable rate, and even Diablo 3 seems to run well on the highest settings (haven't tried it with heavy screen population yet but I'm guessing there'll be some slowdown).

    I also picked up a 24" iMac too which I'm really pleased with, but slightly concerned they'll drop an IvyBridge refresh very soon. I had sold my previous desktop though and needed to grab something quick.
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    ikken wrote: »
    ^ idk, it's $ 200 for 16 gb upgrade (in the US), apple used to go really batshit on ram pricing before.

    My favourite was their '£250 second hard drive support' upgrade from a few years back.
  • Anchang-Style
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    Anchang-Style polycounter lvl 7
    I mean i personally wouldnt get a Apple Machine due to the pricing. But i have to give them, they are so perfectly well build machines. I have put hands on Sony, HP, Dell, Toshiba, Samsung, Alienware Laptops in every price range and none could even look at the candle of an apple laptop. Aluminium case, the display the feel of the keyboard, everything just feels so much more high quaility. I really respect that, still 3000 for top of the line s very steep.
  • fullofclovers
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    fullofclovers polygon
    I'm waiting for the new non retina macbook pro 15in to hit the Apple refurb store.
  • ikken
    Ged wrote: »
    Yeah if you are making apps for ipad3 maybe you can actually fit the designs on your macbook monitor at 100% pixel zoom in photoshop whereas right now you can only ever see a portion at 100% cause your screen rez is way too low for those massive files. I really dislike the ipad3 retina display.
    oh, ok thanks. ((pad3 display adds to billable hours for artist, tho...)
    ambershee wrote: »
    My favourite was their '£250 second hard drive support' upgrade from a few years back.

    was it a laptop offer? iirc it's uncommon for laptops to have a 2nd HDD (that's what I was told by a tech guy back in 2008, when my toshiba laptop had a whopping 500 gb of space, spread by 2 hdds), so this price tag makes some sense.
    their older ram prices didn't at all. but I don't think any clåssy brand like vaio sells optional addons cheaper, anyway.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    ikken wrote: »
    oh, ok thanks. ((pad3 display adds to billable hours for artist, tho...)

    Do you mean freelance artist can bill more if they are making it ipad3 compatible? I guess they could, I work for a salary so I'm just expected to make ios games at close to the same speed as I always did regardless of the complexity of the task. Also interesting to note, have you even seen many retina 3D ipad 3 games? any unity3D ipad3 retina games? I think people are mostly avoiding it due to performance loss or memory/file size concerns.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    ikken wrote: »

    was it a laptop offer? iirc it's uncommon for laptops to have a 2nd HDD (that's what I was told by a tech guy back in 2008, when my toshiba laptop had a whopping 500 gb of space, spread by 2 hdds), so this price tag makes some sense.

    apple never had a 2 hdd laptop. But fitting a 2nd laptop is technically super easy. All you need is an adapter to hold the drive. IBM has been doing this for years. SATA/PATA DVD out - SATA/PATA hdd in. No electronics required, just a cheap piece of plastic to hold the drive. You could probably hack it together yourself if you have time and skill.

    For Macbooks 3rd party solutions exist - replace your SATA DVD with a SATA HDD. Some even come with a nice enclosure for the DVD so you can keep using it externally.

    [ame="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Hard-Drive-Caddy-9-5MM-Macbook/dp/B004ZXZB3E"]New 2nd Hard Drive Bay Caddy 9.5MM For Macbook Macbook: Amazon.co.uk: Electronics[/ame]
  • low odor
  • System
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    Yeah doesn't look good for those of us who usually upgrade the RAM/HDD aftermarket. It's a shame, because I've repaired a fair few MacBooks in the past when things like HDD and fans have gone, but looks like those days are over.

    The Engadget review pretty much confirms my thoughts on the retina display; third-party apps look terrible and will do until they get an update... which could be never for older apps. Not a problem for low cost, small apps, but for pro-apps, that could mean the next major release, which as we all know, could be thousands of dollars and frustrating for those who don't necessarily jump on the annual release of big apps.


    I think they're just one step too far ahead with the display. It was the same with the first MacBook Air with it's SSD; at the time, it was a bit too 'experimental' for most people, whereas now it's just commonplace. With that said, I think I'll wait a few generations until the retina display has moved to the other lines, if/when that happens.
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