Another character project - go!
This time i'm aiming to make a scifi chick based off a sketch i did in PS, very halo inspired after seeing the E3 stuff. Crits on everything and anything are welcomed!

I did a block out in zbrush - i'm going to use this as a base to model my hardsurface stuff over,

Paintover with hands 'n' colours 'n' stuffs;

The design looks pretty cool, but I sincerely dislike the breasts part, too much like armored nipples up there
Somebody else commented about the armor plated nipples too, will think of something more subtle :P
As for the hips, i really want to keep that triangular silhouette that she currently has, the way i saw it was that the armour around the hips is thicker than other parts of the armour, similar to how the arm guards are really thick too. It just makes for a more interesting shape i felt.
here's how she might be shaped below the gear, from doing this paintover though i realised the shoulders need to come out a tad.
I would tone down dat ass a bit also. The silhouette has a cool style too it, just needs some more beleivability in the rear.
Keep going!
These proportions are amazing.
Also, helmet is definitely pretty much reading Master Chief to me.
Didn't get too much done so far today, a little bit of helmet prototyping and a base mesh for the face.
Though it feels like there might be too many parts on it right now.
I like the helmet animation, but have the screws move all at the same time, or space their timing out even more i.e. wait for one animation to finish before the next one starts. Give it a few frames even.
@Selaxnog, yea i was trying to get the small parts under the jaw line to kind of roll backwards but it needs a bit of thinking, everything will have small wires and hydraulics pushing it from behind eventually, so i need to make sure i leave enough room for them.
@Andreas, the masternips are gone! replaced with master-almost-boob-shape.
At the moment all the animations overlap for certain reasons, the main panels push out, and then this makes room for the front section to rotate downward. This is by no means the final animation for the helmet, but more of a way of seeing where/how the pieces will move. All the timing and stuff can be fiddled with once i have the final parts made for the helmet.
Paintover for the helmet, couldn't be bothered to paint lots of little wires at the back, but in the model there will be quite a dense amount of small wires there:
I think she could do with more curvature in the hips, have it flowing instead of such an angular change, but I would keep them as big as they are. Looks less 'generic 3D female'.
The reason why the Doom Marine and Master Chief both have exposed joints that look like they're covered in black future fabric is to give space for those hard metal plates to more and not intersect.
The way you have that armor now, that woman couldn't possibly move around. The plates just jut up right against each other, no overlapping, no joint areas. Since women tend to move from the hips, that area will need more pronounced overlapping to indicate where the plates give way.
1. In my opinion, it looks very similar to Halo armor. Try to go for something a bit more unique.
2. Always try to involve a theme like a spaceship engineer, captain etc... It adds character.
Here's a small update cleaning up some of the pieces. Going to get all the external stuff done and then focus on the interior workings of it. and then finally go over with floating geo to add some surface detailing. Another gif to show the plates fitting together better;