This is my first time posting in polycount, I really admire the work that is posted in the forums. This is my first female character, it is for a level that I'm doing for one of my classes. Here is the concept sketch for the character, I'm not that good at drawing but this is what I'm going for. This is the base of the body I just wanted to get the basic anatomy down and now I will start extracting geometry for the clothing.

RiotForQuiet: Thanks for the critique. I know my anatomy is not that good especially my female anatomy but I just don't have the time to start all over. Are there any quick changes I can do to make it better, or any advice with anatomy that I can look out for future projects.
for example her arms have to be long enough to comfortably scratch her own ass (or reach into her pockets) :poly142:
I'm not any further along than you but this is my advice anyway
I also added the gloves, boots and pocket. I am almost done with the high poly and will move on to retopologizing in topogun. Any last critiques are welcome.