I figured it would be fun to tackled something on a smaller scale and be able to focus on some of my weaker skills. So far I have mostly been doing sci- fi only things and I need to expand my skill set. So I figured a mini scene would be best to test that out.
My biggest issue that has been pointed out to me is that it seems a bit generic so far. I need to come up with some kind of story for this scene.
So any crits would be awesome, or ideas on how to liven this baby up.(ignore the brick textured trash bin haha)

and some Texture samples

-a drug scene
-someone tinkering on their bike
-a couple of secret agents monitoring a person of interest in their makeshift HQ
-some agents 'interrogating' a suspect
-a starting band playing for a small crowd
-an (illegal) snack bar
-someone having a garage sale
As for vert painting, of course! I have yet to do it my self so I have some tutorials to watch covering that subject..
Thanks RexM Ill go back and try and get a more brick look.
The brick-texture looks too clean I'd say. Depending on the feeling you want to convey you'd be better off making sure the brick-texture look good in all lighting conditions. IT's going to be the main thing people see, make sure it looks good.
You're going the right way with something not too damaged and grimey though, even though some damage and color variation could be good. You can always blend in another texture to make it look better and more varied but right now yours isn't that good. I feel like the whole thing needs more love and if you're going realistic Zbrush or proper photo-sourcing of textures would help Zbrush especially if you're going for something with tessellation in the end.
Have a looksie at the Crysis 2 Bricks
Now get to it! go on! get!
Once I get this base brick texture looking good enough ill move on to a variation for mesh painting.
I started a blockout out of the room behind one of the doors but then it dawned on me I have no idea what those rooms are called to look for reference. Would they just be a storage room?
Bricks look better though and it's a quite nice air-conditioner as well
I want to have some nice blue light spilling into the street luring people to come and drink.
I think this scene would really benefit from being extended a bit further.
Not too much, mind, but enough so that you can't see the edges of the environment from the camera.
Just something to give the impression that this is a small part of a larger world really.
Keep up the good work!
But yeah big improvement on the brick work, when it comes to it i would suggest pushing the spec a bit more
points id take into consideration:
1) making the normal maps a bit less noisy
2) working the spec maps a bit more, defining materials
3) having the diffuse maps only with flat colors + a little grunge
4) vert painting.
these alone would make our scene look awesome ^^