That should have effect on the the material slots in the material editor. Is it the same after you restart max? Try and uncheck Affect Material Editor in the Gamma and LUT and see if that helps.
For some weird reason, we used to get overly bright material editor spheres from our Chinese studio with all kinds of 3ds Max versions (9.0 - 2009). They would just be bright by default, but other than that everything was normal. I never figured this behavior out though. In my own 2013 install they've been bright from the beginning. Maybe it's supposed to be like that?
Yeah, it's a bug. I can't exactly tell you how I fixed it, but I have that now and then, specially when I fuck around with the gamma and LUT settings, it's a pain in the ass. (I never tried 3dsmax2013 tho, but I used to get that same bug on 3dsmax2012)
You might wanna read a guide, there was very good ones in the vray forums, and look the topic up a bit.
thats supposed to be 50% gray
For some weird reason, we used to get overly bright material editor spheres from our Chinese studio with all kinds of 3ds Max versions (9.0 - 2009). They would just be bright by default, but other than that everything was normal. I never figured this behavior out though. In my own 2013 install they've been bright from the beginning. Maybe it's supposed to be like that?
You might wanna read a guide, there was very good ones in the vray forums, and look the topic up a bit.
Press 8, and on the environment tab, change ambient light to black.