Hey everyone, I'm gonna be posting my works in progress and other stuff here. Comments and critique are much appreciated.
This one is for an Android/IOS game currently in early stages of production I'm helping develop. The game itself is a hexagonal turn-based strategy.
It's supposed to be a scout unit. We're still in the testing stage, figuring out the engine and it's capabilities. I think that this model isn't gonna be used for the game in the end, it's probably too high-poly. We also want to test a couple other options, so I made a normal mapped test model, screenshots from blender and Unity below.

First one, how do you implement colour-coded armies in strategy games, particularly for mobile platforms. For example, we want there to be a red army and a blue army, both using the same types of units. How do we make them change colours? I had a couple of ideas. First one is to use masks to mask out the coloured parts and adjust it with the shader. But I'm afraid that this may cause performance issues, adding a new render path. The second way I came up with seems to have been used in some PC strategy games like C&C generals (and probably the more recent installments in the series), as well as AoE 3. They had some geometry on their models be vertex coloured accordingly. I also thought of making separate texture sets for each color-coded army, but that seems like too much unnecessary work and a waste of memory space.
There's other stuff I'm currently trying to figure out graphics-wise, but this post is already too long, so that's all, folks, thanks.
Concept art:
I was reading up on vertex coloring today. You might want to check it out! I imagine that it would be just what you need
The triangle count ranges from ~430 to ~860
I think the bottom one should have the same blue glowy dot at the front as the top one though
I like the turrets from what i can see. Could you post them without wires?
Wow, this took me a better half of the day, and it's not even finished. Gotta speed it up.