nice stuff! Really like the raven. What sort of polycount are they and texture size? It is always nice to know what the industry works to. And how long did it take you to make a prop on average?
It depends. Most of the medium and big objects have 1024x1024 textures, 512 for the little ones and smaller for the tiniest. It has been reduce after in the engine depending of the scene.
For many of those I over-used overlapping as you can see on the Well's bases divided into 4 equal pieces, same thing for the wardrobe's front panel.
The time spent on those depends too. The average might be between 1 and 2 days.
great stuff! I love looking at really nice production work.
What was your process for these? You said average 1-2 days. Did you make a high poly in zbrush for some? Or use nDO/crazybump? How'd you create the more detailed wood pieces with complicated designs? thanks!
The process was quite simple.
Mesh in 3DS Max then Diffuse in Photoshop and Crazy Bump for Normal Map using several layers of black and white to keep the most control as possible.
So, no sculpt or Hi poly for the props, that was a choice in order to save time.
For the carved wood stuffs, this is basically from pictures of detailed church stones.
nice work overall, although the crazybump normals dont always look so good.
for the most part of the woodstuff they look realy great and the blankets are a real highlight, but the stoneparts clearly fall back in comparison to the rest.
i think doing a couple of stones and some tilable stone-textures and then reusing them would have been a more effective way to keep the visual quality up, while still meeting timeconstraints.
CGtextures helped me a lot, but not always.
It's based mostly on textures and pictures find online, cause we didn't have a good library (according to me).
Hi, Thanks for the comments.
Here is an other one, quite different, it's more a 2D work than 3D.
This is some paintings of the Royal family and the King Robert Baratheon with the heads of the actors from the HBO series.
Looks good, the only thing that strikes me, as a book reader is the dragon skull. In the books, dragonbone is described as being black, due to the high iron content.
Other than that, some damn fine work here, you should be proud :-)
Looks good, the only thing that strikes me, as a book reader is the dragon skull. In the books, dragonbone is described as being black, due to the high iron content.
Yeah I know, that's part of those things that we took from HBO. But I changed it a bit cause the HBO one looks more like a Trex than a dragon.
There are few more to come, but I have to take some screenshots.
For many of those I over-used overlapping as you can see on the Well's bases divided into 4 equal pieces, same thing for the wardrobe's front panel.
The time spent on those depends too. The average might be between 1 and 2 days.
I'm glad that you like it.
What was your process for these? You said average 1-2 days. Did you make a high poly in zbrush for some? Or use nDO/crazybump? How'd you create the more detailed wood pieces with complicated designs? thanks!
great work!
Mesh in 3DS Max then Diffuse in Photoshop and Crazy Bump for Normal Map using several layers of black and white to keep the most control as possible.
So, no sculpt or Hi poly for the props, that was a choice in order to save time.
For the carved wood stuffs, this is basically from pictures of detailed church stones.
for the most part of the woodstuff they look realy great and the blankets are a real highlight, but the stoneparts clearly fall back in comparison to the rest.
i think doing a couple of stones and some tilable stone-textures and then reusing them would have been a more effective way to keep the visual quality up, while still meeting timeconstraints.
still very nice stuff overall
It's based mostly on textures and pictures find online, cause we didn't have a good library (according to me).
Here is an other one, quite different, it's more a 2D work than 3D.
This is some paintings of the Royal family and the King Robert Baratheon with the heads of the actors from the HBO series.
Other than that, some damn fine work here, you should be proud :-)
Yeah I know, that's part of those things that we took from HBO. But I changed it a bit cause the HBO one looks more like a Trex than a dragon.