Hello, everyone!
This is my first shot in handpainting. Would love to hear some feedback.
There was no specific concept I went by, except for some basic sketches.
Diffuse texture is 1024. Initially I planned to reduce it to 512 after finishing, but I decided not to, just so you can see and point out my mistakes easier.
Please C&C!!!

And I find the Modell way to clean
Other than that. Good job!
I got pretty much the same feedback at the other forum. I will keep working on this piece and will post hopefully finished version soon.
Here is the list of things I did:
- Worked on lights and darks;
- increased highlights on metal;
- dirty wheels, darkened wheels texture in general;
- created simple logo for the banner;
- added ropes;
- other minor changes in materials
- increased padding.
Please let me know your thoughts.