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Intruder Alert! (Asymmetric Multiplayer RTSS)



After years of development work on some of the most popular GoldSrc and Source mods, our team recently announced its first indie title, powered by the UDK!

Intruder Alert! (or IA! for short) is a cooperative asymmetric multiplayer Real-Time Strategy Shooter and the spiritual successor to Overwatch: a Half-Life² modification we developed and released in late 2010 (which has been downloaded over 100,000 times, given a rating of 9.3/10 by its community and nominated to ModDB's Top 100 Mods of 2010!).

Like Overwatch, IA! pits a team of GPs (Ground Players, playing cooperatively in third-person view) against a single OP (Overhead Player, commanding AI-controlled units and manipulating the environment around them from a top-down perspective). As such, our players will be playing a very different game based on what side they choose!

Following the amazing feedback we've received from Overwatch fans across the globe, we kicked off development of IA! mid-2011 and have been working hard on it ever since. We've taken all the valuable lessons we've learned while developing Overwatch and are using them to build a bigger, better and more complete game of the same genre, this time powered by Epic's amazing UE3.

We've also gotten rid of the restrictions we'd set on ourselves during Overwatch's development. This time around, we're aiming for a complete gaming experience: bigger and better features, with levels, models and textures built entirely from scratch around a fun theme and an awesome art style.
[ame="http://youtube.com/watch?v=IBwuV8VkZnc&hd=1"]Intruder Alert! - Teaser Trailer #1 - YouTube[/ame]
Our plan is still to RERO and to get our community intricately involved in IA!'s development process every step of the way. In our minds, their feedback and suggestions are invaluable to IA!'s success, which is why we share information about our plans so openly.

If you'd like a taste of the kind of gameplay we're aiming for in IA!, we encourage you to take a look at (and even play!) Overwatch, which now serves as a demo of some of the core features you'll find in the UE-powered sequel.

→ Why the Move?
You may be wondering why we're jumping ship when it was all going so well. Although Overwatch was a huge success, its future was becoming uncertain. Source is a fantastic engine and we definitely had a blast working with it and being a part of its community; however (and unfortunately), it wasn't designed to handle everything we were throwing at it (like the OP side, numerous complex entity systems, etc..). It would have taken quite a bit of effort (and lots of code) to fix those issues, which would have been time taken away from developing the game itself.

After a quick bit of prototyping in the Unreal Development Kit, it became obvious to us that UE3 was much better suited to handle our needs. The UDK also comes with many other advantages and perks, so the decision to move came quite easily. What's important to us is that we keep moving forward with our original plans, building a fun and unique game that people can enjoy!

You can learn much more about IA! and our team by visiting our awesome new IndieDB profile, this Details/Q&A page and the following links: You can also contact us directly by posting on our Community Forums, through WebChat or by emailing us at: info -AT- redmatter -DOT- ca

Join Us!

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As you've probably guessed, we're looking to expand by adding a few talented and experienced UDK developers to our ranks.

While we may not have years of experience with the Unreal Engine, we do have tons of experience making video games and definitely have the passion, dedication, infrastructure and know-how to go from idea to successful release and beyond.

Our team is currently made up of programmers, game/level designers, 2D/3D artists, sound designers and a wonderful composer. As we're sure you can all understand, being indie means that we have to be very picky about who we bring on board, so we're only looking for talented and easygoing individuals with the skills, drive and resourcefulness to bring value to the team.

If you fit the description and are looking to work with a talented, experienced and insanely dedicated team, a proven development process, custom tools and one heck of a project that's just a ton of fun to work on, look no further; we'd love to hear from you! Simply send us an email with a link to your résumé and/or online portfolio (and a few words explaining why you feel you'd make a good addition to our team) to: jobs -AT- redmatter -DOT- ca

Please note that while all applications are welcome, we are currently not looking for any producers, game/level designers, writers, composers, sound designers or playtesters; as much as we appreciate everyone's interest, we already have those areas covered!
Featured Openings:
  • Character Art
    We're looking for highly-talented character artists with the skills needed to model, texture and (preferably) rig and animate a diverse range of assets for IA! in an illustrative/NPR style, specifically candidates with an outstanding ability to create character models and any related costumes/accessories. Proficiency creating hand-painted texture maps, organic objects and/or hard-surface props is a big plus.

  • Graphics Design
    We're looking for highly-talented graphics designers, specifically those with an outstanding ability in user interface (UI), logo, font and web/graphics creation (in a style that matches IA!'s art and theme), working with tools such as Photoshop, Illustrator and Flash. Experience with Scaleform, HTML5/CSS3 and/or video editing is a plus but not required.

  • Community Development
    We're looking for an experienced, professional and fun community developer to act as a two-way link between our development team and our wonderful community, keeping our followers engaged and up-to-date on development progress (through posts on our sites and social media profiles) while also relaying feedback and information back to the team. The candidate must be an excellent communicator and be capable of forming both short and long-term strategies. Video production/editing experience and/or fluency in a second language are a plus but not required.

    Environment artists, concept artists, video producers/editors and web developers are also strongly encouraged to apply!
In closing, our staff will be payed according to a profit sharing model. Thankfully, we plan to start generating income as early as possible through alpha funding/pre-orders (hopefully as soon as we hit our first major milestone: a vertical slice of IA!) to help sustain the project.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!

-- rM

Note that we'll be updating this thread with additional information over time.


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