Update of where i am at now.

hey dudes i started on this project this past weekend and i am going for a pretty generic sci fi character. my concept is from a book cover for star wars.
C&C very welcome! i am trying to bust this character out pretty quick to get back to my class i am also working on. ugh so much work recently!
concept -
HAHA looking good Brian!
- BoBo
Shoulder pads seem less beefy in the concept.
Penis's increase views here at polycount, everyone knows that
Looking forward to this, sick base so far and love the concept :thumbup:
I think I agree the shoulder pads seem a bit more slender in the concept, not sure if you're stylizing it up a bit tho.
thx for the feedback dudes! i will defiantly bulk up the shoulder armor.
I am trying to keep fairly close to the concept...especially the colors. But I am not necessarily going 100% accurate. i have been looking at a bunch of mass effect armor to see if i can get any cool shapes out of that too.
anyways, did a little work at lunch.
you must be new here
@ Pancakes - thanks!
here is another update. i am going to try to do a bunch of work this weekend! i will finish this! haha
I like.Glad your bringing her back.I must say though, the shell on dem boots is out of control.Push that thickness in a bit and your good to go.
Maybe stretch the fabric across instead? Also looks like her second belt is defying gravity... Other than that, looks good!
I think you did very well with the rest though. The face is going to look even better when you get some accompanying hair (if you're going to).
I agree with Denny, it's like she doesn't wear pant but you painted directly the body sculpt with the pants color...
Also, the feet are strange, the shape is not natural. I found a photo close to the boots you did :
Check the shape of the sole, especially where the foot should hit the ground, under the toes...
I suggest to add some military badge on her chest too, you know like in Startrek ^^.
Also, something I'm not sure if anyone else has mentioned... but how is that second belt attached? It's just kind of awkwardly floating there. Did you ditch it in your lowpoly?
Looking forward to seeing what you do with the hair
ill try to make the legs less skin tight in the texture. Also trying to fix the boot to the great ref Texelion posted. i think i can mostly do that in the low poly / silhouette of it. that boot was very close to what i was going for. thanks for that
orginized - the concept has a square pattern i am trying to incorporate. its mandryk's concept : http://cghub.com/images/view/176025/
also pretty much ditched the second belt. it was cool but i was worried too much about it so i saved myself the headache. lol thanks again guys!
I very like the pose 1 and 4 too.
Can I ask how do you render it? it looks real good!
i rendered it with the xoliul shader 2. Just default lights and half lambert on.
textures are shaping up really nicely though.
I realize the textures are WIP, but I'm hoping you're going to use NDO or something to put some more design into those thighs, bracers and belt+pouches. Also...more color variation! Break the palette of her outfit up a bit. Are you gonna do hat/hair, or is she staying bald?
I' sorta question the weird grill right across her clavicle. Seems like a strange design choice for that area, also the transition from the flesh of the neck to the shirt is harsh and doesn't feel real or seated.
concept by mandryk : http://cghub.com/images/view/176025/
I am surprised you didn't try to make the lightsaber yet! This is a character I've kind of wanted to take a stab at too but I never did because I didn't know how I'd handle making the lightsaber. Cheapest method would be billboard, probably.
here's a little proof of concept. It works fine in udk, but doing the same thing in marmoset looks bad, since marmoset rendering is quirky.
(specifically, the problem in marmoset is that the black areas on the cards will cut into white/purple areas, since in marmoset anything with the additive material will do a standard blend with itself, then an additive blend with everything else)
@ Frump - haha i had no idea what character it was when i started it. thanks for the info! found some really good ref.
@dirig - ill definatly do what you just posted. looks great thanks for the tip.
working on hair tonight
changes made so far