So I've been getting some of the first building set modules into UDK to test how they handle and found that the shadows seem to act a bit odd once they're baked. I've previously worked with lightmaps a bit on basic objects but I've not fully worked with them on more complex ones which is why I'm here asking for a bit of help.
On the picture below is a modular building I'm working on which will eventually make up a smaller village/outpost. But to the problem, I seem to have the shadows get very soft/melt together in the corners. I've highlighted that with the blue circles. It got better when I raised the lightmap resolution to 64 instead of 32 but is that a good choice or should I not go higher than 32? Also I'm wondering if its smart to keep the walls as single squares (marked in red) or better to cut them up to just cover the pieces between the beams for the sake of the lightmaps?