wounder if anyone knows of a good approach to build something like this ceiling
was organically trying to use curves and loft, but i really don't know how to work in the spots for the windows into the main arch.
thinking i could worry about the main arch of the ceiling first, than cut a hole where the windows are and extrude in to the wall with the window, but want to see if people got better solutions.
For the arches, I'd build two types, a "full" arch that can butt up against ones to the left/right and go around corners (or a separate corner piece if the edges just don't meet up well in both cases) and a "half" arch that can be terminated by a window.
Start out by making rough blockout arches and making sure they fit together.
I don't know if you can use this, but I thought it was pretty cool. Found it with a search engine the other day:
im not referring to the detail, up there just the overall shape, going to try what JamesWild when i get home.
the detail will be easy, just draw some curves and make then renderable in maya, and add some thickness.