hi guys
I wanted to get some critiques and feedback on my portfolio, (and stop lurking around which I tend to do)
here is the link
I know a lot of people have said the same story, so sorry about this, but here it goes!
I graduated in 2010 and ever since then I have been building my portfolio and trying to break into games as a junior artist, whilst looking for jobs to support myself, 2 years later and not getting many replys which means I am simply not good enough to land a Junior position, so I am going to keep on trying to get better.
and here is what i am currently working on
I am really grateful for everyone's feedback
Website is clear and simple, i'm told most employers prefer that sort of thing.
Perhaps some more high detail Zbrush sculpting, and throw some low poly in there?
(also, uni of derby '10, did u know matt syrett?)
I'd even suggest auditing your current folio and cut it down to about 15 of your favourite images.
Even make a new folio at a different address to only showcase your environment art etc. Keep the current site for all your other work and WIPS. At least the environment art one will be more focused on attaining a junior position.
you guys are right i should cut it down..
i had a question should i put everything in one page i.e like a main page with images
or keep it as it is with fewer pieces?
also sorry about this but im not too sure on what i should scrap, theres probably alot in the prop section that i could cut out and maybe some high poly car componants, and the 'desert road' but im not too sure about the others?
so now cracking on with more portfolio work
started to import everything into UDK
still got loads of meshes to import
its coming along
Here you will find tips tricks and crits to fine tune your 2d / 3d art skills.
As for the critiques;
You got the grounds for it. You are able to provide the rendered model, your texturing and modeling is good, but its all on the basic level, it is not appealing to the viewer and there fore it isnt selling.
Looking to texturing the environment a bit more, add lights to your scenes and see if you can implement more details in your models without adding more geometry to them.
Good luck
I'd drop it from your website tbh..
heres a small update
make mini lion head pieces at the end of the trims
-maybe make a sidewalk with the lampost and street sign like the image
still got more stuff to fix i think
like the stairs looking too tall
Thank you, i was actually thinking that i am messing this up, but im glad im in the right track
its in udk
need to change the skydome i think
here an update still more things to tweak but its coming along slowly
any feedback would be kindly appreciated
made the arches more smoother
and added some slight dirt on the tillable stucco
any comments or suggestions would be kindly appreciated in making this piece better
Just a couple of suggestions from me though. I would grunge/dirty up the lower building since this is where all the rubbish, dirt and water clings and collects to the building. Plus it will feel more ground in the scene.
Also I would be maybe add more signs to the scene (similar to the source image you are working from), as well as power/telephone cables to push it that further!
Good Luck!
Add some dirt and grime where they would collect naturally but don't over do it.
Having looked at the ref photo you are basing this on I would include how there is elevation in the roads and pavement and how the building conforms to this. Details like this makes a big difference.
I redid my website
Hi guys i did a quick little photoshop of what needs to be added
anyone else have any suggesstions?
also just doing some zbrush stuff inspired from gow
and started to work on my next piece just created a blockout, really need to refine the proportions first before I go any further
created a tillable wood texture, the panels need to be longer I reckon
here you are
- Your first piece is definitely your strongest and it shows, you should definitely add wires and flat shaded pics as well. You're aiming for a junior position, so this is critical to show.
- Also maybe my monitors are too big (doubt it
- Name your pieces so when employers want to reference something, they won't sound uneducated by saying (I really like that green image of the Subway?) know what I mean?
- One small note on the About Me page, the color and thickness of the font makes it tough to read, make it white for sure and use the same font you used for the "ali_khalil_cv.pdf" text
- Finally and probably should've been first, but you're an environmental artist, are any of these in engine shots? UDK/CryEngine e.t.c are free to use you must show that you understand them and can hit the ground running. Everything looks pretty in Max/Maya
Hope this doesn't sound too preachy, but you do have a shot, and peeps here will help with that for sure.
Hey lildragon
I have made the changes
creating a high poly piece for my portfolio
still not done with teh sculpt going to alter the folds so its not all repeated and maybe add some slight damage,
but yea not not with teh sculpt, needs more polish
any suggestions or feedback would be really nice in order to get this piece to a decent standard
heres an update
let me know what you guys think
redid the damage after observing reference relevant to the piece
You should consider re-doing the spec map on your artillery cannon. The tires are just as bright as the metal pieces.
I'd also like to see some more breakdowns of your Private Ryan scene. You showcased small props... I'd like to see a breakdown of a building, and the tank.
Also some of your images load slow, not sure if you interlaced any of them.
btw here is the high poly for the sofa
created the flower piece in maya with some zbrush
and here is the sofa, need to add some interest on the sides looking really plain at the moment, im going to make the side piece wooden hence the wooden deco, but I reckon some wooden panels to help break up the emptiness, and dial down the 'wrinkles' on the cushions,
right now im off to bed got work in the morning :P
made more adjustments with the high poly sofa
and added in a 3 point light set up in zbrush
light caps is soo much fun
started to polypaint the sofa, it doesnt seem like theres a way to adjust the hue or saturation, once the object is polypainted or maybe ive missed it but i cant seem to find an option, so ill have to tweak it in photoshop, Aswell as adding detail like dirt and grime etc
its just the diffuse at the moment going to bake the AO, cavity and normal map from the high poly,
its coming along,
just tried a quick adjustment in photoshop to see how it looks with a bit more 'pop' in the colour
starting texturing the low poly soon
AO is too strong will need adjusting
Any possibility of adding a texture overlay of leather over it, just for some extra detail.
What's this game res versions polycount ? The flat edge on top would look great with subtle modelling to highlight the bulges.
i think that's an older image, i increased the spec and gloss
on this version
the poly-count right now is 1,300 tris, but what you suggested will deff help make it better,
also I do not know if this was correct to do? , I did not model the back as this will be against the wall and it saves UV space,