I have been learning 3DS Max 2012 by following a tutorial and while following along the pieces I have worked on keep getting triangulated and I cant find out why. The triangulation sometimes happens only when I don't have the model selected in a mode (vertex, edge, etc..) and so i didn't worry about it too much as it seems it wouldn't effect my progress on the project however now many pieces of my model are now triangulated but won't un triangulate regardless of what i do. This has not changed the look of my model except in some small place.
Another problem I am having is the model will turn pitch black and all i can make out it the silhouette I can see it fine in wire frame but Its really annoying and its time to texture so i need to see now.
I have searched the internet many times and found nothing
but the thing that seem to cause the black model problem is turning off nitrous in the view port properties which I did because I installed the xoliul shader. I don't NEED this but it would be nice to have it while texturing. if i turn nitrous on the model is no longer black but the shader doesn't work and is now black.
these are the same pieces just one is from an older save just to show the before.
I showed the modifier stack in the messed up on in case it mattered.
Triangulation can be many things. What have you tried? Can you show a screenshot?
When you collapse the modifier stack, what modifier appears? It should (almost always) be Editable Poly. Collapsing to Editable Mesh can sometimes cause triangulation, if you set certain options.