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First Post - Skelly

polycounter lvl 6
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purehilarity polycounter lvl 6
Hey Guys,

This is my first time posting on this forum. I'll start by saying that everything you guys are doing is awesome. I've been visiting the site daily and looking at the recount posts and my picking my jaw up off the floor everytime. It's inspiring and at the same time frightening how talented you all are.

Anyway, enough flattery. I really have no idea how to use forums, I usually just lurk because I see so many people being yelled at for everything under the sun if they try to post (not you guys, all forums) so forgive me if I'm breaking rules. I'll learn with time.

Here's something I've been knocking around after work. I was inspired by the 3D motive hand painted texture tutorial that I saw on this site and wanted to try something like that myself. This is my first attempt at anything low-poly or hand painted. It's very rough at the moment. Any advice?? Would love some tips.






  • MeintevdS
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    MeintevdS keyframe
    I think it would be best if you used alpha (or model them) for the space between the ribs, not painting them brown. Same goes for the jaw area.

    Even though it seems you're going for a cartoony style I think you should still reference real anatomy, especially since you can't cheat around with stuff seeing as it's so "bare bone". For example the lower arm and lower leg have 2 bones, not just the 1.
    No matter what you make and what style you make it in, reference is always useful, it shows you what you really need to make something readable and also what you can exaggerate without breaking the believability.

    It feels like all the effort you put into the face/skull lacks in the rest of the texture. The face is pretty detailed with the tiny crack and the rest of the body are just some huge blobby strokes.

    I think still have a pretty long way to go, but keep at it and you'll get there :)
  • purehilarity
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    purehilarity polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks dude. Very helpful stuff. I had considered alpha but I thought it may look too weird without any inside detail modeled and if I modeled all that I'd lose my low polygon look which was my goal. Do you think it would look better?

    Also I know he's not anatomically accurate at all, that was a choice not a mistake. But it is good to know that it's distracting.
  • Talvara
    if you go the alpha route, there is nothing stopping you from modelling the spine in there ;)

    You'll also want to make a duplicate of the ribcage and reverse the normals on that duplicate, (that way the ribs will be double sided)

    Adding alpha is definitely the way to go :), Be sure to post your results.
  • purehilarity
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    purehilarity polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks Tal! Genius. I keep forgetting you can do that. I'm from the "offline rendered" world so all these things are new and exciting to me.
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