Hi, im trying to create a repeating pattern over a cylindrical surface using the "Curve Mode" modifier. I seem to be having two problems with this though:
1: I can't seem to find a way to manually move the curve manipulators manually after I have created a stroke (So I want to move the manipulators to wrap around the cylinder).
2: Applying an alpha to a brush causes the one click stroke feature of the curve mode to stop working which is what I need to apply the pattern.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
You might find what you're doing easier with the Noisemaker function (Tool pallete > Surface > Noise) but then again its hard to say without knowing exactly what you want to do.
Basically it allows you to draw a curve stroke on the surface of a mesh and then fill in that stroke with the brush pattern of your choice (similar to the pen stroke tool in Photoshop).
What im trying to recreate is something like this:
See the middle strip of detail running around the circumference of the vase. I want to recreate something like that however simply doing it with the lazymouse enabled tracks brush would mean I would have to constantly rotate the mesh and try and blend it using trial and error.
Radial symmetry might work but im also interested in getting the curve mode working for more complex shapes. Cheers.
Cheers mate.
But for Curve mode, turn lazy mouse off, Curve Bend and Snap on, Curve intensity off, and set the Max Points to however many times you want the pattern to repeat. Using Drag Dot will let you manipulate the curve. You'll have a hard time drawing it out and then trying to move it in position all the way around the shape though. Sym/Radial Sym can help with that, depending on the complexity (in this example they'd work)
Hi Cryrid, do you know what could be the cause why this Drag Dot method is no longer working in R7? I did exactly the same steps in R6 and R7. In R6 it works like a charm, but in R7 it just draws the first point (using dam standard for example), and that's it. It doesn't draw the stroke along the curve.
I'd really appreciate any help with this, as I use it quite often. Thanks!
This video shows exactly what I'm talking about:
Ok, nice, thanks Popeye9!