I am making a hand painted hack and slash in Unity
feedback would be very much appreciated
this is my first attempt at hand painted textures,
i stillhave a long way to go as you can see
here is a screenshot
The ground of the first picture is better than the second one by the way. :-)
And some feedback:
- there's something wrong with the small grass tiles in the second picture.
- The house is fun but it looks strange. I don't feel allot of depth in it.
your doing something that most people do thats real easy fix...with your ground blends...your blending between sand, grass,stone straight which leads to a very blended look.
what you need is a structure more like:
sand with clumps of grass in
grass with the odd stone in ___AND___ grass with muddy patches
stone______________________AND ______________________mud
if you get the blends correct and the mix in each texture right this will give much better blends that look way natural
could you tell me which one please? SHEPEIRO
i will do that
rigged and skinned the engineer
here is the latest texture :
should i go with lighting(right) or just flat diffuse(left)
or should i change the lighting
here is the concept for the next 3d model
its a mine rail car (kind of waypoint system)
this is the startplace at the surface, sort of steam driven elevator
if you do quest x for the engineer you unlock this
did a small overpaint
if anyone has tips to make things "read" better
i would love to hear them
atm i have the feeling its sometimes to chaotic
the rigging is done
yesterday i did a small test to see if i could animate the uv in unity, but he ingnores it so had to find a solution to animate the rope,
i did not wanted to code it in unity so i took 18 planes and rigged and wired them so that they would loop, or stretch, at the desired moment
took me 4 hours untill it was correct
also while i was at it i decided to also wire my already basic rig
now al the gears connect and don't rotate separate
now the rigging is done, i can get back to texturing
(also textured a little bit more, the rail stop sign, and the rails (they got a lil upgrade)
(the gears sometimes seem to spin weird/backwards,
thats because the framerate of the gif is way lower then normal )
spiral knight looks great, thx for the link
bastion was the reason why i started this game
first i was going to paint all the props and the enviroment just like bastion, but in the end decided to do it in 3d
im trying to create a kind of giant dungeon
the thing i am making now is a kind of entrance to several places
kinda like a teleporter
here is one of the first concept art pictures:
i thought i already posted it
I think I'll leave it like this for now
and then compare it to other props and enviroment things when i have a few of those
I have the feeling that it is getting a little bit to realistic
have to make some more things to compare
4348 tris total
Very very nice, interested to see how the other pieces come out The texture work so far is solid, very loose but I think that's what makes it so appealing.
Yesterday I haven't made a lot of progress
I was stuck on the terrain in unity
so was looking for something else
did a bit research and decide to make custom tiles
I modeled and uvd the mine tiles
today I finished them and started texturing
i uvd everything on 1 1024x1024, might scale that down
its grey so i can decide the color in unity
here are a few screenshots
(they are supposed to tile in every direction, including left on bottom etc, but there still are small seams)
a few updates:
high contrast
low contrast (i think this will read better in the game)
spend the whole day on this:
it probably looks very boring
but it ll come in handy soon
it's a basic level editor
with intuitive controls and dummy proof
now it only supports just plane tiles
everything is already loaded, but not placed yet
i plane to use this to quickly create a lot of rooms
then i can use a script to randomly place those rooms
then every time you play you get a different map
Loving the texture work and 3d style mate!
also quick question are you now able to paint over the tiles you made in unity like when you paint your textures in the environment editor?
You can't paint on the texture in unity (would be fun to have but i think it could be quite time consuming to code that)
I model and paint everything in 3ds max
sometimes use a little bit photoshop
so I didn't made the tiles in unity, just load them
glad you like it
if you have more ideas (like the texture paint) just post them
today i'll finish the basic level editor so he automatically makes corners etc,
and a security check so he can't place 2 planes on the same spot
and when that's finished I'll make same props and decals to break tilling
been busy coding for a few days
wont post coding update in new reply since polycount is more for 3d and 2d
so it doesn't need the bump
here is a screenshot from the lvl editor current state
i made a thread on the unityforum where i'll post all of my updates
hope to start moddeling soon again
looking really good, loving the hand-painted textures
really simple yet really effective
Also with the addition to the shadows around the edges of the rocks really makes it stand out alot better
keep up the good work
That's some really strong progress! I like the gear furnace and the railroad tracks.
Also, I'm happy you were inspired by Bastion. Keep drawing from that and I'm sure everything you do will continue to look great.
My only suggestion for now is if you are going for a "Bastion style", I'd pump up the saturation around everything a bit. Bastion has a ton of vibrance and saturation in most of their environments. Then again, I'm not sure if that was your intended visual target or not, so whichever the case, just keep it up!
here is an update
i have been messing the whole day yesterday with writing a unity shader
never did that before so had a lot of problems
but now i can have stronger light and shadows
and more control for the self illumination shader
heres a screengrab with a skillbar painted on it
looks really cool, and congrats on your progress thus far. Your texture painting skills have improved a lot so far. Only concern would be that this level is looking way too similar to Torchlight mines atm. I would at least change up the color scheme cause you will with out doubt be criticized for that, whether you have been influenced by Torchlight or not. Keep up the good work dude!
Nice stuff so far, really geat! Only problems I have is that you have seams in your tilable rock ground texture. Im not sure how you went about making the texture, but I would offset it in Photoshop and fix some of those rocks.
The wall tile dosen't look complete but also dosen't tile with the texture above but I'm sure thats still WIP.
Keep up the great work, I will defo be keeping an eye on this!
haven't done much graphics this week
all coding coding
got a very basic UI now
gave the hero texture an update(also added his hand)
here is a screenshot
zommed in, so you can see how wip some textures still are
but i want gameplay first
Ok not to knock ANYTHING youve done, but on a gameplay perspective I would work out the basic mechanics and gray/white box everything first before spending so much time on art..if you are going to invest time in art invest it in things that you know will always be used in the game. Right now I see a great hand painted scene, what I dont see is any gameplay or design.
Im super impressed you got a functioning level editor and that you can keep a quality of art both this high!
But toss up a basic game play video. Make sure you arent building stuff for no reason. Make a fun game 1st and a pretty game 2nd is the way you should be doing this, not the other way around!
(want proof look at mine craft....game had a solid gameplay mechanic worked out, and had pixel art done, and everyone flips over it...now look at a game like I dunno Spacemarine, and you see a really pretty game, but nothing really fun or intuitive with game design)
here is a webplayer:
i don't have any real gameplay yet
but i'll try to do that now
what you think is the most important thing i should work on next?
i think now :
- a working lvl up,
- skills
i blocked out a few things
items potions gold stats (no models yet)
also have a sound animator blocking out the sounds
now today an animator joined the team
he'll redo my animations
he s using biped so he'll reskin the char
now i m thinking if i should remodel a few things
since he'll reskin the whole thing
ofcourse the longer i spend on this, the longer the animator has to wait
i'll also drop the shirt and use texture blend
that way i wont get skin peeping through my shirt and pants etc
could i get a bit feedback on the form, silhouet of the char, and anatomy
i can easy change the texture, but changing the model once it's rigged might get anoying
i'll give the animator a sliced model for now (so no skinning this way)
i'll use seperate meshes to break the silhouet
like in here http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/22961/multiple-textures-layered-in-a-single-mesh.html
also if there is a place you think needs more (or less ) tris, loops ...
tell me
here is the UV:
256 atm
might resize since i'll paint the clothes in it
dunno if necesary for the blend
gonan have to write a lil shader in unity so i'll see bout that
if you think i need more or less UV, or i waste so much, tell me plz
Hello everyone
i ve been coding for quite a while
and i got most things working
so i can start to create content again
also, my school started again today
and we have a new course this year
game graphics
here we will learn to handpaint textures
i'll post these here if i might use them in my game
these are from in the class
they are a bit raw since we didnt had a lot of time:
here are a few i tried at home
this one is a pattern test
material test
longer material study
quite happy about this one ,took me about 3 times longer then the one above
it looks interesting
here is a update
The ground of the first picture is better than the second one by the way. :-)
And some feedback:
- there's something wrong with the small grass tiles in the second picture.
- The house is fun but it looks strange. I don't feel allot of depth in it.
you mean the more superior chrono trigger right?
and here is some conceptart
1.5k tris
what you need is a structure more like:
sand with clumps of grass in
grass with the odd stone in ___AND___ grass with muddy patches
stone______________________AND ______________________mud
if you get the blends correct and the mix in each texture right this will give much better blends that look way natural
could you tell me which one please?
i will do that
rigged and skinned the engineer
here is the latest texture :
should i go with lighting(right) or just flat diffuse(left)
or should i change the lighting
here is the concept for the next 3d model
its a mine rail car (kind of waypoint system)
this is the startplace at the surface, sort of steam driven elevator
if you do quest x for the engineer you unlock this
2k tris
1024x1024 atm, might scale down to 512
did a small overpaint
if anyone has tips to make things "read" better
i would love to hear them
atm i have the feeling its sometimes to chaotic
yesterday i did a small test to see if i could animate the uv in unity, but he ingnores it so had to find a solution to animate the rope,
i did not wanted to code it in unity so i took 18 planes and rigged and wired them so that they would loop, or stretch, at the desired moment
took me 4 hours untill it was correct
also while i was at it i decided to also wire my already basic rig
now al the gears connect and don't rotate separate
now the rigging is done, i can get back to texturing
(also textured a little bit more, the rail stop sign, and the rails (they got a lil upgrade)
(the gears sometimes seem to spin weird/backwards,
thats because the framerate of the gif is way lower then normal )
spiral knight looks great, thx for the link
bastion was the reason why i started this game
first i was going to paint all the props and the enviroment just like bastion, but in the end decided to do it in 3d
im trying to create a kind of giant dungeon
the thing i am making now is a kind of entrance to several places
kinda like a teleporter
here is one of the first concept art pictures:
i thought i already posted it
maybe the furnace behind the mine and the stuff around it could use some light coming from below painted on them
will be following, keep it up
and then compare it to other props and enviroment things when i have a few of those
I have the feeling that it is getting a little bit to realistic
have to make some more things to compare
4348 tris total
T:270 tris
I: 62 tris
L: 110 tris
U: 136 tris
they all have the same texture map 256x256
Looking forward to seeing more
Keep on dude .
I was stuck on the terrain in unity
so was looking for something else
did a bit research and decide to make custom tiles
I modeled and uvd the mine tiles
today I finished them and started texturing
i uvd everything on 1 1024x1024, might scale that down
its grey so i can decide the color in unity
here are a few screenshots
(they are supposed to tile in every direction, including left on bottom etc, but there still are small seams)
a few updates:
high contrast
low contrast (i think this will read better in the game)
it probably looks very boring
but it ll come in handy soon
it's a basic level editor
with intuitive controls and dummy proof
now it only supports just plane tiles
everything is already loaded, but not placed yet
i plane to use this to quickly create a lot of rooms
then i can use a script to randomly place those rooms
then every time you play you get a different map
also quick question are you now able to paint over the tiles you made in unity like when you paint your textures in the environment editor?
I model and paint everything in 3ds max
sometimes use a little bit photoshop
so I didn't made the tiles in unity, just load them
glad you like it
if you have more ideas (like the texture paint) just post them
today i'll finish the basic level editor so he automatically makes corners etc,
and a security check so he can't place 2 planes on the same spot
and when that's finished I'll make same props and decals to break tilling
been busy coding for a few days
wont post coding update in new reply since polycount is more for 3d and 2d
so it doesn't need the bump
here is a screenshot from the lvl editor current state
i made a thread on the unityforum where i'll post all of my updates
hope to start moddeling soon again
stopped coding the level editor, and started creating a level
really simple yet really effective
Also with the addition to the shadows around the edges of the rocks really makes it stand out alot better
keep up the good work
Also, I'm happy you were inspired by Bastion. Keep drawing from that and I'm sure everything you do will continue to look great.
My only suggestion for now is if you are going for a "Bastion style", I'd pump up the saturation around everything a bit. Bastion has a ton of vibrance and saturation in most of their environments. Then again, I'm not sure if that was your intended visual target or not, so whichever the case, just keep it up!
i have been messing the whole day yesterday with writing a unity shader
never did that before so had a lot of problems
but now i can have stronger light and shadows
and more control for the self illumination shader
heres a screengrab with a skillbar painted on it
The wall tile dosen't look complete but also dosen't tile with the texture above but I'm sure thats still WIP.
Keep up the great work, I will defo be keeping an eye on this!
all coding coding
got a very basic UI now
gave the hero texture an update(also added his hand)
here is a screenshot
zommed in, so you can see how wip some textures still are
but i want gameplay first
Looks really amazing, cant wait to see more
must say the hand-painted textures are really coming along
Keep it up
Im super impressed you got a functioning level editor and that you can keep a quality of art both this high!
But toss up a basic game play video. Make sure you arent building stuff for no reason. Make a fun game 1st and a pretty game 2nd is the way you should be doing this, not the other way around!
(want proof look at mine craft....game had a solid gameplay mechanic worked out, and had pixel art done, and everyone flips over it...now look at a game like I dunno Spacemarine, and you see a really pretty game, but nothing really fun or intuitive with game design)
i don't have any real gameplay yet
but i'll try to do that now
what you think is the most important thing i should work on next?
i think now :
- a working lvl up,
- skills
webplayer (9mb 19/08/2012):
i blocked out a few things
items potions gold stats (no models yet)
also have a sound animator blocking out the sounds
now today an animator joined the team
he'll redo my animations
he s using biped so he'll reskin the char
now i m thinking if i should remodel a few things
since he'll reskin the whole thing
ofcourse the longer i spend on this, the longer the animator has to wait
i'll also drop the shirt and use texture blend
that way i wont get skin peeping through my shirt and pants etc
could i get a bit feedback on the form, silhouet of the char, and anatomy
i can easy change the texture, but changing the model once it's rigged might get anoying
i'll give the animator a sliced model for now (so no skinning this way)
i'll use seperate meshes to break the silhouet
like in here
also if there is a place you think needs more (or less ) tris, loops ...
tell me
here is the UV:
256 atm
might resize since i'll paint the clothes in it
dunno if necesary for the blend
gonan have to write a lil shader in unity so i'll see bout that
if you think i need more or less UV, or i waste so much, tell me plz
i ve been coding for quite a while
and i got most things working
so i can start to create content again
also, my school started again today
and we have a new course this year
game graphics
here we will learn to handpaint textures
i'll post these here if i might use them in my game
these are from in the class
they are a bit raw since we didnt had a lot of time:
this one is a pattern test
material test
longer material study
quite happy about this one ,took me about 3 times longer then the one above