I just watched the live presentation of ZombiU and it would seem its basically a AAA version of the Day Z concept, although no news on multiplayer just yet... will post the gameplay video when it comes online

It would seem like the Wii U might actually have a game worth buying the system for... They mentioned leveling your character down certain paths (I'm assuming similar to Skyrim) as well as only having one life (Diablo 2/Day Z).
It looks AWESOME!
Its in London as well! Woho! Its about time the UK got some love!
Cinematic Trailer
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPHPd1EP_c8"]ZombiU - Trailer - E3 2012 - YouTube[/ame]
Gameplay Prototype Trailer
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X63TAlYxr0o"]ZombiU - E3 2012 Gameplay Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
lol at the Queens guard on fire. They captured the English weather alright with the rain. :P
Also: " Players will control a survivor, who can potentially die and turn into one of the infected. If a players character becomes infected, they will respawn as a new survivor, but their previous items will be gone. In order to regain them, the player must now hunt down and kill their previous character turned zombie."
Sounds awesome.
Sounds AMAZING and the only reason I would want a WiiU
I have to agree that the title is terrible though.
watched the gametrailers demo and permadeath, no checkpoints, open world mission based gameplay. I LIKE IT!
Anyone know what engine this is running on?
I'll stick with DayZ for now, but if I get a WiiU I'd give this a try.
I actually got interested in WiiU now.
Gameplay looks interesting as well. Like a more interactive L4D. Hopefully the multi-player is good.
laugh the F out loud! HAHAHA
Looking awesome!
so if i want in, i'l have to get a Wii, and a WiiU?
Only a WiiU, it's a whole new system not a peripheral.
Nintendos obvious marketing problem right there :P, I mean, the 3ds is just a tiny new version of the DS right?
The other way around, this game is supposedly persistent compared to other games, meaning when you die the world doesn't reset, you just start a new character.
I still believe you can save your progress though, just not reload when you die.