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[ZBrush] White seam after pick up from projection master

polycounter lvl 14
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mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
I have a 8192^2 texture I'm using for CG work. The canvas is quite large as well. I use the projection master and zapplink to texture it in Photoshop, but when I pick it up again in ZBrush, it gives me white seams near the edge of -some- borders. I've tried changing the background color of the PSD to match the skin tone, but I still get the seams. Fix seam in the Texture Map menu doesn't seem (hah) to do anything, but antialiasing it does a little. No matter how many times I bring it into photoshop, I can't paint it out.

Can someone please explain what is going on here? Any suggestions would be great... I'm so close to finishing this project!


  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Actually, it probably has to do with my uv borders. I set UV map border to 8, but am still experiencing the problem. Is ZBrush updating the texture automatically after I change that setting? Or when does it regenerate the texture map? When I clone?

    Solved: There's a button to apply the UV Adjustment, but that wasn't it. I went into photoshop, got rid of the white, but that created a seam in ZBrush... so I went back into ZBrush and repainted it out with the projection master. Wallah, no more seams.
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