New Quantic Dreams offering. Some nice realtime cinematic stuff. Story perhaps a little cliche. Protagonist with psychic powers on the run from the authorities. Possible government experiment - that old chestnut.
[ame=""]BEYOND: Two Souls ? E3 Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
Makes sense why NaughtyDog had to change the face of their character now, also nice to see them getting real actors in their games. Acting was always a hit or miss thing in Quantics games
BEYOND: Two Souls ? E3 Trailer - YouTube
Makes sense why NaughtyDog had to change the face of their character now, also nice to see them getting real actors in their games. Acting was always a hit or miss thing in Quantics games
Thanks for the youtube embed. Was struggling to find a decent quality vid on there.
Yes I've never felt their writing was particularly strong either. Still I appreciate the fact that, gameplay-wise, they are trying to do something a bit different from the shooting gallery that this industry seems to thrive on.
Ha, I didn't hear about ND changing their girls face. I was thinking they might be in for some trouble when I saw Beyond though.
This looks neat, but They didn't really show much acting considering Ellen Page is a big selling point. Also, as strange dave said, they need something else to grab me story wise. Creepy 'save yourselves run' girl with psychic powers are kinda done to death to a bad sy-fy channel movie point.
Ha, I didn't hear about ND changing their girls face. I was thinking they might be in for some trouble when I saw Beyond though.
They changed it a couple months back, she looks somewhat younger now too. The posters suddenly looked different. My guess is that Quantic let them know they actually have Ellen Page in their game.
I am excited to stop following this game until it comes out. I think that would make the game more enjoyable. I enjoyed Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain, so i am sure they'll do something awesome and different with this game.
From what I got of the trailers she doesn't have "psychic powers" per se., she seems to have some kind of connection to the beyond, hence the name.
She does talk to someone who isn't there.
Ah yes I wondered what that was about. Wasn't quite sure whether they were suggesting she had a multiple personality disorder to go with her psychic powers.
I enjoyed Heavy Rain so I'm looking forward to checking this out. The story might turn out to be more interesting than it seems. Plus, it'd be fun running around as Ellen Page causing destruction
That's what they are talking about. Quantum is using Ellen page as their main actress, shes doing the mocap and voice and stuff. So to get the details on the face, they need to model the face to be just like hers, so the mocap works properly.
Since the old version in Last of us looks like her, people are thinking thats why they changed it. Because it was too much like her
Hopefully Quantic Dream's gets some real writers for this project. Heavy Rain and Indigo Prophecy both had some real bad moments that took me out of the story. This could be huge for big AAA narrative games if it's done right.
I actually dislike that they modeled her likeness closely. It makes me feel like I'm looking at 'Ellen Page in the role of Jodi' instead of just 'Jodi'. For movies it's required to have certain actors because they carry a lot of weight - if they act shit, the movie is shit (or at least slightly less good).
But with games there's no real need to have this very recognizable face across multiple franchises. Keep Drake looking like Drake, sure - but don't go and copypasta his face into, say, Diablo or Mass Effect. Just feels weird.
I actually dislike that they modeled her likeness closely. It makes me feel like I'm looking at 'Ellen Page in the role of Jodi' instead of just 'Jodi'. For movies it's required to have certain actors because they carry a lot of weight - if they act shit, the movie is shit (or at least slightly less good).
But with games there's no real need to have this very recognizable face across multiple franchises. Keep Drake looking like Drake, sure - but don't go and copypasta his face into, say, Diablo or Mass Effect. Just feels weird.
They're using full body capture for her.
This is a personal take, but I think it's important that the industry have this technology, especially narrative driven games. The potential of real actors and their performance being utilized in a game could be huge for the game industry.
The industry is still young when it comes to telling stories and using actor performances (whether its voice or motion capture) but somewhere down the line, there could be real actor's performances being used for a narrative game.
And for a lot of people who aren't into games, the current barrier of the uncanny valley is hard for them to get over and take the medium seriously as one that can tell effective and engaging stories.
Something the industry lacks too are visible stars on screen. Real people involved in the on screen perfomance can be the way for people to get over that.
Not to mention, creatively, it allows more people who are more interested in performance to get into the industry, which could lead other creative people coming as well.
Now do I think Beyond can do all that? No. I have my doubts with Quantic Dreams and their writing style. If anything this could be a baby step. If it is received well though, it could be a big baby step. But I think it's important going forward for the industry that a game like this, with a prominent actor/actress be done well, and be recieved well, if games want to be an option in media for telling engaging visual stories.
Or you know, it could just be a pile of crap like something else....
I dunno, call me jaded but all this heavy handed Hollywood actor stuff just reminds me of FMV games. Where there's more cutscenes, and less actual game. I'm looking at you LA Noire!
It doesn't really get me more pulled into the game...if anything I become less involved and more of a spectator than a gamer.
Besides that the mo-cap and graphics look spiffy.
I always think of it like this. What if Alyx Vance from Half Life 2 was made using full body and motion scanning? A realistic looking character to interact with in real time.
I'm not a fan of FMV's either. Games are just starting to figure out ways of telling stories within the medium, creating it's own visual language, like films had to figure out. Maybe one day there will be less cut scenes and more dynamic, scripted elements that engage the player/audience.
BNights : If Alyx had been made with full body scanning ... Valve would likely have had less time to focus on making HL2 a great game
I'll have to agree I am with Parnell on this one. Looking past the esthetic and technical achievements I cannot see myself being excited for games like this. "Press X to dodge!"
I actually loved Indigo Prophecy back then ... but I feel like this kind of game is getting old real fast, and indeed, looking more and more like FMV CDi "games".
Bah Swizz, can't tell if you're joking or not... but lets get some of your work at this res and see if we can't spot the imperfections as well :P (or any of our work for that matter)... but I think you're trolling so don't get angry at me :P
I'm personally pumped, but I also think it's going to be Heavy Rain 2.0 = Great cut scenes, crap ass gameplay... which is more then fine with me since we don't get too many games like this. I'm more interested to see how much they've learned when it comes to story telling from past experiences (Heavy Rain etc.).
I get what you're saying about in-game actors and mainstream appeal, but I'd prefer it if they did it like with Harry Potter; that used (relatively) unknown or at least unrecognizable actors, which meant you saw the character, not the actor.
Dumbledore is unrecognizable without his long flowing beard. And the trio of kids had never been in a movie before.
Anyway I'll just keep it at this (hopefully I've not derailed the thread too much): there are merits and downsides to both having and not having recognizable actors, and in my opinion this game would benefit more from lacking recognizable actors.
Makes sense why NaughtyDog had to change the face of their character now, also nice to see them getting real actors in their games. Acting was always a hit or miss thing in Quantics games
Thanks for the youtube embed. Was struggling to find a decent quality vid on there.
Yes I've never felt their writing was particularly strong either. Still I appreciate the fact that, gameplay-wise, they are trying to do something a bit different from the shooting gallery that this industry seems to thrive on.
This looks neat, but They didn't really show much acting considering Ellen Page is a big selling point. Also, as strange dave said, they need something else to grab me story wise. Creepy 'save yourselves run' girl with psychic powers are kinda done to death to a bad sy-fy channel movie point.
She does talk to someone who isn't there.
They changed it a couple months back, she looks somewhat younger now too. The posters suddenly looked different. My guess is that Quantic let them know they actually have Ellen Page in their game.
Ah yes I wondered what that was about. Wasn't quite sure whether they were suggesting she had a multiple personality disorder to go with her psychic powers.
Ellen Page = Juno....
That's what they are talking about. Quantum is using Ellen page as their main actress, shes doing the mocap and voice and stuff. So to get the details on the face, they need to model the face to be just like hers, so the mocap works properly.
Since the old version in Last of us looks like her, people are thinking thats why they changed it. Because it was too much like her
Quantic Dream's new game looks pretty interesting. The graphics will be amazing at the very least.I look forward to seeing more of it.
Ah ok, I haven't really read much about the game or characters so didn't know, woops :poly136:
I think more like the chick from Inception, personally.... XD
But with games there's no real need to have this very recognizable face across multiple franchises. Keep Drake looking like Drake, sure - but don't go and copypasta his face into, say, Diablo or Mass Effect. Just feels weird.
They're using full body capture for her.
This is a personal take, but I think it's important that the industry have this technology, especially narrative driven games. The potential of real actors and their performance being utilized in a game could be huge for the game industry.
The industry is still young when it comes to telling stories and using actor performances (whether its voice or motion capture) but somewhere down the line, there could be real actor's performances being used for a narrative game.
And for a lot of people who aren't into games, the current barrier of the uncanny valley is hard for them to get over and take the medium seriously as one that can tell effective and engaging stories.
Something the industry lacks too are visible stars on screen. Real people involved in the on screen perfomance can be the way for people to get over that.
Not to mention, creatively, it allows more people who are more interested in performance to get into the industry, which could lead other creative people coming as well.
Now do I think Beyond can do all that? No. I have my doubts with Quantic Dreams and their writing style. If anything this could be a baby step. If it is received well though, it could be a big baby step. But I think it's important going forward for the industry that a game like this, with a prominent actor/actress be done well, and be recieved well, if games want to be an option in media for telling engaging visual stories.
Or you know, it could just be a pile of crap like something else....
It doesn't really get me more pulled into the game...if anything I become less involved and more of a spectator than a gamer.
Besides that the mo-cap and graphics look spiffy.
I'm not a fan of FMV's either. Games are just starting to figure out ways of telling stories within the medium, creating it's own visual language, like films had to figure out. Maybe one day there will be less cut scenes and more dynamic, scripted elements that engage the player/audience.
I'll have to agree I am with Parnell on this one. Looking past the esthetic and technical achievements I cannot see myself being excited for games like this. "Press X to dodge!"
I actually loved Indigo Prophecy back then ... but I feel like this kind of game is getting old real fast, and indeed, looking more and more like FMV CDi "games".
Wait and see ...
I really want to see some creative gameplay among the amazing graphics and heavy story
2/10 would not bang
I'm personally pumped, but I also think it's going to be Heavy Rain 2.0 = Great cut scenes, crap ass gameplay... which is more then fine with me since we don't get too many games like this. I'm more interested to see how much they've learned when it comes to story telling from past experiences (Heavy Rain etc.).
I'm excited to "play" this
That doesn't mean the in-game model has to look like a carbon copy of her.
I get what you're saying about in-game actors and mainstream appeal, but I'd prefer it if they did it like with Harry Potter; that used (relatively) unknown or at least unrecognizable actors, which meant you saw the character, not the actor.
Dumbledore is unrecognizable without his long flowing beard. And the trio of kids had never been in a movie before.
Anyway I'll just keep it at this (hopefully I've not derailed the thread too much): there are merits and downsides to both having and not having recognizable actors, and in my opinion this game would benefit more from lacking recognizable actors.