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Dead Space 3

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HitmonInfinity polycounter lvl 11
They seem to be moving away from survival horror and more towards action. While most of the fans appear to be bothered by this, I'm actually pretty cool with it. I still thought Dead Space 2 was scary, but the story didn't do it for me. Cooperative "shoot em up" just might be what the series needs.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7F2HrwobFY"]Dead Space 3 - E3 2012: Debut Trailer[/ame]





  • HitmonInfinity
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Problem for me is that going the coop route takes away that survival feel, makes you feel less vulnerable and you obviously feel less scared.
    Now there's gonna be no need to watch your own back, since you can cover each other, removing all that atmosphere they created in the first game.
  • Pangahas
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    Pangahas polycounter lvl 10
    Well unless they have missions or levels that would require players to split up to activate buttons on opposite side of the map simultaneously something like that or be side by side with a bulletproof transparent wall separating them.It would be interesting how it would be in a situation wherein you could see ur coop teamate is being attacke(or heard over comm) and there's nothing really you can do to help him.Makes you feel vulnerable especially when ur friend is taken down
  • HitmonInfinity
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    HitmonInfinity polycounter lvl 11
    Here's an interesting perspective on how to keep cooperative gameplay scary:

  • Pangahas
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    Pangahas polycounter lvl 10
    wah exactly what I had in mind.Now I would like to see that implemented in a game..
  • HitmonInfinity
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    HitmonInfinity polycounter lvl 11
    Lots of gameplay:


    The more I see... the more I think I'll just be playing DS3 for some cool visuals and that's about it :(
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Lots of gameplay:


    The more I see... the more I think I'll just be playing DS3 for some cool visuals and that's about it :(

    Yea... as much as i want to get excited for this... i just don't see any reason for it.... more action.. less horror... more wise ass Isaac, instead of him being a very disturbed survivor. I see more action oriented AI... which means you will prbly get more ammo to dispatch them... which means, less emphasis on placing your shots and being smart.

    I do love the tech behind the game, and how the game looks. Very impressive stuff.

    Amm... kind of a turn off the quicktime events. Oh well...
  • HitmonInfinity
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    HitmonInfinity polycounter lvl 11
    glottis8 wrote: »
    Yea... as much as i want to get excited for this... i just don't see any reason for it.... more action.. less horror... more wise ass Isaac, instead of him being a very disturbed survivor.

    Yeah, I noticed that as well. A few more things bothering me:

    1. Issac is still babbling about a girl. First it was his dead gf, now it's Ellie.
    2. Killing non-infected humans just feels weird to see in a Dead Space game.
    3. The executive producer seems way different this time around. He doesn't even seem excited to show the game off.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15

    I think everyone should watch this part. Its Super Awesome and spine tingling.......
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    It doesn't look that bad, although it seems like they lost the Geiger designs for more generic looking monsters, and the humor turned on to 11 vs. Isaac being a Psycho after the trauma or a tortured soul.

    Also, what's about with shooting zombies? Between EA, Capcom and Activision, why must all zombies be shooters? Since when did they learn to use guns?

    Also, is it only me, or does EA seem to like publishing only games that have Godrays and Bloom in your eyes during important events? That boss fight near the end mark of the video was ridiculous to say the least, with the flares and all.
  • vik
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    vik polycounter lvl 13
    I think I will give this a pass then thanks EA. The trailer alone killed the little enthusiasm I got left for the franchise.

    Loved the first one, one of my favourite games ever and there aren`t many new games nowadays that manage to get on that list.

    Sadly for me, DS2 already moved quite a bit away from the horror survival aspect towards more action and the game suffered for it imo.

    But it did seem to get popular with the more casual market than the first. In that line of thought EA is doing the right thing financially making the next game Gears of Space 3 rather than the apparently niche survival horror. Also the main idea guy behind the game left EA after the first game which may also explain why it wasn`t nearly as good.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Stick a needle in your eye?
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DO_-NcEjW7g"]Dead Space Audio - Tram Station - YouTube[/ame]

    That sums up Dead Space 1 to me whereas 2 and 3 are more "Pew pew, we don't care about horror anymore." A shame really as I consider 1 to be a brilliant step in the right direction especially since RE games have also gone the way of action.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    hehe... in the video Autocon shared even the co op guy asks the guy what to do next, and his reply is that he "works" on ships. This is kinda like Half Life. You don't get Gordon being any different, there is a constant and you as the player define that character with your gameplay and what is going on in the world. To me, this seems more like they define it for you but not in a good way. Really... at least for me... i want more horror, psychological thrill than action "pew pew" gun shooting bonanza.

    I am sure the game will look great, and i'll still keep it in mind. But i wish they would remain on the dead space 1 feel, than iterate on something that the first one was not.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Yeah, I was kinda disappointed about the second game, as there was less focus on the horror and much more on the action. All the 'scary' moments was the typical, WAAA MONSTER COMING AT YOU WAAA WAAA moments, the shock effect of loud sounds and such, no creepy moments.
  • System
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    System admin
    It's funny that I found the most eerie section of Dead space 2 to be revisiting the ship from Dead space 1, one of the few moments where I found myself anticipating something that never came...

    Oh well, theres always Amnesia.
  • TheMadArtist
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    Love some of those costume designs. Getting John Carpenter's the Thing vibes with the snowy environment. Still have yet to play through the second one. need to get on that.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    pretty hefty gameplay video, it's basically the GT-TV episode without Geoff Keighley and... universal ammo :(

  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    sooo... universal ammo? eh? its officially an action adventure game now :D


    quoted from RPS article here:


    "A cover system suggests less up close face mauling and more projectile-flinging opponents, universal ammo could mean much more running and gunning, and the whole setup seems even further from the first game’s claustrophobic menace. I enjoyed Dead Space 2 but couldn’t help thinking, “Aha, so this time it’s war, eh?” Well, this time it may well be warrier."
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    Getting John Carpenter's the Thing vibes with the snowy environment.

    Got that too. I wouldn't be surprised if that was some form of inspiration.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    vik wrote: »
    the next game Gears of Space 3

    ...until a new one comes along (did somebody say Amnesia? wassup with the sequel?)
  • HitmonInfinity
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    HitmonInfinity polycounter lvl 11
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uf4Hb9fsR3U"]DEAD SPACE 3 Behind The Scenes Preview - YouTube[/ame]
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    hhmm Thanks for the heads up HitmonInfinity.

    I remember DS2 to be unplayable alone after 8 pm so much it was scary. This is going to be lots of fun.
  • The Mad Artist
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    The Mad Artist polycounter lvl 13
    Anyone else going to be getting this in a couple of weeks? I played through the demo last night, and I gotta say, if anyone had any worries about it not being "dead spacey" enough you needn't worry. The atmosphere, the tension, it's all there (I even yelled "oh fuck" when the first necromorph charged me from the snow). If the demo is any indication, there's a nice balance of all the best elements of the franchise.

    And hats off to the artists that worked on it, it might be one the best looking games of this generation.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    I will get 2 copies, but not right now because i have too many games to finish :)
  • wasker
  • The Mad Artist
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    The Mad Artist polycounter lvl 13
    wasker wrote: »

    About that, from game informer:

    "Tim is reviewing Dead Space 3, and he says that resources have never been an issue for him in the game. If anything, he says he's had a surplus of crafting materials. Think of these as shortcuts. If you don't want to do a bunch of side missions and you just want to start off with an advantage, you're welcome to do that. Eurogamer spoke with the game's associate producer, who said that even players who fork over the cash won't be able to access the game's higher-level weapons. If you want those, you'll have to actually play the game."
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    About that, from game informer:

    "If you want those, you'll have to actually play the game."

    Fuck that, how dare they, forcing me to play the game, where is the love to the casual player?!!!
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Gave the demo a whirl, campaign is what I expected, which is good, the open environments are a nice change but I will miss the interior claustrophobia if the entire game is like that.

    The weapon crafting was awesome however. Making a six barrelled machine gun or a double plasma cutter was a lot of fun, my only major gripe with it is: I can't hit both the alternate and main fire button at the same time, so if I make a 3 barrelled machine gun with a 3 barrelled machine gun attachment, I cant fire both at the same time :(
    hopefully that's just a demo issue though, otherwise I feel it limits the ability to make ridiculously tunnel visioned weapons.
  • Inhert
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    Inhert polycounter lvl 9
    Skamberin wrote: »
    my only major gripe with it is: I can't hit both the alternate and main fire button at the same time, so if I make a 3 barrelled machine gun with a 3 barrelled machine gun attachment, I cant fire both at the same time :(
    hopefully that's just a demo issue though, otherwise I feel it limits the ability to make ridiculously tunnel visioned weapons.

    That would only make the game less fun if all you are doing is just spraying bullet all over the place. Besides this game is about strategic dismemberment not COD style point and shoot the enemy dies just by pulling the trigger, nope doesn't work like that in this game. Wouldn't that be more of a balancing issue anyways so you don't kill anything in sight within a matter of seconds by using two weapons at once and not shoot around like some noob who doesn't know how to aim so the only other option is to spray bullets around?
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Inhert wrote: »
    That would only make the game less fun if all you are doing is just spraying bullet all over the place. Besides this game is about strategic dismemberment not COD style point and shoot the enemy dies just by pulling the trigger, nope doesn't work like that in this game. Wouldn't that be more of a balancing issue anyways so you don't kill anything in sight within a matter of seconds by using two weapons at once and not shoot around like some noob who doesn't know how to aim so the only other option is to spray bullets around?
    I know how these games work :P
    The point is: Making a weapon this ridiculously op costs a LOT of resources and the investment of making something this crazy should at least be ability to use it for all its worth. Besides, the balancing of the game makes sure that if you make a weapon this crazy, itll take forever to reload, or if you choose to upgrade the reload speed, not do significant damage. I just want to have my fun :p
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    got this last night and spent a couple hours playing co-op with my buddy. pretty good so far, the environments and lighting are fucking awesome, makes me regrett turning down the opportunity to work on this shiznat! then again now i can fully enjoy it as a player :D

    the co-op is pretty smooth and some of the sequences are wickedly cool so far. not as scary as the other ones so far, but has the same uber cool scifi influences all over it and the environment work is second to none, everything is just so well designed and thought out.

    if you want to see some cool scifi shit, check it out!
  • repete
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    repete polycounter lvl 6
    Sums it up pretty well:

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQ77Mbucz5A"]Dead Space 3 Will SUCK! 'MEGA RANT' - YouTube[/ame]
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    I played the first chapter last night. It involved several sequences where I was fighting regular human enemies, and was expected to take cover. I have to say that I didn't like those sequences very much. Dead Space is not well suited to cover-based shooting. The addition of a crouch is the only real concession to this mechanic, as well as the proliferation of chest-high walls. When the necromorphs showed up, it started feeling a bit more like Dead Space. Unfortunately, the necromorphs seem to be considerably faster than in previous games. This makes the combat a bit more frantic, but also makes it much harder to precisely target different body parts, which was one of my favorite parts of the Dead Space control scheme.

    The atmosphere is still what I would want from a Dead Space title, but for the first chapter of the game I have to say that 3 does not live up to 2.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    hahah wow, wonder if that guy have ever gotten laid in his life. call the whaaaaaaambulance.

    game has changed a bit, feels more like broader scifi than horror now but i love the universe and always played these games for the superb environment/lighting work.
  • The Mad Artist
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    The Mad Artist polycounter lvl 13
    It's funny how divided the reviews are, either people absolutely love it, or people that expect it to be "survival horror" (which DS has never really been) are put off by the action.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Dead Space 3 has - at least critically - been met with a great deal of disappointment. On one hand it's a great, polished shooter, on the other it's not exactly very scary. Speaking to NowGamer, the writer for the original Dead Space - Antony Johnston - claims this new approach was necessary for the series to grow.

    "I’m personally a big fan of old-school survival horror," said Johnston, "and that was one of the main reasons I wanted to work on Dead Space. So the greater emphasis on big action in the sequels means they’re not really for me."

    Johnston then added that Dead Space 3's focus on action is "a necessary evil in order to broaden the fan base," admitting that "it’s a very difficult balancing act to pull off. So far, I think Visceral has done an admirable job of maintaining that balance."

    Even early on the plan was to evolve the series, according the Johnston, so the shift in dynamic is hardly a surprise.

    "I know the developers always wanted to go bigger, in terms of scope. And I’ve mentioned before that the universe we created was huge, with lots of elements, which simply didn’t make it into the first game.

    "So to get that story told, to round out the universe, it was inevitable the settings and environments would open out a bit, become a bit more epic in scale." Johnston then added that "otherwise you’d just have the same game on a different ship each time, and that’s pretty dull."

    We can't disagree with him there, but we do miss the frights of the original Dead Space.

  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    I liked the intro tutorial part. Absolutely hated the part of Isaac escaping the city. I don't want to be crouching from enemy soldiers in a Dead Space game. Finally got to the derelict ships and am having fun again. Kind of wish there wasn't Universal Ammo. I enjoyed being forced to use all my guns with limited resources.
  • Inhert
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    Inhert polycounter lvl 9
    ErichWK wrote: »
    I liked the intro tutorial part. Absolutely hated the part of Isaac escaping the city. I don't want to be crouching from enemy soldiers in a Dead Space game. Finally got to the derelict ships and am having fun again. Kind of wish there wasn't Universal Ammo. I enjoyed being forced to use all my guns with limited resources.

    Maybe start out a new game in Hardcore difficulty?
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Inhert wrote: »
    Maybe start out a new game in Hardcore difficulty?

    I will..in due time. I am playing co-op with a buddy, and we kinda like to pad out our gaming time and do 3 or so playthroughs. So I am doing Hard right now. Getting Retro mode unlocked is really appetizing to me...Might have to go for that.
  • Uly
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    Uly polycounter lvl 17
    while I'm enjoying it now that I've hit the meat of the campaign, this game has a lot to be criticized for. I might write up something bigger once I've completed it, but I'm extremely disappointed with the quality of the texturework and designs of many of the environments. while there are bright spots of quality, overall, this game falls miles below DS2 in quality once put under scrutiny. (basically shining your flashlight and looking closely at any wall.)

    what I've been running into is mostly horrible, noisy normal maps with lumpy detail, boxmapped environments with horrible material work that often look more like shag carpet than the rusted wall its supposed to represent, and garish decalwork and horribly normalized textures.

    So far me and my coop buddy have gotten just past the "rotate & connect 2 puzzle". The designer of which deserves to be slapped upside the head. the game is really fantastic from a gameplay standpoint when a combat space is laid out in an interesting way to give both players some unique things to take account of, and I really like the EVA openworld-esque bits too.
  • Uly
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    Uly polycounter lvl 17
    Lil' addendum. I got to the snow planet bit. The art has improved immeasurably and I'm pretty impressed with how neat some of the snow shader stuff is.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    repete wrote: »
    Sums it up pretty well:

    *link to idiot being an idiot*

    Sums up what? How to be an uninformed git trying way to hard to be a critic? Because none of what he says in this video is worth paying attention to, the guy is an idiot.

    Anyway, I've spent 14 hours in the game so far, in coop with a friend on hard (which is too easy) difficulty. In preparation for the games release we both played through Dead Space 1 and 2 and with this third one a very obvious thing became more prevalent: The reason Dead Space games have grown more actiony, is because the main character got better at dealing with them.

    Game 1: It's all new, these things are terrifying, you're an engineer, all you have to use are engineering tools, you're alone, it's scary.

    Game 2: The scale is bigger, you know what to do now, you know how to kill these things, more people are getting mixed in, new alliances formed and new weapons skills acquired.

    Game 3: The logical next step, you can kill a necromorph in your sleep, you have upgraded enough weapons to know how they work inside and out (you're also an engineer, so duh), you're out to finish this.

    And that is what Dead Space 3 has been for me so far, the continuation and growth of the first games gameplay and protagonist.

    Locations are bigger, because the threat is bigger, weapons are more powerful but so are the enemies, the game is less scary because you have already killed enough of these things to build a city of necro-flesh.

    Everyone whining about the game not being scary wanted Dead Space 1 again, go play that. Had they just put Isaac in another damned ship people would blast the game for not doing anything new, and the game would still not be scary because you would already know how to kill these enemies. There would either be jumpscares or tremendous amounts of tension because you'd be alone in some claustrophobic space vessel, and Dead Space 3 has a bunch of those, and they're still tense in co-op.

    Oh and the game is better in coop, the extra missions flesh out Carver and offer some novel ways of player interaction with one player seeing things and enemies that are not there for the other, it's done rather well and it's obvious the game was made with coop in mind first, if people can't accept that, go play alone and shut up.

    The weapon crafting is nice too and is actually having me try out different combinations, unlike in Dead Space 1 and 2 where I stuck with the Plasma Cutter and Force-Gun, simply because they were the best to use.

    The Game isn't without criticism however, as mentioned above some of the visuals are rather sub-par compared to the massive leap between Dead Space 1 and 2. Character animation, especially faces, can be a bit weird and the mummified look of the necromorphs is bland compared to the fleshy ones of the previous games.
    Another issue is the story, which is simply.. bad, and way too rushed for it's scale. I found the personal logs and co-op side-missions to be much better at telling their stories than the overarching plot of the game.

    When all is said and done this game is a logical next step for Dead Space after the setup of Dead Space 2, some parts could have been done better (such as dealing with humans in a hostile environment) but overall I am having a LOT of fun with it.
    It is way better than what some critics are saying, writing it off simply because it didn't scare you as much as the first one is stupid, nothing will ever top what the first in a series does, especially a horror game.

    Now go buy this, grab a friend and have fun, if you don't have friends go play Amnesia and cry into a pillow.
  • The Mad Artist
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    The Mad Artist polycounter lvl 13
    That's a lot of text, ;) , but pretty much how I feel about it. More or less, the game feels like a completely natural evolution of the series in terms of gameplay, scale, the universe itself, etc.

    Not once have I not felt like I was playing a Dead Space game. I think gamers are getting too damn cynical as a whole.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    repete wrote: »

    Who was the Polycounter in the video around the 2:30 mark? ;P
  • slipgatecentral
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    slipgatecentral polycounter lvl 13
    Graphics and lighting don't look as good as they used to be in DS1 and DS2.

    Feels like art team has changed, or some parts has been outsourced, but even in first 5 chapters there's some drastic change in textures quality.

    Don't get me wrong, game still looks and feels badass. I just expected more visual quality. Or maybe it looks alright on consoles with TV, I'm playing on PC, was hoping for better graphics and framerate, like in case with Max Payne or Mass Effect.
  • wasker
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    wasker polycounter lvl 7
    Yeah I agree, I think the game looks much worse than the two previous games in general. It's as if every environment and enemy is covered with a noisy normalmap. There are still some cool set designs in the game but for the most part it's corridors or blizzards with a 2m vision radius.
    Also Isaac has his head exposed to space twice for extended periods of time.. and his body temperature can drop to 0'C without him actually dying. Both of which must be somekind of record.

    I really liked the first two game and I wanted to like the third. But so far, 12 chapters in, I'm pretty dissappointed. Feels like dragon age 2 all over again :/
  • Inhert
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    Inhert polycounter lvl 9
    During the prologue of the game I noticed the design of the SCAF helmet looked similar to what Mike A. Nash's infiltration unit model. Coincidence? Maybe inspired from?
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 13
    I'm actually really enjoying it. I started off not being keen - and the demo did it absolutely no favours - but I'm a decent way in (ch11?) and I'm starting to enjoy it more. The first few chapters were good, on the abandoned space ships - classic dead space!
    Loved the part where I've just powered up a lift, and upon entering it a radio message plays out...

    The opening - shooting those mercs - was bad though. The other two games have such strong introductions, so it was a little disappointing.
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