Hey dear Polycounters!
As the title says, i made this scene inspired by Metro2033 for my portfolio.
My intention was not to make a clone witht he same art and so on, but to take the idea of a postapocalyptic metro station

Well, right now i'm coming to the end (putting everything in the engine, setting the lights...) and i could really use some help.
Since this is my first interior scene ever in CryEngine 3, i have some problems to get the right mood in there.
So, what do you think till now? Maybe it's too dark to see my art?
I hope you can give me some advice/critique on my scene

Thanks a lot in advance!

Can anyone tell me how to add some dust particles to the scene? I did a lot of research but couldn't find anything about it...
Thanks again in advance! ^^
Gonna have a look at making my own system (already searched the particles in database).
In both of these examples, the level designers have only allowed players to see what they want them to see. In the first image, everything past the tower guard is shrouded in darkness. This informs the player that although they cannot see into the darkness, there is obviously something in the shadows that these people need protection from.
The second image plays will lights in another way. You don't know where this light is coming from. Just that it's bright outside. Even so, the room is still filled with dark corners that prevents players from feeling safe. What if something is hiding in this corner? Did I see something move in that corner?
I'm not planning on adding anymore stuff to the scene. It will just be a rendering wo walkthrough.
@zendavis: thanks for the advice! Defenitely gonna change this tomorrow
So here is the final scene (added some decals and changed the lighting a bit).
You can also see the used geometry and textures
The whole scene's polycount is about 170k tris (a bit heavy, i know ^^)
Let me know what you think!